blob: f948413be2181da3dbf95f5987f8ce15daf14305 [file] [log] [blame]
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor
* Copyright (c) 2020, Linaro Ltd.
* Not a generated file. Feel free to modify.
* @file
* @brief Devicetree main header
* API for accessing the current application's devicetree macros.
#include <devicetree_unfixed.h>
#include <devicetree_fixups.h>
#include <sys/util.h>
* @brief devicetree.h API
* @defgroup devicetree Devicetree
* @{
* @}
* @brief Name for an invalid node identifier
* This supports cases where factored macros can be invoked from paths where
* devicetree data may or may not be available. It is a preprocessor identifier
* that does not match any valid devicetree node identifier.
* Property suffixes
* -----------------
* These are the optional parts that come after the _P_<property>
* part in DT_N_<path-id>_P_<property-id> macros, or the "prop-suf"
* nonterminal in the DT guide's macros.bnf file.
* Before adding new ones, check this list to avoid conflicts. If any
* are missing from this list, please add them. It should be complete.
* _ENUM_IDX: property's value as an index into bindings enum
* _EXISTS: property is defined
* _IDX_<i>: logical index into property
* _IDX_<i>_EXISTS: logical index into property is defined
* _IDX_<i>_PH: phandle array's phandle by index (or phandle, phandles)
* _IDX_<i>_VAL_<val>: phandle array's specifier value by index
* _IDX_<i>_VAL_<val>_EXISTS: cell value exists, by index
* _LEN: property logical length
* _NAME_<name>_PH: phandle array's phandle by name
* _NAME_<name>_VAL_<val>: phandle array's property specifier by name
* _NAME_<name>_VAL_<val>_EXISTS: cell value exists, by name
* @defgroup devicetree-generic-id Node identifiers
* @ingroup devicetree
* @{
* @brief Node identifier for the root node in the devicetree
#define DT_ROOT DT_N
* @brief Get a node identifier for a devicetree path
* The arguments to this macro are the names of non-root nodes in the
* tree required to reach the desired node, starting from the root.
* Non-alphanumeric characters in each name must be converted to
* underscores to form valid C tokens, and letters must be lowercased.
* Example devicetree fragment:
* / {
* soc {
* serial1: serial@40001000 {
* status = "okay";
* current-speed = <115200>;
* ...
* };
* };
* };
* You can use DT_PATH(soc, serial_40001000) to get a node identifier
* for the serial@40001000 node. Node labels like "serial1" cannot be
* used as DT_PATH() arguments; use DT_NODELABEL() for those instead.
* Example usage with DT_PROP() to get the current-speed property:
* DT_PROP(DT_PATH(soc, serial_40001000), current_speed) // 115200
* (The current-speed property is also in "lowercase-and-underscores"
* form when used with this API.)
* When determining arguments to DT_PATH():
* - the first argument corresponds to a child node of the root ("soc" above)
* - a second argument corresponds to a child of the first argument
* ("serial_40001000" above, from the node name "serial@40001000"
* after lowercasing and changing "@" to "_")
* - and so on for deeper nodes in the desired node's path
* @param ... lowercase-and-underscores node names along the node's path,
* with each name given as a separate argument
* @return node identifier for the node with that path
* @brief Get a node identifier for a node label
* Convert non-alphanumeric characters in the node label to
* underscores to form valid C tokens, and lowercase all letters. Note
* that node labels are not the same thing as label properties.
* Example devicetree fragment:
* serial1: serial@40001000 {
* label = "UART_0";
* status = "okay";
* current-speed = <115200>;
* ...
* };
* The only node label in this example is "serial1".
* The string "UART_0" is *not* a node label; it's the value of a
* property named label.
* You can use DT_NODELABEL(serial1) to get a node identifier for the
* serial@40001000 node. Example usage with DT_PROP() to get the
* current-speed property:
* DT_PROP(DT_NODELABEL(serial1), current_speed) // 115200
* Another example devicetree fragment:
* cpu@0 {
* L2_0: l2-cache {
* cache-level = <2>;
* ...
* };
* };
* Example usage to get the cache-level property:
* DT_PROP(DT_NODELABEL(l2_0), cache_level) // 2
* Notice how "L2_0" in the devicetree is lowercased to "l2_0" in the
* DT_NODELABEL() argument.
* @param label lowercase-and-underscores node label name
* @return node identifier for the node with that label
#define DT_NODELABEL(label) DT_CAT(DT_N_NODELABEL_, label)
* @brief Get a node identifier from /aliases
* This macro's argument is a property of the /aliases node. It
* returns a node identifier for the node which is aliased. Convert
* non-alphanumeric characters in the alias property to underscores to
* form valid C tokens, and lowercase all letters.
* Example devicetree fragment:
* / {
* aliases {
* my-serial = &serial1;
* };
* soc {
* serial1: serial@40001000 {
* status = "okay";
* current-speed = <115200>;
* ...
* };
* };
* };
* You can use DT_ALIAS(my_serial) to get a node identifier for the
* serial@40001000 node. Notice how my-serial in the devicetree
* becomes my_serial in the DT_ALIAS() argument. Example usage with
* DT_PROP() to get the current-speed property:
* DT_PROP(DT_ALIAS(my_serial), current_speed) // 115200
* @param alias lowercase-and-underscores alias name.
* @return node identifier for the node with that alias
#define DT_ALIAS(alias) DT_CAT(DT_N_ALIAS_, alias)
* @brief Get a node identifier for an instance of a compatible
* All nodes with a particular compatible property value are assigned
* instance numbers, which are zero-based indexes specific to that
* compatible. You can get a node identifier for these nodes by
* passing DT_INST() an instance number, "inst", along with the
* lowercase-and-underscores version of the compatible, "compat".
* Instance numbers have the following properties:
* - for each compatible, instance numbers start at 0 and are contiguous
* - exactly one instance number is assigned for each node with a compatible,
* **including disabled nodes**
* - enabled nodes (status property is "okay" or missing) are assigned the
* instance numbers starting from 0, and disabled nodes have instance
* numbers which are greater than those of any enabled node
* No other guarantees are made. In particular:
* - instance numbers **in no way reflect** any numbering scheme that
* might exist in SoC documentation, node labels or unit addresses,
* or properties of the /aliases node (use DT_NODELABEL() or DT_ALIAS()
* for those)
* - there **is no general guarantee** that the same node will have
* the same instance number between builds, even if you are building
* the same application again in the same build directory
* Example devicetree fragment:
* serial1: serial@40001000 {
* compatible = "vnd,soc-serial";
* status = "disabled";
* current-speed = <9600>;
* ...
* };
* serial2: serial@40002000 {
* compatible = "vnd,soc-serial";
* status = "okay";
* current-speed = <57600>;
* ...
* };
* serial3: serial@40003000 {
* compatible = "vnd,soc-serial";
* current-speed = <115200>;
* ...
* };
* Assuming no other nodes in the devicetree have compatible
* "vnd,soc-serial", that compatible has nodes with instance numbers
* 0, 1, and 2.
* The nodes serial@40002000 and serial@40003000 are both enabled, so
* their instance numbers are 0 and 1, but no guarantees are made
* regarding which node has which instance number.
* Since serial@40001000 is the only disabled node, it has instance
* number 2, since disabled nodes are assigned the largest instance
* numbers. Therefore:
* // Could be 57600 or 115200. There is no way to be sure:
* // either serial@40002000 or serial@40003000 could
* // have instance number 0, so this could be the current-speed
* // property of either of those nodes.
* DT_PROP(DT_INST(0, vnd_soc_serial), current_speed)
* // Could be 57600 or 115200, for the same reason.
* // If the above expression expands to 57600, then
* // this expands to 115200, and vice-versa.
* DT_PROP(DT_INST(1, vnd_soc_serial), current_speed)
* // 9600, because there is only one disabled node, and
* // disabled nodes are "at the the end" of the instance
* // number "list".
* DT_PROP(DT_INST(2, vnd_soc_serial), current_speed)
* Notice how "vnd,soc-serial" in the devicetree becomes vnd_soc_serial
* (without quotes) in the DT_INST() arguments. (As usual, current-speed
* in the devicetree becomes current_speed as well.)
* Nodes whose "compatible" property has multiple values are assigned
* independent instance numbers for each compatible.
* @param inst instance number for compatible "compat"
* @param compat lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
* @return node identifier for the node with that instance number and
* compatible
#define DT_INST(inst, compat) UTIL_CAT(DT_N_INST, DT_DASH(inst, compat))
* @brief Get a node identifier for a parent node
* Example devicetree fragment:
* parent: parent-node {
* child: child-node {
* ...
* };
* };
* The following are equivalent ways to get the same node identifier:
* DT_NODELABEL(parent)
* @param node_id node identifier
* @return a node identifier for the node's parent
#define DT_PARENT(node_id) UTIL_CAT(node_id, _PARENT)
* @brief Get a node identifier for a child node
* Example devicetree fragment:
* / {
* soc-label: soc {
* serial1: serial@40001000 {
* status = "okay";
* current-speed = <115200>;
* ...
* };
* };
* };
* Example usage with @ref DT_PROP() to get the status of the
* serial@40001000 node:
* #define SOC_NODE DT_NODELABEL(soc_label)
* DT_PROP(DT_CHILD(SOC_NODE, serial_40001000), status) // "okay"
* Node labels like "serial1" cannot be used as the "child" argument
* to this macro. Use DT_NODELABEL() for that instead.
* You can also use DT_FOREACH_CHILD() to iterate over node
* identifiers for all of a node's children.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param child lowercase-and-underscores child node name
* @return node identifier for the node with the name referred to by 'child'
#define DT_CHILD(node_id, child) UTIL_CAT(node_id, DT_S_PREFIX(child))
* @}
* @defgroup devicetree-generic-prop Property accessors
* @ingroup devicetree
* @{
* @brief Get a devicetree property value
* For properties whose bindings have the following types, this macro
* expands to:
* - string: a string literal
* - boolean: 0 if the property is false, or 1 if it is true
* - int: the property's value as an integer literal
* - array, uint8-array, string-array: an initializer expression in braces,
* whose elements are integer or string literals (like {0, 1, 2},
* {"hello", "world"}, etc.)
* - phandle: a node identifier for the node with that phandle
* A property's type is usually defined by its binding. In some
* special cases, it has an assumed type defined by the devicetree
* specification even when no binding is available: "compatible" has
* type string-array, "status" and "label" have type string, and
* "interrupt-controller" has type boolean.
* For other properties or properties with unknown type due to a
* missing binding, behavior is undefined.
* For usage examples, see @ref DT_PATH(), @ref DT_ALIAS(), @ref
* DT_NODELABEL(), and @ref DT_INST() above.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @return a representation of the property's value
#define DT_PROP(node_id, prop) DT_CAT(node_id, _P_##prop)
* @brief Get a property's logical length
* Here, "length" is a number of elements, which may differ from the
* property's size in bytes.
* The return value depends on the property's type:
* - for types array, string-array, and uint8-array, this expands
* to the number of elements in the array
* - for type phandles, this expands to the number of phandles
* - for type phandle-array, this expands to the number of
* phandle and specifier blocks in the property
* These properties are handled as special cases:
* - reg property: use DT_NUM_REGS(node_id) instead
* - interrupts property: use DT_NUM_IRQS(node_id) instead
* It is an error to use this macro with the reg or interrupts properties.
* For other properties, behavior is undefined.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param prop a lowercase-and-underscores property with a logical length
* @return the property's length
#define DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, prop) DT_PROP(node_id, prop##_LEN)
* @brief Is index "idx" valid for an array type property?
* If this returns 1, then DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) or
* DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx, ...) are valid at index "idx".
* If it returns 0, it is an error to use those macros with that index.
* These properties are handled as special cases:
* - reg property: use DT_REG_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) instead
* - interrupts property: use DT_IRQ_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) instead
* It is an error to use this macro with the reg or interrupts properties.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param prop a lowercase-and-underscores property with a logical length
* @param idx index to check
* @return An expression which evaluates to 1 if "idx" is a valid index
* into the given property, and 0 otherwise.
#define DT_PROP_HAS_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) \
IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT6(node_id, _P_, prop, _IDX_, idx, _EXISTS))
* @brief Get the value at index "idx" in an array type property
* It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
* "node->property[index]".
