blob: 9e03e319eb314cab41f87e08bb54793f9de1df20 [file] [log] [blame]
Title: Offload to the Kernel Service Fiber
This test verifies that the microkernel task_offload_to_fiber() API operates as
This test has two tasks that increment a counter. The routine that
increments the counter is invoked from _k_server() due to the two tasks
calling task_offload_to_fiber(). The final result of the counter is expected
to be the the number of times task_offload_to_fiber() was called to increment
the counter as the incrementing was done in the context of _k_server().
This is done with time slicing both disabled and enabled to ensure that the
result always matches the number of times task_offload_to_fiber() is called.
Building and Running Project:
This microkernel project outputs to the console. It can be built and executed
on QEMU as follows:
make qemu
Problems caused by out-dated project information can be addressed by
issuing one of the following commands then rebuilding the project:
make clean # discard results of previous builds
# but keep existing configuration info
make pristine # discard results of previous builds
# and restore pre-defined configuration info
Sample Output:
tc_start() - Test Microkernel Critical Section API
Obtained expected <criticalVar> value of 10209055
Enabling time slicing ...
Obtained expected <criticalVar> value of 15123296
PASS - RegressionTask.