blob: 5b88357bd400830f324a71b19cc29dabe84d856d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief Zephyr testing framework assertion macros
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
const char *ztest_relative_filename(const char *file);
void ztest_test_fail(void);
void ztest_test_skip(void);
void ztest_test_expect_fail(void);
void ztest_skip_failed_assumption(void);
static inline bool z_zassert_(bool cond, const char *file, int line)
if (cond == false) {
PRINT("\n Assertion failed at %s:%d\n", ztest_relative_filename(file), line);
return false;
return true;
#define z_zassert(cond, default_msg, file, line, func, msg, ...) z_zassert_(cond, file, line)
static inline bool z_zassume_(bool cond, const char *file, int line)
if (cond == false) {
PRINT("\n Assumption failed at %s:%d\n", ztest_relative_filename(file), line);
return false;
return true;
#define z_zassume(cond, default_msg, file, line, func, msg, ...) z_zassume_(cond, file, line)
static inline bool z_zexpect_(bool cond, const char *file, int line)
if (cond == false) {
PRINT("\n Expectation failed at %s:%d\n", ztest_relative_filename(file), line);
return false;
return true;
#define z_zexpect(cond, default_msg, file, line, func, msg, ...) z_zexpect_(cond, file, line)
static inline bool z_zassert(bool cond, const char *default_msg, const char *file, int line,
const char *func, const char *msg, ...)
if (cond == false) {
va_list vargs;
va_start(vargs, msg);
PRINT("\n Assertion failed at %s:%d: %s: %s\n", ztest_relative_filename(file),
line, func, default_msg);
vprintk(msg, vargs);
return false;
else {
PRINT("\n Assertion succeeded at %s:%d (%s)\n", ztest_relative_filename(file),
line, func);
return true;
static inline bool z_zassume(bool cond, const char *default_msg, const char *file, int line,
const char *func, const char *msg, ...)
if (cond == false) {
va_list vargs;
va_start(vargs, msg);
PRINT("\n Assumption failed at %s:%d: %s: %s\n", ztest_relative_filename(file),
line, func, default_msg);
vprintk(msg, vargs);
return false;
else {
PRINT("\n Assumption succeeded at %s:%d (%s)\n", ztest_relative_filename(file),
line, func);
return true;
static inline bool z_zexpect(bool cond, const char *default_msg, const char *file, int line,
const char *func, const char *msg, ...)
if (cond == false) {
va_list vargs;
va_start(vargs, msg);
PRINT("\n Expectation failed at %s:%d: %s: %s\n", ztest_relative_filename(file),
line, func, default_msg);
vprintk(msg, vargs);
return false;
else {
PRINT("\n Expectation succeeded at %s:%d (%s)\n", ztest_relative_filename(file),
line, func);
return true;
* @defgroup ztest_assert Ztest assertion macros
* @ingroup ztest
* This module provides assertions when using Ztest.
* @{
* @brief Fail the test, if @a cond is false
* You probably don't need to call this macro directly. You should
* instead use zassert_{condition} macros below.
* Note that when CONFIG_MULTITHREADING=n macro returns from the function. It is
* then expected that in that case ztest asserts will be used only in the
* context of the test function.
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param default_msg Message to print if @a cond is false
* @param msg Optional, can be NULL. Message to print if @a cond is false.
#define _zassert_base(cond, default_msg, msg, ...) \
do { \
bool _msg = (msg != NULL); \
bool _ret = z_zassert(cond, _msg ? ("(" default_msg ")") : (default_msg), __FILE__,\
__LINE__, __func__, _msg ? msg : "", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
(void)_msg; \
if (!_ret) { \
/* If kernel but without multithreading return. */ \
()) \
} \
} while (0)
#define _zassert_va(cond, default_msg, msg, ...) \
_zassert_base(cond, default_msg, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define zassert(cond, default_msg, ...) \
_zassert_va(cond, default_msg, COND_CODE_1(__VA_OPT__(1), (__VA_ARGS__), (NULL)))
* @brief Skip the test, if @a cond is false
* You probably don't need to call this macro directly. You should
* instead use zassume_{condition} macros below.
* Note that when CONFIG_MULTITHREADING=n macro returns from the function. It's then expected that
* in that case ztest assumes will be used only in the context of the test function.
* NOTE: zassume should not be used to replace zassert, the goal of zassume is to skip tests that
* would otherwise fail due to a zassert on some other dependent behavior that is *not* under test,
* thus reducing what could be tens to hundreds of assertion failures to investigate down to a few
* failures only.
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param default_msg Message to print if @a cond is false
* @param msg Optional, can be NULL. Message to print if @a cond is false.
#define _zassume_base(cond, default_msg, msg, ...) \
do { \
bool _msg = (msg != NULL); \
bool _ret = z_zassume(cond, _msg ? ("(" default_msg ")") : (default_msg), __FILE__,\
__LINE__, __func__, _msg ? msg : "", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
(void)_msg; \
if (!_ret) { \
/* If kernel but without multithreading return. */ \
()) \
} \
} while (0)
#define _zassume_va(cond, default_msg, msg, ...) \
_zassume_base(cond, default_msg, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define zassume(cond, default_msg, ...) \
_zassume_va(cond, default_msg, COND_CODE_1(__VA_OPT__(1), (__VA_ARGS__), (NULL)))
* @brief If @a cond is false, fail the test but continue its execution.
