blob: 649a8f74d922d6fd07061229aa66b1e2bee84414 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _96b_carbon_multi_thread_blinky:
Basic Thread Example
This example demonstrates spawning of multiple threads using K_THREAD_DEFINE.
The example works by spawning three threads. The first two threads control a
separate LED. Both of these LEDs (USR1 and USR2) have their individual loop
control and timing logic defined by separate functions.
The third thread, uart_out(), sends out messages on the UART using printk().
- blink1() controls the USR1 LED that has a 100ms sleep cycle
- blink2() controls the USR2 LED that has a 1000ms sleep cycle
Each thread is then defined at compile time using K_THREAD_DEFINE.
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/basic/threads
:board: 96b_carbon
:goals: build flash