blob: 681dab157294d8259183e4baa92e222e61ab71c0 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _ams_iaqcore:
ams iAQcore Indoor air quality sensor
This sample application demonstrates how to use the ams iAQcore sensor to
measure CO2 equivalent and VOC. The CO2 value is a predicted value derived from
VOC. The values are fetched and printed every second.
Building and Running
This sample application uses the sensor connected to the i2c stated in the
iaq_core.overlay file.
Flash the binary to a board of choice with a sensor connected.
This sample can run on every board with i2c.
For example build for a nucleo_f446re board:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/sensor/ams_iAQcore
:board: nucleo_f446re
:goals: build flash
Sample Output
.. code-block:: console
device is 0x20001a08, name is IAQ_CORE
Co2: 882.000000ppm; VOC: 244.000000ppb
Co2: 863.000000ppm; VOC: 239.000000ppb
Co2: 836.000000ppm; VOC: 232.000000ppb