* You probably don't need to call this macro directly. You should
* instead use zexpect_{condition} macros below.
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param default_msg Message to print if @a cond is false
* @param msg Optional, can be NULL. Message to print if @a cond is false.
#define _zexpect_base(cond, default_msg, msg, ...) \
do { \
bool _msg = (msg != NULL); \
bool _ret = \
z_zexpect(cond, _msg ? ("(" default_msg ")") : (default_msg), __FILE__, \
__LINE__, __func__, _msg ? msg : "", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
(void)_msg; \
if (!_ret) { \
/* If kernel but without multithreading return. */ \
()) \
} \
} while (0)
#define _zexpect_va(cond, default_msg, msg, ...) \
_zexpect_base(cond, default_msg, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define zexpect(cond, default_msg, ...) \
_zexpect_va(cond, default_msg, COND_CODE_1(__VA_OPT__(1), (__VA_ARGS__), (NULL)))
* @brief Assert that this function call won't be reached
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_unreachable(...) zassert(0, "Reached unreachable code", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assert that @a cond is true
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_true(cond, ...) zassert(cond, #cond " is false", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assert that @a cond is false
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_false(cond, ...) zassert(!(cond), #cond " is true", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assert that @a cond is 0 (success)
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_ok(cond, ...) zassert(!(cond), #cond " is non-zero", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assert that @a ptr is NULL
* @param ptr Pointer to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_is_null(ptr, ...) zassert((ptr) == NULL, #ptr " is not NULL", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assert that @a ptr is not NULL
* @param ptr Pointer to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_not_null(ptr, ...) zassert((ptr) != NULL, #ptr " is NULL", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assert that @a a equals @a b
* @a a and @a b won't be converted and will be compared directly.
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_equal(a, b, ...) zassert((a) == (b), #a " not equal to " #b, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assert that @a a does not equal @a b
* @a a and @a b won't be converted and will be compared directly.
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_not_equal(a, b, ...) zassert((a) != (b), #a " equal to " #b, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assert that @a a equals @a b
* @a a and @a b will be converted to `void *` before comparing.
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_equal_ptr(a, b, ...) \
zassert((void *)(a) == (void *)(b), #a " not equal to " #b, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assert that @a a is within @a b with delta @a d
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param d Delta
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_within(a, b, d, ...) \
zassert(((a) >= ((b) - (d))) && ((a) <= ((b) + (d))), #a " not within " #b " +/- " #d, \
* @brief Assert that @a a is greater than or equal to @a l and less
* than or equal to @a u
* @param a Value to compare
* @param l Lower limit
* @param u Upper limit
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_between_inclusive(a, l, u, ...) \
zassert(((a) >= (l)) && ((a) <= (u)), #a " not between " #l " and " #u " inclusive", \
* @brief Assert that 2 memory buffers have the same contents
* This macro calls the final memory comparison assertion macro.
* Using double expansion allows providing some arguments by macros that
* would expand to more than one values (ANSI-C99 defines that all the macro
* arguments have to be expanded before macro call).
* @param ... Arguments, see @ref zassert_mem_equal__
* for real arguments accepted.
#define zassert_mem_equal(...) zassert_mem_equal__(__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Internal assert that 2 memory buffers have the same contents
* @note This is internal macro, to be used as a second expansion.
* See @ref zassert_mem_equal.
* @param buf Buffer to compare
* @param exp Buffer with expected contents
* @param size Size of buffers
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assertion fails
#define zassert_mem_equal__(buf, exp, size, ...) \
zassert(memcmp(buf, exp, size) == 0, #buf " not equal to " #exp, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @}
* @defgroup ztest_assume Ztest assumption macros
* @ingroup ztest
* This module provides assumptions when using Ztest.
* @{
* @brief Assume that @a cond is true
* If the assumption fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assumption fails
#define zassume_true(cond, ...) zassume(cond, #cond " is false", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assume that @a cond is false
* If the assumption fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assumption fails
#define zassume_false(cond, ...) zassume(!(cond), #cond " is true", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assume that @a cond is 0 (success)
* If the assumption fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assumption fails
#define zassume_ok(cond, ...) zassume(!(cond), #cond " is non-zero", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assume that @a ptr is NULL
* If the assumption fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @param ptr Pointer to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assumption fails
#define zassume_is_null(ptr, ...) zassume((ptr) == NULL, #ptr " is not NULL", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assume that @a ptr is not NULL
* If the assumption fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @param ptr Pointer to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assumption fails
#define zassume_not_null(ptr, ...) zassume((ptr) != NULL, #ptr " is NULL", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assume that @a a equals @a b
* @a a and @a b won't be converted and will be compared directly. If the
* assumption fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assumption fails
#define zassume_equal(a, b, ...) zassume((a) == (b), #a " not equal to " #b, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assume that @a a does not equal @a b
* @a a and @a b won't be converted and will be compared directly. If the
* assumption fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assumption fails
#define zassume_not_equal(a, b, ...) zassume((a) != (b), #a " equal to " #b, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assume that @a a equals @a b
* @a a and @a b will be converted to `void *` before comparing. If the
* assumption fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assumption fails
#define zassume_equal_ptr(a, b, ...) \
zassume((void *)(a) == (void *)(b), #a " not equal to " #b, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Assume that @a a is within @a b with delta @a d
* If the assumption fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param d Delta
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assumption fails
#define zassume_within(a, b, d, ...) \
zassume(((a) >= ((b) - (d))) && ((a) <= ((b) + (d))), #a " not within " #b " +/- " #d, \
* @brief Assume that @a a is greater than or equal to @a l and less
* than or equal to @a u
* If the assumption fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @param a Value to compare
* @param l Lower limit
* @param u Upper limit
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assumption fails
#define zassume_between_inclusive(a, l, u, ...) \
zassume(((a) >= (l)) && ((a) <= (u)), #a " not between " #l " and " #u " inclusive", \
* @brief Assume that 2 memory buffers have the same contents
* This macro calls the final memory comparison assumption macro.
* Using double expansion allows providing some arguments by macros that
* would expand to more than one values (ANSI-C99 defines that all the macro
* arguments have to be expanded before macro call).
* @param ... Arguments, see @ref zassume_mem_equal__
* for real arguments accepted.
#define zassume_mem_equal(...) zassume_mem_equal__(__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Internal assume that 2 memory buffers have the same contents
* If the assumption fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @note This is internal macro, to be used as a second expansion.
* See @ref zassume_mem_equal.
* @param buf Buffer to compare
* @param exp Buffer with expected contents
* @param size Size of buffers
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the assumption fails
#define zassume_mem_equal__(buf, exp, size, ...) \
zassume(memcmp(buf, exp, size) == 0, #buf " not equal to " #exp, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @}
* @defgroup ztest_expect Ztest expectation macros
* @ingroup ztest
* This module provides expectations when using Ztest.
* @{
* @brief Expect that @a cond is true, otherwise mark test as failed but continue its execution.
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the expectation fails
#define zexpect_true(cond, ...) zexpect(cond, #cond " is false", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Expect that @a cond is false, otherwise mark test as failed but continue its execution.
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the expectation fails
#define zexpect_false(cond, ...) zexpect(!(cond), #cond " is true", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Expect that @a cond is 0 (success), otherwise mark test as failed but continue its
* execution.
* @param cond Condition to check
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the expectation fails
#define zexpect_ok(cond, ...) zexpect(!(cond), #cond " is non-zero", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Expect that @a ptr is NULL, otherwise mark test as failed but continue its execution.
* @param ptr Pointer to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the expectation fails
#define zexpect_is_null(ptr, ...) zexpect((ptr) == NULL, #ptr " is not NULL", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Expect that @a ptr is not NULL, otherwise mark test as failed but continue its execution.
* @param ptr Pointer to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the expectation fails
#define zexpect_not_null(ptr, ...) zexpect((ptr) != NULL, #ptr " is NULL", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Expect that @a a equals @a b, otherwise mark test as failed but continue its execution.
* expectation fails, the test will be marked as "skipped".
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the expectation fails
#define zexpect_equal(a, b, ...) zexpect((a) == (b), #a " not equal to " #b, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Expect that @a a does not equal @a b, otherwise mark test as failed but continue its
* execution.
* @a a and @a b won't be converted and will be compared directly.
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the expectation fails
#define zexpect_not_equal(a, b, ...) zexpect((a) != (b), #a " equal to " #b, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Expect that @a a equals @a b, otherwise mark test as failed but continue its execution.
* @a a and @a b will be converted to `void *` before comparing.
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the expectation fails
#define zexpect_equal_ptr(a, b, ...) \
zexpect((void *)(a) == (void *)(b), #a " not equal to " #b, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Expect that @a a is within @a b with delta @a d, otherwise mark test as failed but
* continue its execution.
* @param a Value to compare
* @param b Value to compare
* @param delta Difference between a and b
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the expectation fails
#define zexpect_within(a, b, delta, ...) \
zexpect(((a) >= ((b) - (delta))) && ((a) <= ((b) + (delta))), \
#a " not within " #b " +/- " #delta, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Expect that @a a is greater than or equal to @a l and less
* than or equal to @a u, otherwise mark test as failed but continue its execution.
* @param a Value to compare
* @param lower Lower limit
* @param upper Upper limit
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the expectation fails
#define zexpect_between_inclusive(a, lower, upper, ...) \
zexpect(((a) >= (lower)) && ((a) <= (upper)), \
#a " not between " #lower " and " #upper " inclusive", ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Expect that 2 memory buffers have the same contents, otherwise mark test as failed but
* continue its execution.
* @param buf Buffer to compare
* @param exp Buffer with expected contents
* @param size Size of buffers
* @param ... Optional message and variables to print if the expectation fails
#define zexpect_mem_equal(buf, exp, size, ...) \
zexpect(memcmp(buf, exp, size) == 0, #buf " not equal to " #exp, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus