blob: 0b8f69ab3853141187abe7d81230f49647482b6e [file] [log] [blame]
.. _bluetooth_mesh_blob_flash:
BLOB Flash
The BLOB Flash Readers and Writers implement BLOB reading to and writing from flash partitions defined in the :ref:`flash map <flash_map_api>`.
BLOB Flash Reader
The BLOB Flash Reader interacts with the BLOB Transfer Client to read BLOB data directly from flash. It must be initialized by calling :c:func:`bt_mesh_blob_flash_rd_init` before being passed to the BLOB Transfer Client. Each BLOB Flash Reader only supports one transfer at the time.
BLOB Flash Writer
The BLOB Flash Writer interacts with the BLOB Transfer Server to write BLOB data directly to flash. It must be initialized by calling :c:func:`bt_mesh_blob_flash_rd_init` before being passed to the BLOB Transfer Server. Each BLOB Flash Writer only supports one transfer at the time, and requires a block size that is a multiple of the flash page size. If a transfer is started with a block size lower than the flash page size, the transfer will be rejected.
The BLOB Flash Writer copies chunk data into a buffer to accommodate chunks that are unaligned with the flash write block size. The buffer data is padded with ``0xff`` if either the start or length of the chunk is unaligned.
API Reference
.. doxygengroup:: bt_mesh_blob_io_flash
:project: Zephyr