blob: eb4be7c0e9bca4471784f4b75016e11fe391f9b1 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _st7789v_generic:
Generic ST7789V Display Shield
This is a generic shield for display shields based on ST7789V display
controller. More information about the controller can be found in
`ST7789V Datasheet`_.
Pins Assignment of the Generic ST7789V Display Shield
| Arduino Connector Pin | Function |
| D8 | ST7789V Reset | |
| D9 | ST7789V DC | (Data/Command) |
| D10 | SPI SS | (Serial Slave Select) |
| D11 | SPI MOSI | (Serial Data Input) |
| D12 | SPI MISO | (Serial Data Out) |
| D13 | SPI SCK | (Serial Clock Input) |
Current supported displays
| Display | Shield Designation |
| | |
| TL019FQV01 | st7789v_tl019fqv01 |
| | |
| Waveshare 240x240 | st7789v_waveshare_240x240 |
| 1.3inch IPS LCD | |
This shield can only be used with a board that provides a configuration
for Arduino connectors and defines node aliases for SPI and GPIO interfaces
(see :ref:`shields` for more details).
Set ``-DSHIELD=st7789v_tl019fqv01`` when you invoke ``west build``. For example:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/gui/lvgl
:board: nrf52840_pca10056
:shield: st7789v_tl019fqv01
:goals: build
.. target-notes::
.. _ST7789V Datasheet: