blob: 8500ab0dfcea1b95e33b8693d1dd86f8c360dc04 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _bmm150:
BMM150 Geomagnetic Sensor
This sample application periodically reads magnetometer (X, Y, Z) data from
the first available device that implements SENSOR_CHAN_MAGN_* (predefined array
of device names). This sample checks the sensor in polling mode (without
interrupt trigger).
Building and Running
This sample application uses an BMM150 sensor connected to an Arduino 101 board via I2C.
Sensor has multiple pins so you need to connect according to connection diagram given in
`bmm150 datasheet`_ at page 41.
There are two processor cores (x86 and ARC) on the Arduino 101. You will need to
flash both this sample's code on the ARC core (using the ``arduino101_ss`` board target),
and stub code on the x86 core (using the ``arduino_101`` board target), as shown below.
.. code-block:: console
$ cd $ZEPHYR_BASE/samples/sensor/bmm150
$ make BOARD=arduino_101_sss flash
$ cd $ZEPHYR_BASE/tests/booting/stub
$ make BOARD=arduino_101 flash
Sample Output
To check output of this sample , any serial console program can be used.
Here I am using picocom program to open output. Check which tty device it is.
In my case it is ttyUSB0
.. code-block:: console
$ sudo picocom -D /dev/ttyUSB0
.. code-block:: console
( x y z ) = ( -0.390625 0.087500 -0.390625 )
( x y z ) = ( -0.275000 0.115625 -0.275000 )
( x y z ) = ( -0.281250 0.125000 -0.281250 )
( x y z ) = ( -0.287500 0.134375 -0.287500 )
.. _bmm150 datasheet: