blob: ca63b7b3c5e099253215ef5287b6ab7901bf8ae5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 Friedt Professional Engineering Services, Inc
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <ztest.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <zephyr/posix/time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zephyr/sys_clock.h>
/** req and rem are both NULL */
void test_nanosleep_NULL_NULL(void)
int r = nanosleep(NULL, NULL);
zassert_equal(r, -1, "actual: %d expected: %d", r, -1);
zassert_equal(errno, EFAULT, "actual: %d expected: %d", errno, EFAULT);
* req is NULL, rem is non-NULL (all-zero)
* Expect rem to be the same when function returns
void test_nanosleep_NULL_notNULL(void)
struct timespec rem = {};
errno = 0;
int r = nanosleep(NULL, &rem);
zassert_equal(r, -1, "actual: %d expected: %d", r, -1);
zassert_equal(errno, EFAULT, "actual: %d expected: %d",
errno, EFAULT);
zassert_equal(rem.tv_sec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
rem.tv_sec, 0);
zassert_equal(rem.tv_nsec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
rem.tv_nsec, 0);
* req is non-NULL (all-zero), rem is NULL
* Expect req to be the same when function returns
void test_nanosleep_notNULL_NULL(void)
struct timespec req = {};
errno = 0;
int r = nanosleep(&req, NULL);
zassert_equal(req.tv_sec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
req.tv_sec, 0);
zassert_equal(req.tv_nsec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
req.tv_nsec, 0);
zassert_equal(r, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d", r, -1);
zassert_equal(errno, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d", errno, 0);
* req is non-NULL (all-zero), rem is non-NULL (all-zero)
* Expect req & rem to be the same when function returns
void test_nanosleep_notNULL_notNULL(void)
struct timespec req = {};
struct timespec rem = {};
errno = 0;
int r = nanosleep(&req, &rem);
zassert_equal(r, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d", r, -1);
zassert_equal(errno, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d", errno, 0);
zassert_equal(req.tv_sec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
req.tv_sec, 0);
zassert_equal(req.tv_nsec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
req.tv_nsec, 0);
zassert_equal(rem.tv_sec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
rem.tv_sec, 0);
zassert_equal(rem.tv_nsec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
rem.tv_nsec, 0);
* req and rem point to the same timespec
* Normative spec says they may be the same.
* Expect rem to be zero after returning.
void test_nanosleep_req_is_rem(void)
struct timespec ts = {0, 1};
errno = 0;
int r = nanosleep(&ts, &ts);
zassert_equal(r, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d", r, -1);
zassert_equal(errno, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d", errno, 0);
zassert_equal(ts.tv_sec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
ts.tv_sec, 0);
zassert_equal(ts.tv_nsec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
ts.tv_nsec, 0);
/** req tv_sec is -1 */
void test_nanosleep_n1_0(void)
struct timespec req = {-1, 0};
errno = 0;
int r = nanosleep(&req, NULL);
zassert_equal(r, -1, "actual: %d expected: %d", r, -1);
zassert_equal(errno, EINVAL, "actual: %d expected: %d", errno, EFAULT);
/** req tv_nsec is -1 */
void test_nanosleep_0_n1(void)
struct timespec req = {0, -1};
errno = 0;
int r = nanosleep(&req, NULL);
zassert_equal(r, -1, "actual: %d expected: %d", r, -1);
zassert_equal(errno, EINVAL, "actual: %d expected: %d", errno, EFAULT);
/** req tv_sec and tv_nsec are both -1 */
void test_nanosleep_n1_n1(void)
struct timespec req = {-1, -1};
errno = 0;
int r = nanosleep(&req, NULL);
zassert_equal(r, -1, "actual: %d expected: %d", r, -1);
zassert_equal(errno, EINVAL, "actual: %d expected: %d", errno, EFAULT);
/** req tv_sec is 0 tv_nsec is 10^9 */
void test_nanosleep_0_1000000000(void)
struct timespec req = {0, 1000000000};
errno = 0;
int r = nanosleep(&req, NULL);
zassert_equal(r, -1, "actual: %d expected: %d", r, -1);
zassert_equal(errno, EINVAL, "actual: %d expected: %d", errno, EFAULT);
static void common(const uint32_t s, uint32_t ns)
uint32_t then;
uint32_t now;
int r;
struct timespec req = {s, ns};
struct timespec rem = {0, 0};
errno = 0;
then = k_cycle_get_32();
r = nanosleep(&req, &rem);
now = k_cycle_get_32();
zassert_equal(r, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d", r, -1);
zassert_equal(errno, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d", errno, 0);
zassert_equal(req.tv_sec, s, "actual: %d expected: %d",
req.tv_sec, s);
zassert_equal(req.tv_nsec, ns, "actual: %d expected: %d",
req.tv_nsec, ns);
zassert_equal(rem.tv_sec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
rem.tv_sec, 0);
zassert_equal(rem.tv_nsec, 0, "actual: %d expected: %d",
rem.tv_nsec, 0);
uint64_t actual_ns = k_cyc_to_ns_ceil64((now - then));
uint64_t exp_ns = (uint64_t)s * NSEC_PER_SEC + ns;
/* round up to the nearest microsecond for k_busy_wait() */
exp_ns = ceiling_fraction(exp_ns, NSEC_PER_USEC) * NSEC_PER_USEC;
/* lower bounds check */
zassert_true(actual_ns >= exp_ns,
"actual: %llu expected: %llu", actual_ns, exp_ns);
/* TODO: Upper bounds check when hr timers are available */
/** sleep for 1ns */
void test_nanosleep_0_1(void)
common(0, 1);
/** sleep for 1us + 1ns */
void test_nanosleep_0_1001(void)
common(0, 1001);
/** sleep for 500000000ns */
void test_nanosleep_0_500000000(void)
common(0, 500000000);
/** sleep for 1s */
void test_nanosleep_1_0(void)
common(1, 0);
/** sleep for 1s + 1ns */
void test_nanosleep_1_1(void)
common(1, 1);
/** sleep for 1s + 1us + 1ns */
void test_nanosleep_1_1001(void)
common(1, 1001);