blob: 83f8095989f322b6debbe7a304b472b3cf1922e5 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "armv7-m.dtsi"
#include <inc/hw_memmap.h>
#include <inc/hw_ints.h>
/* Note: Zephyr uses exception numbers, vs the IRQ #s used by the CC3200 SDK */
/* which are offset by 16: */
#define EXP_UARTA0 (INT_UARTA0 - 16)
#define EXP_UARTA1 (INT_UARTA1 - 16)
/ {
cpus {
cpu@0 {
compatible = "arm,cortex-m4";
sram0: memory {
compatible = "sram";
reg = <0x20004000 0x3C000>;
flash0: serial-flash {
compatible = "serial-flash";
reg = <0x0 0x80000>;
soc {
uart0: uart@UARTA0_BASE {
compatible = "ti,cc32xx-uart";
reg = <UARTA0_BASE 0x4c>;
interrupts = <EXP_UARTA0>;
zephyr,irq-prio = <3>;
baud-rate = <115200>;
status = "disabled";
uart1: uart@UARTA1_BASE {
compatible = "ti,cc32xx-uart";
reg = <UARTA1_BASE 0x4c>;
interrupts = <EXP_UARTA1>;
zephyr,irq-prio = <3>;
baud-rate = <115200>;
status = "disabled";
&nvic {
num-irq-prio-bits = <3>;
num-irqs = <179>;