blob: f419bb366e683171577d79787cdd06830ac52c1a [file] [log] [blame]
/* micro_task_switch_yield.c - measure task context switch time using yield */
* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* This file contains the benchmark that measure the average time it takes to
* do context switches between microkernel tasks using task_yield () to force
* context switch.
#include <zephyr.h>
#include "timestamp.h" /* reading time */
#include "utils.h" /* PRINT () and other macros */
/* <stdlib.h> is not supported */
static int abs(int i) { return (i >= 0) ? i : -i; }
/* context switch enough time so our measurement is precise */
#define NB_OF_YIELD 1000
static uint32_t helper_task_iterations;
* @brief Helper task for measuring task switch latency using yield
* This task is define in .mdef as SEMYIELDTSK
* @return N/A
void yieldingTask(void)
while (helper_task_iterations < NB_OF_YIELD) {
* @brief Entry point for task context switch using yield test
* @return N/A
void microTaskSwitchYield(void)
uint32_t iterations = 0;
int32_t delta;
uint32_t timestamp;
PRINT_FORMAT(" 5- Measure average context switch time between tasks"
" using (task_yield)");
/* launch helper task of the same priority than this routine */
/* get initial timestamp */
timestamp = TIME_STAMP_DELTA_GET(0);
/* loop until either helper or this routine reaches number of yields */
while (iterations < NB_OF_YIELD &&
helper_task_iterations < NB_OF_YIELD) {
/* get the number of cycles it took to do the test */
timestamp = TIME_STAMP_DELTA_GET(timestamp);
/* Ensure both helper and this routine were context switching back &
* forth.
* For execution to reach the line below, either this routine or helper
* routine reached NB_OF_YIELD. The other loop must be at most one
* iteration away from reaching NB_OF_YIELD if execute was switching
* back and forth.
delta = iterations - helper_task_iterations;
if (bench_test_end() < 0) {
} else if (abs(delta) > 1) {
/* expecting even alternating context switch, seems one routine
* called yield without the other having chance to execute
PRINT_FORMAT(" Error, iteration:%u, helper iteration:%u",
iterations, helper_task_iterations);
} else {
/* task_yield is called (iterations + helper_task_iterations)
* times in total.
PRINT_FORMAT(" Average task context switch using "
"yield %u tcs = %u nsec",
timestamp / (iterations + helper_task_iterations),
(iterations + helper_task_iterations)));