| #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
| # |
| # Copyright (c) 2022, Nordic Semiconductor ASA |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| '''Internal snippets tool. |
| This is part of the build system's support for snippets. |
| It is not meant for use outside of the build system. |
| |
| Output CMake variables: |
| |
| - SNIPPET_NAMES: CMake list of discovered snippet names |
| - SNIPPET_FOUND_{snippet}: one per discovered snippet |
| ''' |
| |
| from collections import defaultdict, UserDict |
| from dataclasses import dataclass, field |
| from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath |
| from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Set |
| import argparse |
| import logging |
| import os |
| import pykwalify.core |
| import pykwalify.errors |
| import re |
| import sys |
| import textwrap |
| import yaml |
| import platform |
| |
| # Marker type for an 'append:' configuration. Maps variables |
| # to the list of values to append to them. |
| Appends = Dict[str, List[str]] |
| |
| def _new_append(): |
| return defaultdict(list) |
| |
| def _new_board2appends(): |
| return defaultdict(_new_append) |
| |
| @dataclass |
| class Snippet: |
| '''Class for keeping track of all the settings discovered for an |
| individual snippet.''' |
| |
| name: str |
| appends: Appends = field(default_factory=_new_append) |
| board2appends: Dict[str, Appends] = field(default_factory=_new_board2appends) |
| |
| def process_data(self, pathobj: Path, snippet_data: dict): |
| '''Process the data in a snippet.yml file, after it is loaded into a |
| python object and validated by pykwalify.''' |
| def append_value(variable, value): |
| if variable in ('DTC_OVERLAY_FILE', 'OVERLAY_CONFIG'): |
| path = pathobj.parent / value |
| if not path.is_file(): |
| _err(f'snippet file {pathobj}: {variable}: file not found: {path}') |
| return f'"{path}"' |
| _err(f'unknown append variable: {variable}') |
| |
| for variable, value in snippet_data.get('append', {}).items(): |
| self.appends[variable].append(append_value(variable, value)) |
| for board, settings in snippet_data.get('boards', {}).items(): |
| if board.startswith('/') and not board.endswith('/'): |
| _err(f"snippet file {pathobj}: board {board} starts with '/', so " |
| "it must end with '/' to use a regular expression") |
| for variable, value in settings.get('append', {}).items(): |
| self.board2appends[board][variable].append( |
| append_value(variable, value)) |
| |
| class Snippets(UserDict): |
| '''Type for all the information we have discovered about all snippets. |
| As a dict, this maps a snippet's name onto the Snippet object. |
| Any additional global attributes about all snippets go here as |
| instance attributes.''' |
| |
| def __init__(self, requested: Iterable[str] = None): |
| super().__init__() |
| self.paths: Set[Path] = set() |
| self.requested: Set[str] = set(requested or []) |
| |
| class SnippetsError(Exception): |
| '''Class for signalling expected errors''' |
| |
| def __init__(self, msg): |
| self.msg = msg |
| |
| class SnippetToCMakePrinter: |
| '''Helper class for printing a Snippets's semantics to a .cmake |
| include file for use by snippets.cmake.''' |
| |
| def __init__(self, snippets: Snippets, out_file): |
| self.snippets = snippets |
| self.out_file = out_file |
| self.section = '#' * 79 |
| |
| def print_cmake(self): |
| '''Print to the output file provided to the constructor.''' |
| # TODO: add source file info |
| snippets = self.snippets |
| snippet_names = sorted(snippets.keys()) |
| |
| if platform.system() == "Windows": |
| # Change to linux-style paths for windows to avoid cmake escape character code issues |
| snippets.paths = set(map(lambda x: str(PurePosixPath(x)), snippets.paths)) |
| |
| for this_snippet in snippets: |
| for snippet_append in (snippets[this_snippet].appends): |
| snippets[this_snippet].appends[snippet_append] = \ |
| set(map(lambda x: str(x.replace("\\", "/")), \ |
| snippets[this_snippet].appends[snippet_append])) |
| |
| snippet_path_list = " ".join( |
| sorted(f'"{path}"' for path in snippets.paths)) |
| |
| self.print('''\ |
| # |
| # This file contains build system settings derived from your snippets. |
| # Its contents are an implementation detail that should not be used outside |
| # of Zephyr's snippets CMake module. |
| # |
| # See the Snippets guide in the Zephyr documentation for more information. |
| ''') |
| |
| self.print(f'''\ |
| {self.section} |
| # Global information about all snippets. |
| |
| # The name of every snippet that was discovered. |
| set(SNIPPET_NAMES {' '.join(f'"{name}"' for name in snippet_names)}) |
| # The paths to all the snippet.yml files. One snippet |
| # can have multiple snippet.yml files. |
| set(SNIPPET_PATHS {snippet_path_list}) |
| ''') |
| |
| for snippet_name in snippet_names: |
| if snippet_name not in snippets.requested: |
| continue |
| self.print_cmake_for(snippets[snippet_name]) |
| self.print() |
| |
| def print_cmake_for(self, snippet: Snippet): |
| self.print(f'''\ |
| {self.section} |
| # Snippet '{snippet.name}' |
| |
| # Common variable appends.''') |
| self.print_appends(snippet.appends, 0) |
| for board, appends in snippet.board2appends.items(): |
| self.print_appends_for_board(board, appends) |
| |
| def print_appends_for_board(self, board: str, appends: Appends): |
| if board.startswith('/'): |
| board_re = board[1:-1] |
| self.print(f'''\ |
| # Appends for board regular expression '{board_re}' |
| if("${{BOARD}}" MATCHES "^{board_re}$")''') |
| else: |
| self.print(f'''\ |
| # Appends for board '{board}' |
| if("${{BOARD}}" STREQUAL "{board}")''') |
| self.print_appends(appends, 1) |
| self.print('endif()') |
| |
| def print_appends(self, appends: Appends, indent: int): |
| space = ' ' * indent |
| for name, values in appends.items(): |
| for value in values: |
| self.print(f'{space}list(APPEND {name} {value})') |
| |
| def print(self, *args, **kwargs): |
| kwargs['file'] = self.out_file |
| print(*args, **kwargs) |
| |
| # Name of the file containing the pykwalify schema for snippet.yml |
| # files. |
| SCHEMA_PATH = str(Path(__file__).parent / 'schemas' / 'snippet-schema.yml') |
| with open(SCHEMA_PATH, 'r') as f: |
| SNIPPET_SCHEMA = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) |
| |
| # The name of the file which contains metadata about the snippets |
| # being defined in a directory. |
| SNIPPET_YML = 'snippet.yml' |
| |
| # Regular expression for validating snippet names. Snippet names must |
| # begin with an alphanumeric character, and may contain alphanumeric |
| # characters or underscores. This is intentionally very restrictive to |
| # keep things consistent and easy to type and remember. We can relax |
| # this a bit later if needed. |
| SNIPPET_NAME_RE = re.compile('[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_-]*') |
| |
| # Logger for this module. |
| LOG = logging.getLogger('snippets') |
| |
| def _err(msg): |
| raise SnippetsError(f'error: {msg}') |
| |
| def parse_args(): |
| parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='snippets helper', |
| allow_abbrev=False) |
| parser.add_argument('--snippet-root', default=[], action='append', type=Path, |
| help='''a SNIPPET_ROOT element; may be given |
| multiple times''') |
| parser.add_argument('--snippet', dest='snippets', default=[], action='append', |
| help='''a SNIPPET element; may be given |
| multiple times''') |
| parser.add_argument('--cmake-out', type=Path, |
| help='''file to write cmake output to; include() |
| this file after calling this script''') |
| return parser.parse_args() |
| |
| def setup_logging(): |
| # Silence validation errors from pykwalify, which are logged at |
