blob: f5be1844f43d46793f3cd4dd249ee69a2db9f3b5 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _nrf52_blenano2:
Redbear Labs Nano v2
The Nano v2 is a development board equipped with Nordic's next generation nRF52832 Bluetooth Low Energy SOC.
This board was designed as a 'drop-in' replacement of BLE Nano with exactly the same form factor.
This board will be available for Kickstart backers on February 2017.
It is also available on Redbear store.
- nRF52832 SoC is built around a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4F CPU with 512kB flash + 64kB RAM
- 11 x Digital I/0
- 1 UART with hardware flow control ( 4 I/O pins occupied )
- 1 I2C ( 2 I/O pins occupied )
Supported Features
The BLE Nano v2 board configuration supports the following hardware features:
| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component |
| NVIC | on-chip | nested vectored interrupt controller |
| UART | on-chip | serial port |
| GPIO | on-chip | gpio |
| FLASH | on-chip | flash |
| RADIO | on-chip | bluetooth |
| I2C | on-chip | i2c |
Connections and IOs
BLE nano v2 pinout
.. image:: nano2.png
:width: 680px
:align: center
:alt: NANO2
DAPLink board
.. image:: dap.jpg
:width: 680px
:align: center
:alt: DAP
The DAPLink USB board acts as a dongle. DAPLink debug probes appear on the host computer as a USB disk.
It also regulates 5V from USB to 3.3V via the onboard LDO to power Nano v2.
Programming and Debugging
Build the Zephyr kernel and BLE sample application:
.. code-block:: console
$ .
$ make -C samples/bluetooth/beacon BOARD=nrf52_blenano2
- Mount your BLE Nano v2 onto the DAPLink USB dongle correctly.
- Connect DAPLink USB dongle to your host computer.
- The PC will prompt a new mass storage disk.
- Copy the generated file zephyr.bin on folder samples/bluetooth/beacon/outdir/nrf52_blenano2 to the DAPLink drive.
- Open nRF Connect application to check advertising packets.
.. target-notes::
.. _Kickstarter:
.. _Github:
.. _RedBear Forum: