blob: 219dd67892d68a7199dce380ff1ebd0542a296a3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2022 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/arch/xtensa/cache.h>
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#define CW_DT_NODE DT_NODELABEL(ace_comm_widget)
* @brief DSP Communication Widget for Intel ADSP
* These registers control the DSP Communication Widget for generic sideband message transmit /
* receive.
* Downstream Attributes
* Attribute register for downstream message.
#define DSATTR 0x00
* Destination Port ID
* type: RO/V, rst: 00h
* Destination Port ID received in message.
* Source Port ID
* type: RO/V, rst: 00h
* Source Port ID received in message.
* Opcode
* type: RO/V, rst: 00h
* Opcode received in message.
#define DSATTR_OPC GENMASK(23, 16)
* Byte Enable
* type: RO/V, rst: 0h
* Byte enables received in message.
#define DSATTR_BE GENMASK(27, 24)
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 0h
#define DSATTR_RSVD31 GENMASK(31, 28)
* Downstream Lower Address
* Address register (lower 32 bits) for downstream message.
* type: RO/V, rst: 0000 0000h
* LSB 32 address bits received in message. Bits 32:16 of the LSB address only
* valid when DSUADDR.ADDRLEN bit is set to 1.
#define DSLADDR 0x04
* Downstream Upper Address
* Address register (upper 32 bits) for downstream message.
#define DSUADDR 0x08
* Upper Address
* type: RO/V, rst: 0000h
* MSB 16 address bits received in message. Valid only when ADDRLEN bit is set to 1.
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 0000h
#define DSUADDR_RSVD30 GENMASK(30, 16)
* Address Length
* type: RO/V, rst: 0b
* Address length indication received in message.
* 0: 16-bit address
* 1: 48-bit address
* Downstream SAI
* Extended header (SAI / RS) register for downstream message.
#define DSSAI 0x0C
* type: RO/V, rst: 0000h
* SAI received in message. Valid if EHP bit set to 1.
#define DSSAI_SAI GENMASK(15, 0)
* Root Space
* type: RO/V, rst: 0h
* Root space received in message. Valid if EHP bit set to 1.
#define DSSAI_RS GENMASK(19, 16)
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 000h
#define DSSAI_RSVD30 GENMASK(30, 20)
* Extended Header Present
* type: RO/V, rst: 0b
* Extended header present indication received in message. When set to 1 indicates
* extended header is present, and RS / SAI fields are valid.
#define DSSAI_EHP BIT(31)
* Downstream Data
* Receive data register for downstream message.
* type: RO/V, rst: 0000 0000h
* Data received in message.
#define DSDATA 0x10
* Downstream Control & Status
* Control & status register for downstream message.
#define DSCTLSTS 0x14
* Transaction Type
* type: RO/V, rst: 00b
* Indicates type of transaction received as follows:
* 01: Posted message
* 10: Non-posted message
* 11: Completion message.
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 000 0000h
#define DSCTLSTS_RSVD29 GENMASK(29, 2)
* Interrupt GENMASK
* type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Interrupt GENMASK register for message received interrupt. When set to 1 interrupt
* is not generated to DSP Core. GENMASK does not affect interrupt status bit.
#define DSCTLSTS_IM BIT(30)
* Message Received
* type: RO/V, rst: 0b
* Message received interrupt status register. Set by HW when message is received,
* and cleared by HW when FW writes to upstream completion control register
* indicating completion is available.
* Downstream Source Port ID
* Source port ID register for ACE IP.
#define ACESRCPID 0x18
* Source Port ID
* type: RO/V, rst: ACE_SRCID
* Source Port ID of ACE IP. Default value is hardcoded to parameter ACE_SRCID.
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 00 0000h
* Downstream Completion Data
* type: RO/V, rst: 0000 0000h
* Completion data received for upstream non-posted read.
#define DSCPDATA 0x20
* Downstream Completion SAI
* type: RO/V, rst: 0000 0000h
* Completion SAI received for upstream non-posted message.
#define DSCPSAI 0x24
* Downstream Completion Control & Status
#define DSCPCTLSTS 0x28
* Completion Status
* type: RO/V, rst: 0b
* Completion status received for upstream non-posted message
* 000: Successful Completion (SC)
* 001: Unsupported Request (UR).
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 0b
* Completion Extended Header Present
* type: RO/V, rst: 0b
* Completion EH present indication received for upstream non-posted message.
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 00 0000h
* Interrupt GENMASK
* type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Interrupt GENMASK register for completion received interrupt. When set to 1
* interrupt is not generated to DSP Core. GENMASK does not affect interrupt status
* bit.
* Completion Received
* type: RW/1C, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Completion received status register. Set by HW when completion is received, and
* cleared by FW when writing 1 to it.
* Upstream Status
* Status register for upstream message.
#define USSTS 0x40
* State Machine Status
* type: RO/V, rst: 0b
* 0: The Endpoint Status Machine is idle
* 1: The Endpoint State Machine is busy
* This is OR of posted SM and non-posted SM busy signals.
#define USSTS_SMSTS BIT(0)
* Message Sent
* type: RW/1C, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Upstream message sent interrupt status. Set by HW when upstream message has been
* sent out, and cleared by FW when writing 1 to it.
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 0000 0000h
#define USSTS_RSVD31 GENMASK(31, 2)
* Upstream Command
* Command register for upstream message.
#define USCMD 0x44
* Send Sideband Transaction
* type: WO, rst: 0b
* DSP FW writes a 1 to this bit to cause an IOSF SB Transaction. The type of
* transaction is determined by Bit 1 in this register. This bit will always be
* read as 0 but FW can write it to 1 to start the upstream transaction. In that way
* it won't be readable as 1 after writing to. The write to this bit is ignored by
* hardware if opcode is 0x20 - 0x2F.
* Transaction Type
* type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* 0: Transaction will be a Write
* 1: Transaction will be a Read
* For posted message this register bit value will be ignored and hardcoded to 0 in
* the actual message as reads cannot be posted.
* Message Type
* type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* 0: Transaction will be non-posted
* 1: Transaction will be posted
* Interrupt Enable
* type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Interrupt enable register for message sent interrupt. When cleared to 0 interrupt
* is not generated to DSP Core. Enable does not affect interrupt status bit.
#define USCMD_IE BIT(3)
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 000 0000h
#define USCMD_RSVD31 GENMASK(31, 4)
* Upstream Lower Address
* Address register (lower 32 bits) for upstream message.
* type: RW, rst: 0000 0000h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* LSB 32 address bits for message to be sent. Bits 32:16 of the LSB address only
* valid when USUADDR.ADDRLEN bit is set to 1.
#define USLADDR 0x48
* Upstream Upper Address
* Address register (upper 32 bits) for upstream message.
#define USUADDR 0x4C
* Upper Address
* type: RW, rst: 0000h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* MSB 16 address bits for message to be sent. Valid only when ADDRLEN bit is set
* to 1.
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 0000h
#define USUADDR_RSVD30 GENMASK(30, 16)
* Address Length
* type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Address length indication for message to be sent.
* 0: 16-bit address
* 1: 48-bit address
* For simple message / message with data, this field will carry the MISC[3] of the
* IOSF 1.2 message format.
* Upstream Data
* Transmit data register for upstream message.
* type: RW, rst: 0000 0000h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Data for message to be sent.
#define USDATA 0x50
* Upstream Attributes
* Attribute register for upstream message.
#define USATTR 0x54
* Destination Port ID
* type: RW, rst: 00h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Destination ID for message to be sent.
* Opcode
* type: RW, rst: 00h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Opcode for message to be sent.
#define USATTR_OPC GENMASK(15, 8)
* Byte Enable
* type: RW, rst: 0h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Byte enables for message to be sent.
#define USATTR_BE GENMASK(19, 16)
* Base Address Register
* type: RW, rst: 0h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* BAR for register access to be sent. For simple message / message with data, this
* field will carry the MISC[2:0] of the IOSF 1.2 message format. Note: MSB of this
* register field is not used given the IOSF Sideband message BAR field is ONLY 3
* bits wide; and MISC[3] of the IOSF 1.2 message format is supplied by
#define USATTR_BAR GENMASK(23, 20)
* Function ID
* type: RW, rst: 00h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Function ID for register access to be sent.
#define USATTR_FID GENMASK(31, 24)
* Upstream SAI
* Extended header (SAI / RS) register for upstream message.
#define USSAI 0x58
* type: RO, rst: DSPISAI_2SB
* SAI for message to be sent, if EHP bit set to 1. Reset value is hardcoded to
* parameter DSPISAI_2SB.
#define USSAI_SAI GENMASK(7, 0)
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 00h
#define USSAI_RSVD15 GENMASK(15, 8)
* Root Space
* type: RW, rst: 0h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Root space for message to be sent, if EHP bit set to 1.
#define USSAI_RS GENMASK(19, 16)
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 000h
#define USSAI_RSVD30 GENMASK(30, 20)
* Extended Header Present
* type: RO, rst: 1b
* Extended header present indication for message to be sent. When set to 1
* indicates extended header is present. Currently tied to 1 in RTL as ACE IP
* supports only EH=1 transactions.
#define USSAI_EHP BIT(31)
* Upstream Completion Data
* type: RW, rst: 0000 0000h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Completion data to be sent for downstream non-posted read.
#define USCPDATA 0x5C
* Upstream Completion Control & Status
#define USCPCTLSTS 0x60
* Completion Status
* type: RW, rst: 0h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Completion status to be sent for downstream non-posted message.
* 000: Successful Completion (SC)
* 001: Unsupported Request (UR).
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 000 0000h
* Sideband Completion
* type: RW/1S, rst: 0h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Completion for downstream request handling. DSP FW writes a 1 to this bit to
* indicate downstream message received is consumed. This internally causes an IOSF
* SB completion transaction if original downstream request is non-posted. If
* original message is posted then upstream completion is not generated by HW. This
* bit is cleared by HW.
* Upstream completion SAI
#define USCPSAI 0x64
* type: RO, rst: DSPISAI_2SB
* Completion SAI to be sent for downstream non-posted message. Reset value is
* hardcoded to parameter DSPISAI_2SB.
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 00h
#define USCPSAI_RSVD15 GENMASK(15, 8)
* Spare 1
* type: RW, rst: 0h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* 4 Spare bits.
#define USCPSAI_SPARE1 GENMASK(19, 16)
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 000h
#define USCPSAI_RSVD30 GENMASK(30, 20)
* Spare 0
* type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* 1 Spare bit.
#define USCPSAI_SPARE0 BIT(31)
* SAI Width
#define SAIWDTH 0x68
* SAI Width
* type: RO, rst: SAI_WIDTH
* Specifies the SAI width value.
* 0-based value.
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 000 0000h
#define SAIWDTH_RSVD31 GENMASK(31, 4)
* Side Clock Gate
* Sideband clock gating enable register.
#define SCLKG 0x6C
* Local Clock Gate
* type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* 0: Clk is un-gated
* 1: Clk is gated
* Implementation Note: Local clock gating is not implemented as there are only ~10
* flops in the design.
#define SCLKG_LCG BIT(0)
* Trunk Clock Gate
* type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* 0: Clk request enabled
* 1: Clk is gated
* Implementation Note: This FW managed TCG bit is not used as HW has been improved
* to support trunk clock gating based on FSM operation.
#define SCLKG_TCG BIT(1)
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 0000 0000h
#define SCLKG_RSVD31 GENMASK(31, 2)
* Downstream Data 2
* Receive data (second DW) register for downstream message.
* type: RW, rst: 0000 0000h, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Data received in message. Second DW, if valid.
#define DSDATA2 0x74
* Downstream Access Enable
* Note: boot prep handling is an artifact of re-using the component from ISH. There is no usage
* model in ACE IP to support any boot prep message handling by FW.
#define DSACCEN 0x80
* Access Enable
* type: RW, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* This bit is set by DSP FW to enable SBEP HW to accept downstream cycles from
* Sideband peer agents (as well as access control policy owner for survivability).
* NOTE: If a BOOTPREP message is received, DSP FW is interrupted unconditionally,
* i.e. irrespective of this bit being 1 or 0.
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 0000 0000h
#define DSACCEN_RSVD31 GENMASK(31, 1)
* Boot Prep Control
* Boot prep message control register.
* Note: boot prep handling is an artifact of re-using the component from ISH. There is no usage
* model in ACE IP to support any boot prep message handling by FW.
#define BPCTL 0x84
* type: RW/1C, rst: 0b, rst domain: gHSTRST
* Boot Prep Received Status
* This bit is set by SBEP HW upon the reception of BOOTPREP message. DSP FW is
* required to clear this status bit by writing a 0 to the bit, upon issuing
* BOOTPREPACK message on the upstream path of SBEP HW. SBEP HW will clear this bit,
* upon auto ack'ing of BOOTPREP due to timeout condition.
* Reserved
* type: RO, rst: 0000 0000h
#define BPCTL_RSVD31 GENMASK(31, 1)
* @brief Check the endpoint state machine is idle
* @retval false The Endpoint State Machine is busy
* @retval true The Endpoint State Machine is idle
static inline bool cw_upstream_ready(void)
uint32_t status = sys_read32(CW_BASE + USSTS);
status &= ~USSTS_SMSTS;
sys_write32(status, CW_BASE + USSTS);
return !(sys_read32(CW_BASE + USSTS) & USSTS_SMSTS);
* @brief Configure attributes of upstream message
* @param dest Destination Port ID for message to be sent.
* @param func Function ID for register access to be sent.
* @param opcode Opcode for message to be sent.
* @param be Byte enables for message to be sent.
* @param bar Base Address Register for register access to be sent.
static inline void cw_upstream_set_attr(uint32_t dest, uint32_t func, uint32_t opcode,
uint32_t be, uint32_t bar)
uint32_t attr = FIELD_PREP(USATTR_DSTPID, dest) | FIELD_PREP(USATTR_FID, func) |
sys_write32(attr, CW_BASE + USATTR);
* @brief Set 16bit address for upstream message.
* @param address Address for message to be sent.
static inline void cw_upstream_set_address16(uint16_t address)
sys_write32(address, CW_BASE + USLADDR);
sys_write32(0, CW_BASE + USUADDR);
* @brief Set transmit data for upstream message.
* @param data Data for message to be sent.
static inline void cw_upstream_set_data(uint32_t data)
sys_write32(data, CW_BASE + USDATA);
* @brief Interrupt enable / disable for message sent interrupt.
* @param enable Interrupt state
static inline void cw_upstream_enable_sent_intr(bool enable)
uint32_t cmd = sys_read32(CW_BASE + USCMD);
if (enable)
cmd |= USCMD_IE;
cmd &= ~USCMD_IE;
sys_write32(cmd, CW_BASE + USCMD);
* @brief Write posted message.
static inline void cw_upstream_do_pw(void)
uint32_t cmd = sys_read32(CW_BASE + USCMD);
sys_write32(cmd, CW_BASE + USCMD);
* @brief Clear message send interrupt status
static inline void cw_upstream_clear_msgsent(void)
uint32_t sts = sys_read32(CW_BASE + USSTS);
sys_write32(sts, CW_BASE + USSTS);
* @brief Wait for message to be send.
static inline void cw_upstream_wait_for_sent(void)
WAIT_FOR(sys_read32(CW_BASE + USSTS) & USSTS_MSGSENT, 100, k_busy_wait(1));
* @brief Write a sideband message.
void cw_sb_write(uint32_t dest, uint32_t func, uint16_t address, uint32_t data);
#endif /* INTEL_COMM_WIDGET_H */