* When the property's binding has type array, string-array,
* uint8-array, or phandles, this expands to the idx-th array element
* as an integer, string literal, or node identifier respectively.
* These properties are handled as special cases:
* - reg property: use DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX() or DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX() instead
* - interrupts property: use DT_IRQ_BY_IDX() instead
* For non-array properties, behavior is undefined.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @param idx the index to get
* @return a representation of the idx-th element of the property
#define DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) DT_PROP(node_id, prop##_IDX_##idx)
* @brief Like DT_PROP(), but with a fallback to default_value
* If the value exists, this expands to DT_PROP(node_id, prop).
* The default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
* Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
* @return the property's value or default_value
#define DT_PROP_OR(node_id, prop, default_value) \
COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, prop), \
(DT_PROP(node_id, prop)), (default_value))
* @brief Equivalent to DT_PROP(node_id, label)
* This is a convenience for the Zephyr device API, which uses label
* properties as device_get_binding() arguments.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @return node's label property value
#define DT_LABEL(node_id) DT_PROP(node_id, label)
* @brief Get a property value's index into its enumeration values
* The return values start at zero.
* Example devicetree fragment:
* usb1: usb@12340000 {
* maximum-speed = "full-speed";
* };
* usb2: usb@12341000 {
* maximum-speed = "super-speed";
* };
* Example bindings fragment:
* properties:
* maximum-speed:
* type: string
* enum:
* - "low-speed"
* - "full-speed"
* - "high-speed"
* - "super-speed"
* Example usage:
* DT_ENUM_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(usb1), maximum_speed) // 1
* DT_ENUM_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(usb2), maximum_speed) // 3
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @return zero-based index of the property's value in its enum: list
#define DT_ENUM_IDX(node_id, prop) DT_PROP(node_id, prop##_ENUM_IDX)
* @brief Like DT_ENUM_IDX(), but with a fallback to a default enum index
* If the value exists, this expands to its zero based index value thanks to
* DT_ENUM_IDX(node_id, prop).
* Otherwise, this expands to provided default index enum value.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @param default_idx_value a fallback index value to expand to
* @return zero-based index of the property's value in its enum if present,
* default_idx_value ohterwise
#define DT_ENUM_IDX_OR(node_id, prop, default_idx_value) \
COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, prop), \
(DT_ENUM_IDX(node_id, prop)), (default_idx_value))
* phandle properties
* These are special-cased to manage the impedance mismatch between
* phandles, which are just uint32_t node properties that only make sense
* within the tree itself, and C values.
* @brief Get a property value from a phandle in a property.
* This is a shorthand for:
* DT_PROP(DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, phs, idx), prop)
* That is, "prop" is a property of the phandle's node, not a
* property of "node_id".
* Example devicetree fragment:
* n1: node-1 {
* foo = <&n2 &n3>;
* };
* n2: node-2 {
* bar = <42>;
* };
* n3: node-3 {
* baz = <43>;
* };
* Example usage:
* #define N1 DT_NODELABEL(n1)
* DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(N1, foo, 0, bar) // 42
* DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(N1, foo, 1, baz) // 43
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param phs lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle",
* "phandles", or "phandle-array"
* @param idx logical index into "phs", which must be zero if "phs"
* has type "phandle"
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle's node
* @return the property's value
#define DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(node_id, phs, idx, prop) \
DT_PROP(DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, phs, idx), prop)
* @brief Get a property value from a phandle's node
* This is equivalent to DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(node_id, ph, 0, prop).
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param ph lowercase-and-underscores property of "node_id"
* with type "phandle"
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle's node
* @return the property's value
#define DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE(node_id, ph, prop) \
DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(node_id, ph, 0, prop)
* @brief Get a phandle-array specifier cell value at an index
* It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
* "node->phandle_array[index].cell". That is, the cell value is in
* the "pha" property of "node_id", inside the specifier at index
* "idx".
* Example devicetree fragment:
* gpio0: gpio@... {
* #gpio-cells = <2>;
* };
* gpio1: gpio@... {
* #gpio-cells = <2>;
* };
* led: led_0 {
* gpios = <&gpio0 17 0x1>, <&gpio1 5 0x3>;
* };
* Bindings fragment for the gpio0 and gpio1 nodes:
* gpio-cells:
* - pin
* - flags
* Above, "gpios" has two elements:
* - index 0 has specifier <17 0x1>, so its "pin" cell is 17, and its
* "flags" cell is 0x1
* - index 1 has specifier <5 0x3>, so "pin" is 5 and "flags" is 0x3
* Example usage:
* #define LED DT_NODELABEL(led)
* DT_PHA_BY_IDX(LED, gpios, 0, pin) // 17
* DT_PHA_BY_IDX(LED, gpios, 1, flags) // 0x3
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param idx logical index into "pha"
* @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name within the specifier
* at "pha" index "idx"
* @return the cell's value
#define DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, pha, idx, cell) \
DT_PROP(node_id, pha##_IDX_##idx##_VAL_##cell)
* @brief Like DT_PHA_BY_IDX(), but with a fallback to default_value.
* If the value exists, this expands to DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, pha,
* idx, cell). The default_value parameter is not expanded in this
* case.
* Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param idx logical index into "pha"
* @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name within the specifier
* at "pha" index "idx"
* @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
* @return the cell's value or "default_value"
#define DT_PHA_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, pha, idx, cell, default_value) \
DT_PROP_OR(node_id, pha##_IDX_##idx##_VAL_##cell, default_value)
/* Implementation note: the _IDX_##idx##_VAL_##cell##_EXISTS
* macros are defined, so it's safe to use DT_PROP_OR() here, because
* that uses an IS_ENABLED() on the _EXISTS macro.
* @brief Equivalent to DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, pha, 0, cell)
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name
* @return the cell's value
#define DT_PHA(node_id, pha, cell) DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, pha, 0, cell)
* @brief Like DT_PHA(), but with a fallback to default_value
* If the value exists, this expands to DT_PHA(node_id, pha, cell).
* The default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
* Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name
* @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
* @return the cell's value or default_value
#define DT_PHA_OR(node_id, pha, cell, default_value) \
DT_PHA_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, pha, 0, cell, default_value)
* @brief Get a value within a phandle-array specifier by name
* This is like DT_PHA_BY_IDX(), except it treats "pha" as a structure
* where each array element has a name.
* It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
* "node->". That is, the cell value is in the
* "pha" property of "node_id", treated as a data structure where
* each array element has a name.
* Example devicetree fragment:
* n: node {
* io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>;
* io-channel-names = "SENSOR", "BANDGAP";
* };
* Bindings fragment for the "adc1" and "adc2" nodes:
* io-channel-cells:
* - input
* Example usage:
* DT_PHA_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(n), io_channels, sensor, input) // 10
* DT_PHA_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(n), io_channels, bandgap, input) // 20
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in "pha"
* @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name in the named specifier
* @return the cell's value
#define DT_PHA_BY_NAME(node_id, pha, name, cell) \
DT_PROP(node_id, pha##_NAME_##name##_VAL_##cell)
* @brief Like DT_PHA_BY_NAME(), but with a fallback to default_value
* If the value exists, this expands to DT_PHA_BY_NAME(node_id, pha,
* name, cell). The default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
* Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in "pha"
* @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name in the named specifier
* @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
* @return the cell's value or default_value
#define DT_PHA_BY_NAME_OR(node_id, pha, name, cell, default_value) \
DT_PROP_OR(node_id, pha##_NAME_##name##_VAL_##cell, default_value)
/* Implementation note: the _NAME_##name##_VAL_##cell##_EXISTS
* macros are defined, so it's safe to use DT_PROP_OR() here, because
* that uses an IS_ENABLED() on the _EXISTS macro.
* @brief Get a phandle's node identifier from a phandle array by name
* It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
* "node->". That is, the phandle array is
* treated as a structure with named elements. The return value is
* the node identifier for a phandle inside the structure.
* Example devicetree fragment:
* adc1: adc@... {
* label = "ADC_1";
* };
* adc2: adc@... {
* label = "ADC_2";
* };
* n: node {
* io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>;
* io-channel-names = "SENSOR", "BANDGAP";
* };
* Above, "io-channels" has two elements:
* - the element named "SENSOR" has phandle &adc1
* - the element named "BANDGAP" has phandle &adc2
* Example usage:
* #define NODE DT_NODELABEL(n)
* DT_LABEL(DT_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(NODE, io_channels, sensor)) // "ADC_1"
* DT_LABEL(DT_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(NODE, io_channels, bandgap)) // "ADC_2"
* Notice how devicetree properties and names are lowercased, and
* non-alphanumeric characters are converted to underscores.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of an element in "pha"
* @return a node identifier for the node with that phandle
#define DT_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(node_id, pha, name) \
DT_PROP(node_id, pha##_NAME_##name##_PH)
* @brief Get a node identifier for a phandle in a property.
* When a node's value at a logical index contains a phandle, this
* macro returns a node identifier for the node with that phandle.
* Therefore, if "prop" has type "phandle", "idx" must be zero. (A
* "phandle" type is treated as a "phandles" with a fixed length of
* 1).
* Example devicetree fragment:
* n1: node-1 {
* foo = <&n2 &n3>;
* };
* n2: node-2 { ... };
* n3: node-3 { ... };
* Above, "foo" has type phandles and has two elements:
* - index 0 has phandle &n2, which is node-2's phandle
* - index 1 has phandle &n3, which is node-3's phandle
* Example usage:
* #define N1 DT_NODELABEL(n1)
* DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(N1, foo, 0) // node identifier for node-2
* DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(N1, foo, 1) // node identifier for node-3
* Behavior is analogous for phandle-arrays.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name in "node_id"
* with type "phandle", "phandles" or "phandle-array"
* @param idx index into "prop"
* @return node identifier for the node with the phandle at that index
#define DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) \
DT_PROP(node_id, prop##_IDX_##idx##_PH)
* @brief Get a node identifier for a phandle property's value
* This is equivalent to DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0). Its primary
* benefit is readability when "prop" has type "phandle".
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of "node_id"
* with type "phandle"
* @return a node identifier for the node pointed to by "ph"
#define DT_PHANDLE(node_id, prop) DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0)
* @}
* @defgroup devicetree-reg-prop reg property
* @ingroup devicetree
* @{
* @brief Get the number of register blocks in the reg property
* Use this instead of DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, reg).
* @param node_id node identifier
* @return Number of register blocks in the node's "reg" property.
#define DT_NUM_REGS(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _REG_NUM)
* @brief Is "idx" a valid register block index?
* If this returns 1, then DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) or
* DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) are valid.
* If it returns 0, it is an error to use those macros with index "idx".
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param idx index to check
* @return 1 if "idx" is a valid register block index,
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_REG_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) \
IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT(node_id, _REG_IDX_##idx##_EXISTS))
* @brief Get the base address of the register block at index "idx"
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param idx index of the register whose address to return
* @return address of the idx-th register block
#define DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) \
DT_CAT(node_id, _REG_IDX_##idx##_VAL_ADDRESS)
* @brief Get the size of the register block at index "idx"
* This is the size of an individual register block, not the total
* number of register blocks in the property; use DT_NUM_REGS() for
* that.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param idx index of the register whose size to return
* @return size of the idx-th register block
#define DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) \
DT_CAT(node_id, _REG_IDX_##idx##_VAL_SIZE)
* @brief Get a node's (only) register block address
* Equivalent to DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, 0).
* @param node_id node identifier
* @return node's register block address
#define DT_REG_ADDR(node_id) DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
* @brief Get a node's (only) register block size
* Equivalent to DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(node_id, 0).
* @param node_id node identifier
* @return node's only register block's size
#define DT_REG_SIZE(node_id) DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
* @brief Get a register block's base address by name
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
* @return address of the register block specified by name
#define DT_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME(node_id, name) \
DT_CAT(node_id, _REG_NAME_##name##_VAL_ADDRESS)
* @brief Get a register block's size by name
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
* @return size of the register block specified by name
#define DT_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME(node_id, name) \
DT_CAT(node_id, _REG_NAME_##name##_VAL_SIZE)
* @}
* @defgroup devicetree-interrupts-prop interrupts property
* @ingroup devicetree
* @{
* @brief Get the number of interrupt sources for the node
* Use this instead of DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, interrupts).
* @param node_id node identifier
* @return Number of interrupt specifiers in the node's "interrupts" property.
#define DT_NUM_IRQS(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _IRQ_NUM)
* @brief Is "idx" a valid interrupt index?
* If this returns 1, then DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) is valid.
* If it returns 0, it is an error to use that macro with this index.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param idx index to check
* @return 1 if the idx is valid for the interrupt property
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_IRQ_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) \
IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT(node_id, _IRQ_IDX_##idx##_EXISTS))
* @brief Does an interrupts property have a named cell specifier at an index?
* If this returns 1, then DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, idx, cell) is valid.
* If it returns 0, it is an error to use that macro.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param idx index to check
* @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
* @return 1 if the named cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index idx
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, idx, cell) \
IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT(node_id, _IRQ_IDX_##idx##_VAL_##cell##_EXISTS))
* @brief Equivalent to DT_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, 0, cell)
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
* @return 1 if the named cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index 0
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_IRQ_HAS_CELL(node_id, cell) DT_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, 0, cell)
* @brief Does an interrupts property have a named specifier value at an index?
* If this returns 1, then DT_IRQ_BY_NAME(node_id, name, cell) is valid.
* If it returns 0, it is an error to use that macro.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
* @return 1 if "name" is a valid named specifier
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_IRQ_HAS_NAME(node_id, name) \
IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT(node_id, _IRQ_NAME_##name##_VAL_irq_EXISTS))
* @brief Get a value within an interrupt specifier at an index
* It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
* "node->interrupts[index].cell".
* This can be used to get information about an individual interrupt
* when a device generates more than one.
* Example devicetree fragment:
* my-serial: serial@... {
* interrupts = < 33 0 >, < 34 1 >;
* };
* Assuming the node's interrupt domain has "#interrupt-cells = <2>;" and
* the individual cells in each interrupt specifier are named "irq" and
* "priority" by the node's binding, here are some examples:
* #define SERIAL DT_NODELABEL(my_serial)
* Example usage Value
* ------------- -----
* DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 0, irq) 33
* DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 0, priority) 0
* DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 1, irq, 34
* DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 1, priority) 1
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param idx logical index into the interrupt specifier array
* @param cell cell name specifier
* @return the named value at the specifier given by the index
#define DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, idx, cell) \
DT_CAT(node_id, _IRQ_IDX_##idx##_VAL_##cell)
* @brief Get a value within an interrupt specifier by name
* It might help to read the argument order as being similar to
* "node->".
* This can be used to get information about an individual interrupt
* when a device generates more than one, if the bindings give each
* interrupt specifier a name.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
* @param cell cell name specifier
* @return the named value at the specifier given by the index
#define DT_IRQ_BY_NAME(node_id, name, cell) \
DT_CAT(node_id, _IRQ_NAME_##name##_VAL_##cell)
* @brief Get an interrupt specifier's value
* Equivalent to DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, 0, cell).
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param cell cell name specifier
* @return the named value at that index
#define DT_IRQ(node_id, cell) DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, 0, cell)
* @brief Get a node's (only) irq number
* Equivalent to DT_IRQ(node_id, irq). This is provided as a convenience
* for the common case where a node generates exactly one interrupt,
* and the IRQ number is in a cell named "irq".
* @param node_id node identifier
* @return the interrupt number for the node's only interrupt
#define DT_IRQN(node_id) DT_IRQ(node_id, irq)
* @}
* @defgroup devicetree-generic-chosen Chosen nodes
* @ingroup devicetree
* @{
* @brief Get a node identifier for a /chosen node property
* This is only valid to call if DT_HAS_CHOSEN(prop) is 1.
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name for
* the /chosen node
* @return a node identifier for the chosen node property
#define DT_CHOSEN(prop) DT_CAT(DT_CHOSEN_, prop)
* @brief Test if the devicetree has a /chosen node
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores devicetree property
* @return 1 if the chosen property exists and refers to a node,
* 0 otherwise
* @}
* @defgroup devicetree-generic-foreach "For-each" macros
* @ingroup devicetree
* @{
* @brief Invokes "fn" for each child of "node_id"
* The macro "fn" must take one parameter, which will be the node
* identifier of a child node of "node_id".
* Example devicetree fragment:
* n: node {
* child-1 {
* label = "foo";
* };
* child-2 {
* label = "bar";
* };
* };
* Example usage:
* #define LABEL_AND_COMMA(node_id) DT_LABEL(node_id),
* const char *child_labels[] = {
* };
* This expands to:
* const char *child_labels[] = {
* "foo", "bar",
* };
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param fn macro to invoke
#define DT_FOREACH_CHILD(node_id, fn) \
DT_CAT(node_id, _FOREACH_CHILD)(fn)
* @}
* @defgroup devicetree-generic-exist Existence checks
* @ingroup devicetree
* @{
* @brief Does a node identifier refer to a node?
* Tests whether a node identifier refers to a node which exists, i.e.
* is defined in the devicetree.
* It doesn't matter whether or not the node has a matching binding,
* or what the node's status value is. This is purely a check of
* whether the node exists at all.
* @param node_id a node identifier
* @return 1 if the node identifier refers to a node,
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_NODE_EXISTS(node_id) IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT(node_id, _EXISTS))
* @brief Does a node identifier refer to a node with a status?
* Example uses:
* DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(DT_PATH(soc, i2c_12340000), okay)
* DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(DT_PATH(soc, i2c_12340000), disabled)
* Tests whether a node identifier refers to a node which:
* - exists in the devicetree, and
* - has a status property matching the second argument
* (except that either a missing status or an "ok" status
* in the devicetree is treated as if it were "okay" instead)
* @param node_id a node identifier
* @param status a status as one of the tokens okay or disabled, not a string
* @return 1 if the node has the given status, 0 otherwise.
#define DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(node_id, status) \
* @brief Does the devicetree have a status "okay" node with a compatible?
* Test for whether the devicetree has any nodes with status "okay"
* and the given compatible. That is, this returns 1 if and only if
* there is at least one "node_id" for which both of these
* expressions return 1:
* DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(node_id, okay)
* DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(node_id, compat)
* As usual, both a missing status and an "ok" status are treated as
* "okay".
* @param compat lowercase-and-underscores version of a compatible
* @return 1 if both of the above conditions are met, 0 otherwise
#define DT_HAS_COMPAT_STATUS_OKAY(compat) \
* @brief Get the number of instances of a given compatible with
* status "okay"
* @param compat lowercase-and-underscores version of a compatible
* @return Number of instances with status "okay"
#define DT_NUM_INST_STATUS_OKAY(compat) \
* @brief Does a devicetree node match a compatible?
* Example devicetree fragment:
* n: node {
* compatible = "vnd,specific-device", "generic-device";
* }
* Example usages which evaluate to 1:
* DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(DT_NODELABEL(n), vnd_specific_device)
* DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(DT_NODELABEL(n), generic_device)
* This macro only uses the value of the compatible property. Whether
* or not a particular compatible has a matching binding has no effect
* on its value, nor does the node's status.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param compat lowercase-and-underscorse compatible value
* @return 1 if the node's compatible property contains compat,
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(node_id, compat) \
* @brief Does a devicetree node have a compatible and status?
* This is equivalent to:
* (DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(node_id, compat) &&
* DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(node_id, status))
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param compat lowercase-and-underscores compatible
* @param status okay or disabled as a token, not a string
#define DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT_STATUS(node_id, compat, status) \
DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(node_id, compat) && DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(node_id, status)
* @brief Does a devicetree node have a property?
* Tests whether a devicetree node has a property defined.
* This tests whether the property is defined at all, not whether a
* boolean property is true or false. To get a boolean property's
* truth value, use DT_PROP(node_id, prop) instead.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @return 1 if the node has the property, 0 otherwise.
#define DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, prop) \
IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT(node_id, _P_##prop##_EXISTS))
* @brief Does a phandle array have a named cell specifier at an index?
* If this returns 1, then the phandle-array property "pha" has a cell
* named "cell" at index "idx", and therefore DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id,
* pha, idx, cell) is valid. If it returns 0, it's an error to use
* DT_PHA_BY_IDX() with the same arguments.
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param idx index to check within "pha"
* @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name whose existence to check
* at index "idx"
* @return 1 if the named cell exists in the specifier at index idx,
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, pha, idx, cell) \
* @brief Equivalent to DT_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, pha, 0, cell)
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param cell lowercase-and-underscores cell name whose existence to check
* at index "idx"
* @return 1 if the named cell exists in the specifier at index 0,
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_PHA_HAS_CELL(node_id, pha, cell) \
DT_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, pha, 0, cell)
* @}
* @defgroup devicetree-generic-bus Bus helpers
* @ingroup devicetree
* @{
* @brief Node's bus controller
* Get the node identifier of the node's bus controller. This can be
* used with @ref DT_PROP() to get properties of the bus controller.
* It is an error to use this with nodes which do not have bus
* controllers.
* Example devicetree fragment:
* i2c@deadbeef {
* label = "I2C_CTLR";
* status = "okay";
* clock-frequency = < 100000 >;
* i2c_device: accelerometer@12 {
* ...
* };
* };
* Example usage:
* DT_PROP(DT_BUS(DT_NODELABEL(i2c_device)), clock_frequency) // 100000
* @param node_id node identifier
* @return a node identifier for the node's bus controller
#define DT_BUS(node_id) DT_CAT(node_id, _BUS)
* @brief Node's bus controller's label property
* @param node_id node identifier
* @return the label property of the node's bus controller DT_BUS(node)
#define DT_BUS_LABEL(node_id) DT_PROP(DT_BUS(node_id), label)
* @brief Is a node on a bus of a given type?
* Example devicetree overlay:
* &i2c0 {
* temp: temperature-sensor@76 {
* compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
* reg = <0x76>;
* };
* };
* Example usage, assuming "i2c0" is an I2C bus controller node, and
* therefore "temp" is on an I2C bus:
* DT_ON_BUS(DT_NODELABEL(temp), i2c) // 1
* DT_ON_BUS(DT_NODELABEL(temp), spi) // 0
* @param node_id node identifier
* @param bus lowercase-and-underscores bus type as a C token (i.e.
* without quotes)
* @return 1 if the node is on a bus of the given type,
* 0 otherwise
#define DT_ON_BUS(node_id, bus) IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT(node_id, _BUS_##bus))
* @}
* @defgroup devicetree-inst Instance-based devicetree APIs
* @ingroup devicetree
* @{
* @brief Node identifier for an instance of a DT_DRV_COMPAT compatible
* @param inst instance number
* @return a node identifier for the node with DT_DRV_COMPAT compatible and
* instance number "inst"
#define DT_DRV_INST(inst) DT_INST(inst, DT_DRV_COMPAT)
* @brief Call "fn" on all child nodes of DT_DRV_INST(inst).
* The macro "fn" should take one argument, which is the node
* identifier for the child node.
* @param inst instance number
* @param fn macro to invoke on each child node identifier
#define DT_INST_FOREACH_CHILD(inst, fn) \
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance property
* @param inst instance number
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @return a representation of the property's value
#define DT_INST_PROP(inst, prop) DT_PROP(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT property length
* @param inst instance number
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @return logical length of the property
#define DT_INST_PROP_LEN(inst, prop) DT_PROP_LEN(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop)
* @brief Is index "idx" valid for an array type property
* on a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance?
* @param inst instance number
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @param idx index to check
* @return 1 if "idx" is a valid index into the given property,
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_INST_PROP_HAS_IDX(inst, prop, idx) \
DT_PROP_HAS_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT element value in an array property
* @param inst instance number
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @param idx the index to get
* @return a representation of the idx-th element of the property
#define DT_INST_PROP_BY_IDX(inst, prop, idx) \
DT_PROP_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)
* @brief Like DT_INST_PROP(), but with a fallback to default_value
* @param inst instance number
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
* @return DT_INST_PROP(inst, prop) or default_value
#define DT_INST_PROP_OR(inst, prop, default_value) \
DT_PROP_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, default_value)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's "label" property
* @param inst instance number
* @return instance's label property value
#define DT_INST_LABEL(inst) DT_INST_PROP(inst, label)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's property value from a phandle's node
* @param inst instance number
* @param ph lowercase-and-underscores property of "inst"
* with type "phandle"
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle's node
* @return the value of "prop" as described in the DT_PROP() documentation
#define DT_INST_PROP_BY_PHANDLE(inst, ph, prop) \
DT_INST_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(inst, ph, 0, prop)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's property value from a phandle in a
* property.
