blob: aff58139653f979f9e5d5e257f6e61937e72403b [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
* @brief Bluetooth Mesh Runtime Configuration APIs.
* Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
* @brief Bluetooth Mesh Runtime Configuration API
* @defgroup bt_mesh_cfg Bluetooth Mesh Runtime Configuration
* @ingroup bt_mesh
* @{
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Bluetooth Mesh Feature states */
enum bt_mesh_feat_state {
/** Feature is supported, but disabled. */
/** Feature is supported and enabled. */
/** Feature is not supported, and cannot be enabled. */
/* Legacy feature defines */
/** @brief Enable or disable sending of the Secure Network Beacon.
* @param beacon New Secure Network Beacon state.
void bt_mesh_beacon_set(bool beacon);
/** @brief Get the current Secure Network Beacon state.
* @returns Whether the Secure Network Beacon feature is enabled.
bool bt_mesh_beacon_enabled(void);
/** @brief Set the default TTL value.
* The default TTL value is used when no explicit TTL value is set. Models will
* use the default TTL value when @ref bt_mesh_msg_ctx::send_ttl is
* @param default_ttl The new default TTL value. Valid values are 0x00 and 0x02
* to @ref BT_MESH_TTL_MAX.
* @retval 0 Successfully set the default TTL value.
* @retval -EINVAL Invalid TTL value.
int bt_mesh_default_ttl_set(uint8_t default_ttl);
/** @brief Get the current default TTL value.
* @return The current default TTL value.
uint8_t bt_mesh_default_ttl_get(void);
/** @brief Set the Network Transmit parameters.
* The Network Transmit parameters determine the parameters local messages are
* transmitted with.
* @param xmit New Network Transmit parameters. Use @ref BT_MESH_TRANSMIT for
* encoding.
void bt_mesh_net_transmit_set(uint8_t xmit);
/** @brief Get the current Network Transmit parameters.
* The @ref BT_MESH_TRANSMIT_COUNT and @ref BT_MESH_TRANSMIT_INT macros can be
* used to decode the Network Transmit parameters.
* @return The current Network Transmit parameters.
uint8_t bt_mesh_net_transmit_get(void);
/** @brief Configure the Relay feature.
* Enable or disable the Relay feature, and configure the parameters to
* transmit relayed messages with.
* Support for the Relay feature must be enabled through the
* @c CONFIG_BT_MESH_RELAY configuration option.
* @param relay New Relay feature state. Must be one of
* @param xmit New Relay retransmit parameters. Use @ref BT_MESH_TRANSMIT for
* encoding.
* @retval 0 Successfully changed the Relay configuration.
* @retval -ENOTSUP The Relay feature is not supported.
* @retval -EINVAL Invalid parameter.
* @retval -EALREADY Already using the given parameters.
int bt_mesh_relay_set(enum bt_mesh_feat_state relay, uint8_t xmit);
/** @brief Get the current Relay feature state.
* @returns The Relay feature state.
enum bt_mesh_feat_state bt_mesh_relay_get(void);
/** @brief Get the current Relay Retransmit parameters.
* The @ref BT_MESH_TRANSMIT_COUNT and @ref BT_MESH_TRANSMIT_INT macros can be
* used to decode the Relay Retransmit parameters.
* @return The current Relay Retransmit parameters, or 0 if relay is not
* supported.
uint8_t bt_mesh_relay_retransmit_get(void);
/** @brief Enable or disable the GATT Proxy feature.
* Support for the GATT Proxy feature must be enabled through the
* @c CONFIG_BT_MESH_GATT_PROXY configuration option.
* @note The GATT Proxy feature only controls a Proxy node's ability to relay
* messages to the mesh network. A node that supports GATT Proxy will
* still advertise Connectable Proxy beacons, even if the feature is
* disabled. The Proxy feature can only be fully disabled through compile
* time configuration.
* @param gatt_proxy New GATT Proxy state. Must be one of
* @retval 0 Successfully changed the GATT Proxy feature state.
* @retval -ENOTSUP The GATT Proxy feature is not supported.
* @retval -EINVAL Invalid parameter.
* @retval -EALREADY Already in the given state.
int bt_mesh_gatt_proxy_set(enum bt_mesh_feat_state gatt_proxy);
/** @brief Get the current GATT Proxy state.
* @returns The GATT Proxy feature state.
enum bt_mesh_feat_state bt_mesh_gatt_proxy_get(void);
/** @brief Enable or disable the Friend feature.
* Any active friendships will be terminated immediately if the Friend feature
* is disabled.
* Support for the Friend feature must be enabled through the
* @c CONFIG_BT_MESH_FRIEND configuration option.
* @param friendship New Friend feature state. Must be one of
* @retval 0 Successfully changed the Friend feature state.
* @retval -ENOTSUP The Friend feature is not supported.
* @retval -EINVAL Invalid parameter.
* @retval -EALREADY Already in the given state.
int bt_mesh_friend_set(enum bt_mesh_feat_state friendship);
/** @brief Get the current Friend state.
* @returns The Friend feature state.
enum bt_mesh_feat_state bt_mesh_friend_get(void);
* @brief Bluetooth Mesh Subnet Configuration
* @defgroup bt_mesh_cfg_subnet Bluetooth Mesh Subnet Configuration
* @{
/** @brief Add a Subnet.
* Adds a subnet with the given network index and network key to the list of
* known Subnets. All messages sent on the given Subnet will be processed by
* this node, and the node may send and receive Network Beacons on the given
* Subnet.
* @param net_idx Network index.
* @param key Root network key of the Subnet. All other keys are derived
* from this.
* @retval STATUS_SUCCESS The Subnet was successfully added.
* @retval STATUS_INSUFF_RESOURCES No room for this Subnet.
* @retval STATUS_UNSPECIFIED The Subnet couldn't be created for some reason.
uint8_t bt_mesh_subnet_add(uint16_t net_idx, const uint8_t key[16]);
/** @brief Update the given Subnet.
* Starts the Key Refresh procedure for this Subnet by adding a second set of
* encryption keys. The Subnet will continue sending with the old key (but
* receiving messages using both) until the Subnet enters Key Refresh phase 2.
* This allows a network configurator to replace old network and application
* keys for the entire network, effectively removing access for all nodes that
* aren't given the new keys.
* @param net_idx Network index.
* @param key New root network key of the Subnet.
* @retval STATUS_SUCCESS The Subnet was updated with a second key.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_NETKEY The NetIdx is unknown.
* @retval STATUS_IDX_ALREADY_STORED The @c key value is the same as the
* current key.
* @retval STATUS_CANNOT_UPDATE The Subnet cannot be updated for some reason.
uint8_t bt_mesh_subnet_update(uint16_t net_idx, const uint8_t key[16]);
/** @brief Delete a Subnet.
* Removes the Subnet with the given network index from the node. The node will
* stop sending Network Beacons with the given Subnet, and can no longer
* process messages on this Subnet.
* All Applications bound to this Subnet are also deleted.
* @param net_idx Network index.
* @retval STATUS_SUCCESS The Subnet was deleted.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_NETKEY The NetIdx is unknown.
uint8_t bt_mesh_subnet_del(uint16_t net_idx);
/** @brief Check whether a Subnet is known.
* @param net_idx Network index
* @return true if a Subnet with the given index exists, false otherwise.
bool bt_mesh_subnet_exists(uint16_t net_idx);
/** @brief Set the Subnet's Key Refresh phase.
* The Key Refresh procedure is started by updating the Subnet keys through
* @ref bt_mesh_subnet_update. This puts the Subnet in Key Refresh Phase 1.
* Once all nodes have received the new Subnet key, Key Refresh Phase 2 can be
* activated through this function to start transmitting with the new network
* key. Finally, to revoke the old key, set the Key Refresh Phase to 3. This
* removes the old keys from the node, and returns the Subnet back to normal
* single-key operation with the new key set.
* @param net_idx Network index.
* @param phase Pointer to the new Key Refresh phase. Will return the actual
* Key Refresh phase after updating.
* @retval STATUS_SUCCESS The Key Refresh phase of the Subnet was successfully
* changed.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_NETKEY The NetIdx is unknown.
* @retval STATUS_CANNOT_UPDATE The given phase change is invalid.
uint8_t bt_mesh_subnet_kr_phase_set(uint16_t net_idx, uint8_t *phase);
/** @brief Get the Subnet's Key Refresh phase.
* @param net_idx Network index.
* @param phase Pointer to the Key Refresh variable to fill.
* @retval STATUS_SUCCESS Successfully populated the @c phase variable.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_NETKEY The NetIdx is unknown.
uint8_t bt_mesh_subnet_kr_phase_get(uint16_t net_idx, uint8_t *phase);
/** @brief Set the Node Identity state of the Subnet.
* The Node Identity state of a Subnet determines whether the Subnet advertises
* connectable Node Identity beacons for Proxy Clients to connect to.
* Once started, the Node Identity beacon runs for 60 seconds, or until it is
* stopped.
* This function serves the same purpose as @ref bt_mesh_proxy_identity_enable,
* but only acts on a single Subnet.
* GATT Proxy support must be enabled through
* @param net_idx Network index.
* @param node_id New Node Identity state, must be either @ref
* @retval STATUS_SUCCESS Successfully set the Node Identity state of the
* Subnet.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_NETKEY The NetIdx is unknown.
* @retval STATUS_FEAT_NOT_SUPP The Node Identity feature is not supported.
* @retval STATUS_CANNOT_SET Couldn't set the Node Identity state.
uint8_t bt_mesh_subnet_node_id_set(uint16_t net_idx,
enum bt_mesh_feat_state node_id);
/** @brief Get the Node Identity state of the Subnet.
* @param net_idx Network index.
* @param node_id Node Identity variable to fill.
* @retval STATUS_SUCCESS Successfully populated the @c node_id variable.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_NETKEY The NetIdx is unknown.
uint8_t bt_mesh_subnet_node_id_get(uint16_t net_idx,
enum bt_mesh_feat_state *node_id);
/** @brief Get a list of all known Subnet indexes.
* Builds a list of all known Subnet indexes in the @c net_idxs array.
* If the @c net_idxs array is smaller than the list of known Subnets, this
* function fills all available entries and returns @c -ENOMEM. In this
* case, the next @c max entries of the list can be read out by calling
* @code
* bt_mesh_subnets_get(list, max, max);
* @endcode
* Note that any changes to the Subnet list between calls to this function
* could change the order and number of entries in the list.
* @param net_idxs Array to fill.
* @param max Max number of indexes to return.
* @param skip Number of indexes to skip. Enables batched processing of the
* list.
* @return The number of indexes added to the @c net_idxs array, or @c -ENOMEM
* if the number of known Subnets exceeds the @c max parameter.
ssize_t bt_mesh_subnets_get(uint16_t net_idxs[], size_t max, off_t skip);
* @}
* @brief Bluetooth Mesh Application Configuration
* @defgroup bt_mesh_cfg_app Bluetooth Mesh Application Configuration
* @{
/** @brief Add an Application key.
* Adds the Application with the given index to the list of known applications.
* Allows the node to send and receive model messages encrypted with this
* Application key.
* Every Application is bound to a specific Subnet. The node must know the
* Subnet the Application is bound to before it can add the Application.
* @param app_idx Application index.
* @param net_idx Network index the Application is bound to.
* @param key Application key value.
* @retval STATUS_SUCCESS The Application was successfully added.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_NETKEY The NetIdx is unknown.
* @retval STATUS_INSUFF_RESOURCES There's no room for storing this
* Application.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_BINDING This AppIdx is already bound to another
* Subnet.
* @retval STATUS_IDX_ALREADY_STORED This AppIdx is already stored with a
* different key value.
* @retval STATUS_CANNOT_SET Cannot set the Application key for some reason.
uint8_t bt_mesh_app_key_add(uint16_t app_idx, uint16_t net_idx,
const uint8_t key[16]);
/** @brief Update an Application key.
* Update an Application with a second Application key, as part of the
* Key Refresh procedure of the bound Subnet. The node will continue
* transmitting with the old application key (but receiving on both) until the
* Subnet enters Key Refresh phase 2. Once the Subnet enters Key Refresh phase
* 3, the old application key will be deleted.
* @note The Application key can only be updated if the bound Subnet is in Key
* Refresh phase 1.
* @param app_idx Application index.
* @param net_idx Network index the Application is bound to, or
* @ref BT_MESH_KEY_ANY to skip the binding check.
* @param key New key value.
* @retval STATUS_SUCCESS The Application key was successfully updated.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_NETKEY The NetIdx is unknown.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_BINDING This AppIdx is not bound to the given NetIdx.
* @retval STATUS_CANNOT_UPDATE The Application key cannot be updated for some
* reason.
* @retval STATUS_IDX_ALREADY_STORED This AppIdx is already updated with a
* different key value.
uint8_t bt_mesh_app_key_update(uint16_t app_idx, uint16_t net_idx,
const uint8_t key[16]);
/** @brief Delete an Application key.
* All models bound to this application will remove this binding.
* All models publishing with this application will stop publishing.
* @param app_idx Application index.
* @param net_idx Network index.
* @retval STATUS_SUCCESS The Application key was successfully deleted.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_NETKEY The NetIdx is unknown.
* @retval STATUS_INVALID_BINDING This AppIdx is not bound to the given NetIdx.
uint8_t bt_mesh_app_key_del(uint16_t app_idx, uint16_t net_idx);
/** @brief Check if an Application key is known.
* @param app_idx Application index.
* @return true if the Application is known, false otherwise.
bool bt_mesh_app_key_exists(uint16_t app_idx);
/** @brief Get a list of all known Application key indexes.
* Builds a list of all Application indexes for the given network index in the
* @c app_idxs array. If the @c app_idxs array cannot fit all bound
* Applications, this function fills all available entries and returns @c
* -ENOMEM. In this case, the next @c max entries of the list can be read out
* by calling
* @code
* bt_mesh_app_keys_get(net_idx, list, max, max);
* @endcode
* Note that any changes to the Application key list between calls to this
* function could change the order and number of entries in the list.
* @param net_idx Network Index to get the Applications of, or @ref
* BT_MESH_KEY_ANY to get all Applications.
* @param app_idxs Array to fill.
* @param max Max number of indexes to return.
* @param skip Number of indexes to skip. Enables batched processing of the
* list.
* @return The number of indexes added to the @c app_idxs array, or @c -ENOMEM
* if the number of known Applications exceeds the @c max parameter.
ssize_t bt_mesh_app_keys_get(uint16_t net_idx, uint16_t app_idxs[], size_t max,
off_t skip);
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
* @}