blob: eb978168f07734dc092a89091c9b05fb4578ad42 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _nrf-system-off-sample:
nRF5x System Off demo
This sample can be used for basic power measurement and as an example of
deep sleep on Nordic platforms. The functional behavior is:
* Busy-wait for 2 seconds
* Sleep for 2 seconds without device power control
* Sleep for 2 seconds after turning UART off, which reduces current draw
by a couple hundred uA
* Turn the system off after enabling wakeup through a button press
A power monitor will be able to distinguish among these states.
This application uses nRF51 DK or nRF52 DK board for the demo.
Building, Flashing and Running
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/boards/nrf52/system_off
:board: nrf52dk_nrf52832
:goals: build flash
1. Open UART terminal.
2. Power Cycle Device.
3. Device will demonstrate two activity levels which can be measured.
4. Device will demonstrate long sleep at minimal non-off power.
5. Device will turn itself off using deep sleep state 1. Press Button 1
to wake the device and restart the application as if it had been
powered back on.
Sample Output
nRF52 core output
.. code-block:: console
*** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.3.0-rc1-204-g5f2eb85f728d ***
nrf52dk_nrf52832 system off demo
Busy-wait 2 s
Busy-wait 2 s with UART off
Sleep 2 s
Sleep 2 s with UART off
Entering system off; press BUTTON1 to restart