* @param inst instance number
* @param phs lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle",
* "phandles", or "phandle-array"
* @param idx logical index into "phs", which must be zero if "phs"
* has type "phandle"
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle's node
* @return the value of "prop" as described in the DT_PROP() documentation
#define DT_INST_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(inst, phs, idx, prop) \
DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), phs, idx, prop)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's phandle-array specifier value at an index
* @param inst instance number
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param idx logical index into the property "pha"
* @param cell binding's cell name within the specifier at index "idx"
* @return the value of the cell inside the specifier at index "idx"
#define DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(inst, pha, idx, cell) \
DT_PHA_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, idx, cell)
* @brief Like DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(), but with a fallback to default_value
* @param inst instance number
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param idx logical index into the property "pha"
* @param cell binding's cell name within the specifier at index "idx"
* @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
* @return DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(inst, pha, idx, cell) or default_value
#define DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX_OR(inst, pha, idx, cell, default_value) \
DT_PHA_BY_IDX_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, idx, cell, default_value)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's phandle-array specifier value
* Equivalent to DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(inst, pha, 0, cell)
* @param inst instance number
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param cell binding's cell name for the specifier at "pha" index 0
* @return the cell value
#define DT_INST_PHA(inst, pha, cell) DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(inst, pha, 0, cell)
* @brief Like DT_INST_PHA(), but with a fallback to default_value
* @param inst instance number
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param cell binding's cell name for the specifier at "pha" index 0
* @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
* @return DT_INST_PHA(inst, pha, cell) or default_value
#define DT_INST_PHA_OR(inst, pha, cell, default_value) \
DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX_OR(inst, pha, 0, cell, default_value)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's value within a phandle-array
* specifier by name
* @param inst instance number
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in "pha"
* @param cell binding's cell name for the named specifier
* @return the cell value
#define DT_INST_PHA_BY_NAME(inst, pha, name, cell) \
DT_PHA_BY_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, name, cell)
* @brief Like DT_INST_PHA_BY_NAME(), but with a fallback to default_value
* @param inst instance number
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in "pha"
* @param cell binding's cell name for the named specifier
* @param default_value a fallback value to expand to
* @return DT_INST_PHA_BY_NAME(inst, pha, name, cell) or default_value
#define DT_INST_PHA_BY_NAME_OR(inst, pha, name, cell, default_value) \
DT_PHA_BY_NAME_OR(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, name, cell, default_value)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's phandle node identifier from a
* phandle array by name
* @param inst instance number
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores name of an element in "pha"
* @return node identifier for the phandle at the element named "name"
#define DT_INST_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(inst, pha, name) \
DT_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, name) \
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's node identifier for a phandle in
* a property.
* @param inst instance number
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name in "inst"
* with type "phandle", "phandles" or "phandle-array"
* @param idx index into "prop"
* @return a node identifier for the phandle at index "idx" in "prop"
#define DT_INST_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(inst, prop, idx) \
DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's node identifier for a phandle
* property's value
* @param inst instance number
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property of "inst"
* with type "phandle"
* @return a node identifier for the node pointed to by "ph"
#define DT_INST_PHANDLE(inst, prop) DT_INST_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(inst, prop, 0)
* @brief is "idx" a valid register block index on a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance?
* @param inst instance number
* @param idx index to check
* @return 1 if "idx" is a valid register block index,
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_INST_REG_HAS_IDX(inst, idx) DT_REG_HAS_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's idx-th register block's address
* @param inst instance number
* @param idx index of the register whose address to return
* @return address of the instance's idx-th register block
#define DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(inst, idx) DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's idx-th register block's size
* @param inst instance number
* @param idx index of the register whose size to return
* @return size of the instance's idx-th register block
#define DT_INST_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(inst, idx) \
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT's register block address by name
* @param inst instance number
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
* @return address of the register block with the given name
#define DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_NAME(inst, name) \
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT's register block size by name
* @param inst instance number
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
* @return size of the register block with the given name
#define DT_INST_REG_SIZE_BY_NAME(inst, name) \
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT's (only) register block address
* @param inst instance number
* @return instance's register block address
#define DT_INST_REG_ADDR(inst) DT_INST_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT's (only) register block size
* @param inst instance number
* @return instance's register block size
#define DT_INST_REG_SIZE(inst) DT_INST_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT interrupt specifier value at an index
* @param inst instance number
* @param idx logical index into the interrupt specifier array
* @param cell cell name specifier
* @return the named value at the specifier given by the index
#define DT_INST_IRQ_BY_IDX(inst, idx, cell) \
DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx, cell)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT interrupt specifier value by name
* @param inst instance number
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
* @param cell cell name specifier
* @return the named value at the specifier given by the index
#define DT_INST_IRQ_BY_NAME(inst, name, cell) \
DT_IRQ_BY_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name, cell)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT interrupt specifier's value
* @param inst instance number
* @param cell cell name specifier
* @return the named value at that index
#define DT_INST_IRQ(inst, cell) DT_INST_IRQ_BY_IDX(inst, 0, cell)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT's (only) irq number
* @param inst instance number
* @return the interrupt number for the node's only interrupt
#define DT_INST_IRQN(inst) DT_INST_IRQ(inst, irq)
* @brief Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT's bus node's label property
* @param inst instance number
* @return the label property of the instance's bus controller
* @brief Test if a DT_DRV_COMPAT's bus type is a given type
* @param inst instance number
* @param bus a binding's bus type as a C token, lowercased and without quotes
* @return 1 if the given instance is on a bus of the given type,
* 0 otherwise
#define DT_INST_ON_BUS(inst, bus) DT_ON_BUS(DT_DRV_INST(inst), bus)
* @brief Test if any DT_DRV_COMPAT node is on a bus of a given type
* and has status okay
* This is a special-purpose macro which can be useful when writing
* drivers for devices which can appear on multiple buses. One example
* is a sensor device which may be wired on an I2C or SPI bus.
