blob: 428677a43764c9b36a52a48f82576b15f3e39a54 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Sample code showing an external tool Python module helper for Saleae Logic 2
# compatible logic analyzer.
# To use it, the Saleae Logic 2 Automation server must be enabled. For more
# information on it, check
import numpy as np
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from saleae import automation
from saleae.automation import (CaptureConfiguration, LogicDeviceConfiguration,
DigitalTriggerCaptureMode, DigitalTriggerType)
def do_collection(device_id, address, port, channel, sample_rate, threshold_volts,
seconds, output_dir):
with automation.Manager.connect(address=address, port=port) as manager:
device_configuration = LogicDeviceConfiguration(
capture_mode = DigitalTriggerCaptureMode(DigitalTriggerType.RISING,
capture_configuration = CaptureConfiguration(capture_mode=capture_mode)
with manager.start_capture(
capture_configuration=capture_configuration) as capture:
def do_analysis(output_dir):
file_name = Path(output_dir) / 'digital.csv'
all_data = np.loadtxt(file_name, delimiter=',', skiprows=1, usecols=0)
# Pre trigger data is negative on CSV
non_negative = all_data[all_data >= 0]
# Last sample is just captured at last moment of capture, not related
# to gpio toggle. Discard it
data = non_negative[:-1]
diff = np.diff(data)
mean = np.mean(diff)
std = np.std(diff)
var = np.var(diff)
minimum = np.min(diff)
maximum = np.max(diff)
total_time = data[-1]
return {'mean': mean, 'stddev': std, 'var': var, 'min': minimum,
'max': maximum, 'total_time': total_time}
# options should be a string of the format:
# [device-id=<device_id>,]port=<saleae_logic2_server_port>,
# channel=<channel_number>,sample-rate=<sample-rate>,
# threshold-volts=<threshold-volts>
def run(seconds, options):
options = [i for p in options.split(',') for i in p.split('=')]
options = dict(zip(options[::2], options[1::2]))
device_id = options.get('device-id')
address = str(options.get('address'))
port = int(options.get('port'))
channel = int(options.get('channel'))
sample_rate = int(options.get('sample-rate'))
threshold_volts = float(options.get('threshold-volts'))
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as output_dir:
output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# Add one second to ensure all data is captured
do_collection(device_id, address, port, channel, sample_rate, threshold_volts,
seconds + 1, output_dir)
return do_analysis(output_dir)