blob: d88b63e7a5732f58d7c4852df8ba29a9325db403 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief IA-32 specific nanokernel interface header
* This header contains the IA-32 specific nanokernel interface. It is included
* by the generic nanokernel interface header (nanokernel.h)
#ifndef _ARCH_IFACE_H
#define _ARCH_IFACE_H
#include <arch/x86/asm_inline.h>
/* APIs need to support non-byte addressable architectures */
* Not meant to be used explicitly by platform, driver or application code.
#define MK_ISR_NAME(x) __isr__##x
/* interrupt/exception/error related definitions */
#define _INT_STUB_SIZE 0x2b
* Performance optimization
* Macro PERF_OPT is defined if project is compiled with option other than
* size optimization ("-Os" for GCC, "-XO -Xsize-opt" for Diab). If the
* last of the compiler options is the size optimization, PERF_OPT is not
* defined and the project is optimized for size, hence the stub should be
* aligned to 1 and not 16.
#ifdef PERF_OPT
#define _INT_STUB_ALIGN 16
#define _INT_STUB_ALIGN 1
* Floating point register set alignment.
* If support for SSEx extensions is enabled a 16 byte boundary is required,
* since the 'fxsave' and 'fxrstor' instructions require this. In all other
* cases a 4 byte boundary is sufficient.
#define FP_REG_SET_ALIGN 16
#define FP_REG_SET_ALIGN 4
* The TCS must be aligned to the same boundary as that used by the floating
* point register set. This applies even for threads that don't initially
* use floating point, since it is possible to enable floating point support
* later on.
typedef unsigned char __aligned(_INT_STUB_ALIGN) NANO_INT_STUB[_INT_STUB_SIZE];
typedef struct s_isrList {
/** Address of ISR/stub */
void *fnc;
/** IRQ associated with the ISR/stub */
unsigned int irq;
/** Priority associated with the IRQ */
unsigned int priority;
/** Vector number associated with ISR/stub */
unsigned int vec;
/** Privilege level associated with ISR/stub */
unsigned int dpl;
* @brief Connect a routine to an interrupt vector
* This macro "connects" the specified routine, @a r, to the specified interrupt
* vector, @a v using the descriptor privilege level @a d. On the IA-32
* architecture, an interrupt vector is a value from 0 to 255. This macro
* populates the special intList section with the address of the routine, the
* vector number and the descriptor privilege level. The genIdt tool then picks
* up this information and generates an actual IDT entry with this information
* properly encoded. This macro replaces the _IntVecSet () routine in static
* interrupt systems.
* The @a d argument specifies the privilege level for the interrupt-gate
* descriptor; (hardware) interrupts and exceptions should specify a level of 0,
* whereas handlers for user-mode software generated interrupts should specify 3.
* @param r Routine to be connected
* @param n IRQ number
* @param p IRQ priority
* @param v Interrupt Vector
* @param d Descriptor Privilege Level
* @return N/A
#define NANO_CPU_INT_REGISTER(r, n, p, v, d) \
ISR_LIST __attribute__((section(".intList"))) MK_ISR_NAME(r) = \
{&r, n, p, v, d}
* @brief Declare a dynamic interrupt stub
* Macro to declare a dynamic interrupt stub. Using the macro places the stub
* in the .intStubSection which is located in the image according to the kernel
* configuration.
* @param s Stub to be declared
* @brief Connect a routine to interrupt number
* For the device @a device associates IRQ number @a irq with priority
* @a priority with the interrupt routine @a isr, that receives parameter
* @a parameter.
* @param device Device
* @param irq IRQ number
* @param priority IRQ Priority (currently ignored)
* @param isr Interrupt Service Routine
* @param parameter ISR parameter
* @return N/A
#define IRQ_CONNECT_STATIC(device, irq, priority, isr, parameter) \
const uint32_t _##device##_int_vector = INT_VEC_IRQ0 + (irq); \
extern void *_##device##_##isr##_stub; \
NANO_CPU_INT_REGISTER(_##device##_##isr##_stub, (irq), (priority), \
INT_VEC_IRQ0 + (irq), 0)
* @brief Configure interrupt for the device
* For the given device do the necessary configuration steps.