* Example devicetree overlay:
* &i2c0 {
* temp: temperature-sensor@76 {
* compatible = "vnd,some-sensor";
* reg = <0x76>;
* };
* };
* Example usage, assuming "i2c0" is an I2C bus controller node, and
* therefore "temp" is on an I2C bus:
* #define DT_DRV_COMPAT vnd_some_sensor
* @param bus a binding's bus type as a C token, lowercased and without quotes
* @return 1 if any enabled node with that compatible is on that bus type,
* 0 otherwise
* @brief Call "fn" on all nodes with compatible DT_DRV_COMPAT
* and status "okay"
* This macro calls "fn(inst)" on each "inst" number that refers to a
* node with status "okay". Whitespace is added between invocations.
* Example devicetree fragment:
* a {
* compatible = "vnd,device";
* status = "okay";
* label = "DEV_A";
* };
* b {
* compatible = "vnd,device";
* status = "okay";
* label = "DEV_B";
* };
* c {
* compatible = "vnd,device";
* status = "disabled";
* label = "DEV_C";
* };
* Example usage:
* #define DT_DRV_COMPAT vnd_device
* #define MY_FN(inst) DT_INST_LABEL(inst),
* This expands to:
* MY_FN(0) MY_FN(1)
* and from there, to either this:
* "DEV_A", "DEV_B",
* or this:
* "DEV_B", "DEV_A",
* No guarantees are made about the order that a and b appear in the
* expansion.
* Note that "fn" is responsible for adding commas, semicolons, or
* other separators or terminators.
* Device drivers should use this macro whenever possible to
* instantiate a struct device for each enabled node in the devicetree
* of the driver's compatible DT_DRV_COMPAT.
* @param fn Macro to call for each enabled node. Must accept an
* instance number as its only parameter.
DT_DRV_COMPAT)(fn)), \
* @brief Does a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance have a property?
* @param inst instance number
* @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
* @return 1 if the instance has the property, 0 otherwise.
#define DT_INST_NODE_HAS_PROP(inst, prop) \
* @brief Does a phandle array have a named cell specifier at an index
* for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance?
* @param inst instance number
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param idx index to check
* @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
* @return 1 if the named cell exists in the specifier at index idx,
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_INST_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(inst, pha, idx, cell) \
DT_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pha, idx, cell)
* @brief Does a phandle array have a named cell specifier at index 0
* for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance?
* @param inst instance number
* @param pha lowercase-and-underscores property with type "phandle-array"
* @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
* @return 1 if the named cell exists in the specifier at index 0,
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_INST_PHA_HAS_CELL(inst, pha, cell) \
DT_INST_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(inst, pha, 0, cell)
* @brief is index valid for interrupt property on a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance?
* @param inst instance number
* @param idx logical index into the interrupt specifier array
* @return 1 if the idx is valid for the interrupt property
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_INST_IRQ_HAS_IDX(inst, idx) DT_IRQ_HAS_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx)
* @brief Does a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance have an interrupt named cell specifier?
* @param inst instance number
* @param idx index to check
* @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
* @return 1 if the named cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index idx
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_INST_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(inst, idx, cell) \
DT_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx, cell)
* @brief Does a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance have an interrupt value?
* @param inst instance number
* @param cell named cell value whose existence to check
* @return 1 if the named cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index 0
* 0 otherwise.
#define DT_INST_IRQ_HAS_CELL(inst, cell) \
DT_INST_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(inst, 0, cell)
* @brief Does a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance have an interrupt value?
* @param inst instance number
* @param name lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
* @return 1 if "name" is a valid named specifier
#define DT_INST_IRQ_HAS_NAME(inst, name) \
* @}
/** @internal pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! */
#define DT_PATH_INTERNAL(...) \
/** @internal helper for DT_PATH(): prepends _S_ to a node name */
#define DT_S_PREFIX(name) _S_##name
* @internal concatenation helper, 2 arguments
* This and the following macros are used to paste things together
* with "##" *after* forcing expansion on each argument.
* We could try to use something like UTIL_CAT(), but the compiler
* error messages from the util macros can be extremely long when they
* are misused. This unfortunately happens often with devicetree.h,
* since its macro-based API is fiddly and can be hard to get right.
* Keeping things brutally simple here hopefully makes some errors
* easier to read.
#define DT_CAT(a1, a2) a1 ## a2
/** @internal concatenation helper, 3 arguments */
#define DT_CAT3(a1, a2, a3) a1 ## a2 ## a3
/** @internal concatenation helper, 4 arguments */
#define DT_CAT4(a1, a2, a3, a4) a1 ## a2 ## a3 ## a4
/** @internal concatenation helper, 5 arguments */
#define DT_CAT5(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) a1 ## a2 ## a3 ## a4 ## a5
/** @internal concatenation helper, 6 arguments */
#define DT_CAT6(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) a1 ## a2 ## a3 ## a4 ## a5 ## a6
* If you need to define a bigger DT_CATN(), do so here. Don't leave
* any "holes" of undefined macros, please.
/** @internal helper for node identifier macros to expand args */
/** @internal helper for DT_DASH(): prepends _ to a name */
#define DT_DASH_PREFIX(name) _##name
/** @internal helper for DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS */
#define DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS_INTERNAL(node_id, status) \
IS_ENABLED(DT_CAT(node_id, _STATUS_ ## status))
/** @internal helper for test cases and DT_ANY_INST_ON_BUS_STATUS_OKAY() */
#define DT_COMPAT_ON_BUS_INTERNAL(compat, bus) \
/* have these last so they have access to all previously defined macros */
#include <devicetree/io-channels.h>
#include <devicetree/clocks.h>
#include <devicetree/gpio.h>
#include <devicetree/spi.h>
#include <devicetree/dma.h>
#include <devicetree/pwms.h>
#include <devicetree/fixed-partitions.h>
#include <devicetree/zephyr.h>
#include <devicetree/ordinals.h>
#endif /* DEVICETREE_H */