| # logging.ERROR level. We want to handle those ourselves as |
| # needed. |
| logging.getLogger('pykwalify').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) |
| logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, |
| format=' %(name)s: %(message)s') |
| |
| def process_snippets(args: argparse.Namespace) -> Snippets: |
| '''Process snippet.yml files under each *snippet_root* |
| by recursive search. Return a Snippets object describing |
| the results of the search. |
| ''' |
| # This will contain information about all the snippets |
| # we discover in each snippet_root element. |
| snippets = Snippets(requested=args.snippets) |
| |
| # Process each path in snippet_root in order, adjusting |
| # snippets as needed for each one. |
| for root in args.snippet_root: |
| process_snippets_in(root, snippets) |
| |
| return snippets |
| |
| def process_snippets_in(root_dir: Path, snippets: Snippets) -> None: |
| '''Process snippet.yml files in *root_dir*, |
| updating *snippets* as needed.''' |
| |
| if not root_dir.is_dir(): |
| LOG.warning(f'SNIPPET_ROOT {root_dir} ' |
| 'is not a directory; ignoring it') |
| return |
| |
| snippets_dir = root_dir / 'snippets' |
| if not snippets_dir.is_dir(): |
| return |
| |
| for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(snippets_dir): |
| if SNIPPET_YML not in filenames: |
| continue |
| |
| snippet_yml = Path(dirpath) / SNIPPET_YML |
| snippet_data = load_snippet_yml(snippet_yml) |
| name = snippet_data['name'] |
| if name not in snippets: |
| snippets[name] = Snippet(name=name) |
| snippets[name].process_data(snippet_yml, snippet_data) |
| snippets.paths.add(snippet_yml) |
| |
| def load_snippet_yml(snippet_yml: Path) -> dict: |
| '''Load a snippet.yml file *snippet_yml*, validate the contents |
| against the schema, and do other basic checks. Return the dict |
| of the resulting YAML data.''' |
| |
| with open(snippet_yml, 'r') as f: |
| try: |
| snippet_data = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) |
| except yaml.scanner.ScannerError: |
| _err(f'snippets file {snippet_yml} is invalid YAML') |
| |
| def pykwalify_err(e): |
| return f'''\ |
| invalid {SNIPPET_YML} file: {snippet_yml} |
| {textwrap.indent(e.msg, ' ')} |
| ''' |
| |
| try: |
| pykwalify.core.Core(source_data=snippet_data, |
| schema_data=SNIPPET_SCHEMA).validate() |
| except pykwalify.errors.PyKwalifyException as e: |
| _err(pykwalify_err(e)) |
| |
| name = snippet_data['name'] |
| if not SNIPPET_NAME_RE.fullmatch(name): |
| _err(f"snippet file {snippet_yml}: invalid snippet name '{name}'; " |
| 'snippet names must begin with a letter ' |
| 'or number, and may only contain letters, numbers, ' |
| 'dashes (-), and underscores (_)') |
| |
| return snippet_data |
| |
| def check_for_errors(snippets: Snippets) -> None: |
| unknown_snippets = sorted(snippet for snippet in snippets.requested |
| if snippet not in snippets) |
| if unknown_snippets: |
| all_snippets = '\n '.join(sorted(snippets)) |
| _err(f'''\ |
| snippets not found: {', '.join(unknown_snippets)} |
| Please choose from among the following snippets: |
| {all_snippets}''') |
| |
| def write_cmake_out(snippets: Snippets, cmake_out: Path) -> None: |
| '''Write a cmake include file to *cmake_out* which |
| reflects the information in *snippets*. |
| |
| The contents of this file should be considered an implementation |
| detail and are not meant to be used outside of snippets.cmake.''' |
| if not cmake_out.parent.exists(): |
| cmake_out.parent.mkdir() |
| with open(cmake_out, 'w') as f: |
| SnippetToCMakePrinter(snippets, f).print_cmake() |
| |
| def main(): |
| args = parse_args() |
| setup_logging() |
| try: |
| snippets = process_snippets(args) |
| check_for_errors(snippets) |
| except SnippetsError as e: |
| LOG.critical(e.msg) |
| sys.exit(1) |
| write_cmake_out(snippets, args.cmake_out) |
| |
| if __name__ == "__main__": |
| main() |