* For x86 platform configure APIC and mark interrupt vector allocated
* @param device Device
* @param irq IRQ
* @return N/A
#define IRQ_CONFIG(device, irq) \
do { \
_SysIntVecProgram(_##device##_int_vector, irq); \
_IntVecMarkAllocated(_##device##_int_vector); \
} while (0)
* @brief Nanokernel Exception Stack Frame
* A pointer to an "exception stack frame" (ESF) is passed as an argument
* to exception handlers registered via nanoCpuExcConnect(). When an exception
* occurs while PL=0, then only the EIP, CS, and EFLAGS are pushed onto the stack.
* The least significant pair of bits in the CS value should be examined to
* determine whether the exception occurred while PL=3, in which case the ESP
* and SS values will also be present in the ESF. If the exception occurred
* while in PL=0, neither the SS nor ESP values will be present in the ESF.
* The exception stack frame includes the volatile registers EAX, ECX, and EDX
* pushed on the stack by _ExcEnt().
* It also contains the value of CR2, used when the exception is a page fault.
* Since that register is shared amongst threads of execution, it might get
* overwritten if another thread is context-switched in and then itself
* page-faults before the first thread has time to read CR2.
* If configured for host-based debug tools such as GDB, the 4 non-volatile
* registers (EDI, ESI, EBX, EBP) are also pushed by _ExcEnt()
* for use by the debug tools.
typedef struct nanoEsf {
/** putting cr2 here allows discarding it and pEsf in one instruction */
unsigned int cr2;
unsigned int ebp;
unsigned int ebx;
unsigned int esi;
unsigned int edi;
#endif /* CONFIG_GDB_INFO */
unsigned int edx;
unsigned int ecx;
unsigned int eax;
unsigned int errorCode;
unsigned int eip;
unsigned int cs;
unsigned int eflags;
unsigned int esp;
unsigned int ss;
* @brief Nanokernel "interrupt stack frame" (ISF)
* An "interrupt stack frame" (ISF) as constructed by the processor
* and the interrupt wrapper function _IntExit(). When an interrupt
* occurs while PL=0, only the EIP, CS, and EFLAGS are pushed onto the stack.
* The least significant pair of bits in the CS value should be examined to
* determine whether the exception occurred while PL=3, in which case the ESP
* and SS values will also be present in the ESF. If the exception occurred
* while in PL=0, neither the SS nor ESP values will be present in the ISF.
* The interrupt stack frame includes the volatile registers EAX, ECX, and EDX
* pushed on the stack by _IntExit()..
* The host-based debug tools such as GDB do not require the 4 non-volatile
* registers (EDI, ESI, EBX, EBP) to be preserved during an interrupt.
* The register values saved/restored by _Swap() called from _IntExit() are
* sufficient.
typedef struct nanoIsf {
unsigned int edx;
unsigned int ecx;
unsigned int eax;
unsigned int eip;
unsigned int cs;
unsigned int eflags;
unsigned int esp;
unsigned int ss;
#endif /* !_ASMLANGUAGE */
* Reason codes passed to both _NanoFatalErrorHandler()
* and _SysFatalErrorHandler().
/** Unhandled exception/interrupt */
/** Page fault */
#define _NANO_ERR_PAGE_FAULT (1)
/** General protection fault */
/** Invalid task exit */
/** Stack corruption detected */
/** Kernel Allocation Failure */
static inline unsigned int irq_lock(void) { return 1; }
static inline void irq_unlock(unsigned int key) {}
#else /* CONFIG_NO_ISRS */
void _int_latency_start(void);
void _int_latency_stop(void);
* @brief Disable all interrupts on the CPU (inline)
* This routine disables interrupts. It can be called from either interrupt,
* task or fiber level. This routine returns an architecture-dependent
* lock-out key representing the "interrupt disable state" prior to the call;
* this key can be passed to irq_unlock() to re-enable interrupts.
* The lock-out key should only be used as the argument to the irq_unlock()
* API. It should never be used to manually re-enable interrupts or to inspect
* or manipulate the contents of the source register.
* This function can be called recursively: it will return a key to return the
* state of interrupt locking to the previous level.
* Invoking a kernel routine with interrupts locked may result in
* interrupts being re-enabled for an unspecified period of time. If the
* called routine blocks, interrupts will be re-enabled while another
* thread executes, or while the system is idle.
* The "interrupt disable state" is an attribute of a thread. Thus, if a
* fiber or task disables interrupts and subsequently invokes a kernel
* routine that causes the calling thread to block, the interrupt
* disable state will be restored when the thread is later rescheduled
* for execution.
* @return An architecture-dependent lock-out key representing the
* "interrupt disable state" prior to the call.
static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) unsigned int irq_lock(void)
unsigned int key = _do_irq_lock();
return key;
* @brief Enable all interrupts on the CPU (inline)
* This routine re-enables interrupts on the CPU. The @a key parameter
* is an architecture-dependent lock-out key that is returned by a previous
* invocation of irq_lock().
* This routine can be called from either interrupt, task or fiber level.
* @return N/A
static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void irq_unlock(unsigned int key)
if (!(key & 0x200)) {
#endif /* CONFIG_NO_ISRS */
/** interrupt/exception/error related definitions */
typedef void (*NANO_EOI_GET_FUNC) (void *);
* The NANO_SOFT_IRQ macro must be used as the value for the @a irq parameter
* to irq_connect() when connecting to a software generated interrupt.
#define NANO_SOFT_IRQ ((unsigned int) (-1))
/* Definitions for the 'options' parameter to the fiber_fiber_start() API */
/** thread uses floating point unit */
#define USE_FP 0x10
/** thread uses SSEx instructions */
#define USE_SSE 0x20
#endif /* CONFIG_SSE */
#endif /* CONFIG_FP_SHARING */
extern int irq_connect(unsigned int irq,
unsigned int priority,
void (*routine)(void *parameter),
void *parameter);
* @brief Enable a specific IRQ
* @param irq IRQ
extern void irq_enable(unsigned int irq);
* @brief Disable a specific IRQ
* @param irq IRQ
extern void irq_disable(unsigned int irq);
* @brief Enable floating point hardware resources sharing
* Dynamically enable/disable the capability of a thread to share floating
* point hardware resources. The same "floating point" options accepted by
* fiber_fiber_start() are accepted by these APIs (i.e. USE_FP and USE_SSE).
extern void fiber_float_enable(nano_thread_id_t thread_id,
unsigned int options);
extern void task_float_enable(nano_thread_id_t thread_id,
unsigned int options);
extern void fiber_float_disable(nano_thread_id_t thread_id);
extern void task_float_disable(nano_thread_id_t thread_id);
#endif /* CONFIG_FP_SHARING */
#include <stddef.h> /* for size_t */
extern void nano_cpu_idle(void);
/** Nanokernel provided routine to report any detected fatal error. */
extern FUNC_NORETURN void _NanoFatalErrorHandler(unsigned int reason,
const NANO_ESF *pEsf);
/** User provided routine to handle any detected fatal error post reporting. */
extern FUNC_NORETURN void _SysFatalErrorHandler(unsigned int reason,
const NANO_ESF *pEsf);
/** Dummy ESF for fatal errors that would otherwise not have an ESF */
extern const NANO_ESF _default_esf;
* @brief Configure an interrupt vector of the specified priority
* This routine is invoked by the kernel to configure an interrupt vector of
* the specified priority. To this end, it allocates an interrupt vector,
* programs hardware to route interrupt requests on the specified IRQ to that
* vector, and returns the vector number along with its associated BOI/EOI
* information.
extern int _SysIntVecAlloc(unsigned int irq,
unsigned int priority,
void **boiRtnParm,
void **eoiRtnParm,
unsigned char *boiParamRequired,
unsigned char *eoiParamRequired
/* functions provided by the kernel for usage by _SysIntVecAlloc() */
extern int _IntVecAlloc(unsigned int priority);
extern void _IntVecMarkAllocated(unsigned int vector);
extern void _IntVecMarkFree(unsigned int vector);
#endif /* !_ASMLANGUAGE */
/* Segment selector definitions are shared */
#include "segselect.h"
#endif /* _ARCH_IFACE_H */