blob: bf4440e7e352575a6c090a026f3978d123d18e28 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _olimex_esp32_evb:
Olimex ESP32-EVB
The Olimex ESP32-EVB is an OSHW certified, open-source IoT board based on the
Espressif ESP32-WROOM-32E/UE module. It has a wired 100Mbit/s Ethernet Interface,
Bluetooth LE, WiFi, infrared remote control, and CAN connectivity. Two relays
allows switching power appliances on and off.
The board can operate from a single LiPo backup battery as it has an internal
LiPo battery charger. There is no step-up converter, so relays, CAN, and USB
power does not work when running off battery.
.. figure:: ./ESP32-EVB.jpg
:width: 540px
:align: center
:alt: ESP32-EVB
ESP32-EVB (Credit: Olimex)
- ESP32-WROOM-32E/UE module with 4MB flash.
- On-board programmer, CH340T USB-to-UART
- WiFi, Bluetooth LE connectivity.
- 100Mbit/s Ethernet interface, Microchip LAN8710A PHY.
- MicroSD card slot.
- 2 x 10A/250VAC (15A/120VAC 15A/24VDC) relays with connectors and status LEDs.
- CAN interface, Microchip MCP2562-E high-speed CAN transceiver.
- IR receiver and transmitter, up to 5 meters distance.
- BL4054B LiPo battery charger with status LEDs for stand-alone operation during
power outages.
- Power jack for external 5VDC power supply.
- Univeral EXTension (UEXT) connector for connecting UEXT modules.
- User push button.
- 40 pin GPIO connector with all ESP32 pins.
For more information about the ESP32-EVB and the ESP32-WROOM-32E/UE module, see
these reference documents:
- `ESP32-EVB Website`_
- `ESP32-EVB Schematic`_
- `ESP32-EVB GitHub Repository`_
- `ESP32-WROOM32-E/UE Datasheet`_
Supported Features
The olimex_esp32_evb board configuration supports the following hardware
| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component |
| EFUSE | on-chip | hwinfo, device ID |
| FLASH | module | External flash |
| GPIO | on-chip | gpio |
| I2C | on-chip | I2C |
| INTERRUPT | on-chip | interrupt controller |
| IO_MUX | on-chip | pinctrl |
| SPI | on-chip | spi |
| TIMG | on-chip | counter |
| TRNG | on-chip | entropy |
| UART | on-chip | uart |
| WDT | on-chip | watchdog |
| WiFi | on-chip | WiFi |
The default configuration can be found in the defconfig file:
Other hardware features are not currently supported by the port.
Programming and Debugging
Build and flash applications as usual (see :ref:`build_an_application` and
:ref:`application_run` for more details).
Here is an example for the :ref:`hello_world` application.
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:board: olimex_esp32_evb
:goals: flash
Open the serial monitor using the following command:
.. code-block:: shell
west espressif monitor
After the board has automatically reset and booted, you should see the following
message in the monitor:
.. code-block:: console
***** Booting Zephyr OS vx.x.x-xxx-gxxxxxxxxxxxx *****
Hello World! olimex_esp32_evb
Please see the generic :ref:`esp32` instructions for further tips on programming
and debugging.
.. _ESP32-EVB Website:
.. _ESP32-EVB Schematic:
.. _ESP32-EVB GitHub Repository:
.. _ESP32-WROOM32-E/UE Datasheet: