blob: e87cb04fc79961b6ceff954d9d415dc5d744db92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019,2024 NXP
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <nxp/nxp_lpc55S6x.dtsi>
#include "lpcxpresso55s69.dtsi"
#include <zephyr/dt-bindings/pwm/pwm.h>
#include <zephyr/dt-bindings/input/input-event-codes.h>
/ {
model = "NXP LPCXpresso55S69 board";
compatible = "nxp,lpc55xxx", "nxp,lpc";
cpus {
/delete-node/ cpu@1;
sw0 = &user_button_1;
sw1 = &user_button_2;
sw2 = &user_button_3;
watchdog0 = &wwdt0;
/* For pwm test suites */
pwm-0 = &sc_timer;
pwm-led0 = &red_pwm_led;
red-pwm-led = &red_pwm_led;
sdhc0 = &sdhc0;
accel0 = &mma8652fc;
sdhc0 = &sdif;
mcuboot-button0 = &user_button_1;
chosen {
zephyr,sram = &sram0;
zephyr,flash = &flash0;
zephyr,code-partition = &slot0_partition;
zephyr,uart-mcumgr = &flexcomm0;
zephyr,code-cpu1-partition = &slot0_ns_partition;
zephyr,sram-cpu1-partition = &sram3;
zephyr,console = &flexcomm0;
zephyr,shell-uart = &flexcomm0;
zephyr,entropy = &rng;
gpio_keys {
compatible = "gpio-keys";
user_button_1: button_0 {
label = "User SW1";
gpios = <&gpio0 5 (GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH | GPIO_PULL_UP)>;
zephyr,code = <INPUT_KEY_0>;
user_button_2: button_1 {
label = "User SW2";
gpios = <&gpio1 18 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PULL_UP)>;
zephyr,code = <INPUT_KEY_1>;
user_button_3: button_2 {
label = "User SW3";
gpios = <&gpio1 9 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PULL_UP)>;
zephyr,code = <INPUT_KEY_2>;
pwmleds {
compatible = "pwm-leds";
red_pwm_led: red_pwm_led {
pwms = <&sc_timer 0 PWM_MSEC(20) PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL>;
label = "Red PWM LED";
status = "okay";
* Default for this board is to allocate SRAM0-2 to cpu0 but the
* application can have an application specific device tree to
* allocate the SRAM0-4 differently.
* For example, SRAM0-3 could be allocated to cpu0 with only SRAM4
* for cpu1. This would require the zephyr,sram chosen value for cpu1
* to be changed to sram4 and the value of sram0 to have a DT_SIZE_K
* of 256.
&sram0 {
compatible = "mmio-sram";
reg = <0x20000000 DT_SIZE_K(192)>;
&gpio0 {
status = "okay";
&gpio1 {
status = "okay";
&green_led {
status = "okay";
&red_led {
status = "okay";
&flexcomm0 {
status = "okay";
&flexcomm4 {
status = "okay";
&sdif {
status = "okay";
pinctrl-0 = <&pinmux_sdif_default>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
mmc {
compatible = "zephyr,sdmmc-disk";
disk-name = "SD";
status = "okay";
&hs_lspi {
status = "okay";
cs-gpios = <&gpio1 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
&wwdt0 {
status = "okay";
&adc0 {
status = "okay";
pinctrl-0 = <&pinmux_lpadc0>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
&mailbox0 {
status = "okay";
&usbfs {
pinctrl-0 = <&pinmux_usbfs>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
zephyr_udc0: &usbhs {
status = "okay";
phy_handle = <&usbphy1>;
&usbphy1 {
status = "okay";
tx-d-cal = <5>;
tx-cal-45-dp-ohms = <10>;
tx-cal-45-dm-ohms = <10>;
&ctimer0 {
status = "okay";
&ctimer1 {
status = "okay";
&ctimer2 {
status = "okay";
&ctimer3 {
status = "okay";
&ctimer4 {
status = "okay";
/* I2S receive channel */
i2s0: &flexcomm6 {
status = "okay";
compatible = "nxp,lpc-i2s";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
/* I2S transmit channel */
i2s1: &flexcomm7 {
status = "okay";
compatible = "nxp,lpc-i2s";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
&sc_timer {
status = "okay";
&dma0 {
status = "okay";
&dma1 {
status = "okay";
&mrt_channel0 {
status = "okay";