blob: 4fe3b5952c4de55bea9adb28bdd2db284880af50 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file
* \brief Component description for SMC
* Copyright (c) 2018 Atmel Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc.
* \license_start
* \page License
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \license_stop
/* file generated from device description version 2017-08-25T14:00:00Z */
#define _SAME70_SMC_COMPONENT_ /**< \deprecated Backward compatibility for ASF */
/** \addtogroup SAME_SAME70 Static Memory Controller
* @{
/* ========================================================================== */
/* ========================================================================== */
#define COMPONENT_TYPEDEF_STYLE 'R' /**< Defines default style of typedefs for the component header files ('R' = RFO, 'N' = NTO)*/
#define SMC_6498 /**< (SMC) Module ID */
#define REV_SMC H /**< (SMC) Module revision */
/* -------- SMC_SETUP : (SMC Offset: 0x00) (R/W 32) SMC Setup Register (CS_number = 0) -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t NWE_SETUP:6; /**< bit: 0..5 NWE Setup Length */
uint32_t :2; /**< bit: 6..7 Reserved */
uint32_t NCS_WR_SETUP:6; /**< bit: 8..13 NCS Setup Length in WRITE Access */
uint32_t :2; /**< bit: 14..15 Reserved */
uint32_t NRD_SETUP:6; /**< bit: 16..21 NRD Setup Length */
uint32_t :2; /**< bit: 22..23 Reserved */
uint32_t NCS_RD_SETUP:6; /**< bit: 24..29 NCS Setup Length in READ Access */
uint32_t :2; /**< bit: 30..31 Reserved */
} bit; /**< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /**< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define SMC_SETUP_OFFSET (0x00) /**< (SMC_SETUP) SMC Setup Register (CS_number = 0) Offset */
#define SMC_SETUP_NWE_SETUP_Pos 0 /**< (SMC_SETUP) NWE Setup Length Position */
#define SMC_SETUP_NWE_SETUP_Msk (_U_(0x3F) << SMC_SETUP_NWE_SETUP_Pos) /**< (SMC_SETUP) NWE Setup Length Mask */
#define SMC_SETUP_NCS_WR_SETUP_Pos 8 /**< (SMC_SETUP) NCS Setup Length in WRITE Access Position */
#define SMC_SETUP_NCS_WR_SETUP_Msk (_U_(0x3F) << SMC_SETUP_NCS_WR_SETUP_Pos) /**< (SMC_SETUP) NCS Setup Length in WRITE Access Mask */
#define SMC_SETUP_NRD_SETUP_Pos 16 /**< (SMC_SETUP) NRD Setup Length Position */
#define SMC_SETUP_NRD_SETUP_Msk (_U_(0x3F) << SMC_SETUP_NRD_SETUP_Pos) /**< (SMC_SETUP) NRD Setup Length Mask */
#define SMC_SETUP_NCS_RD_SETUP_Pos 24 /**< (SMC_SETUP) NCS Setup Length in READ Access Position */
#define SMC_SETUP_NCS_RD_SETUP_Msk (_U_(0x3F) << SMC_SETUP_NCS_RD_SETUP_Pos) /**< (SMC_SETUP) NCS Setup Length in READ Access Mask */
#define SMC_SETUP_MASK _U_(0x3F3F3F3F) /**< \deprecated (SMC_SETUP) Register MASK (Use SMC_SETUP_Msk instead) */
#define SMC_SETUP_Msk _U_(0x3F3F3F3F) /**< (SMC_SETUP) Register Mask */
/* -------- SMC_PULSE : (SMC Offset: 0x04) (R/W 32) SMC Pulse Register (CS_number = 0) -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t NWE_PULSE:7; /**< bit: 0..6 NWE Pulse Length */
uint32_t :1; /**< bit: 7 Reserved */
uint32_t NCS_WR_PULSE:7; /**< bit: 8..14 NCS Pulse Length in WRITE Access */
uint32_t :1; /**< bit: 15 Reserved */
uint32_t NRD_PULSE:7; /**< bit: 16..22 NRD Pulse Length */
uint32_t :1; /**< bit: 23 Reserved */
uint32_t NCS_RD_PULSE:7; /**< bit: 24..30 NCS Pulse Length in READ Access */
uint32_t :1; /**< bit: 31 Reserved */
} bit; /**< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /**< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define SMC_PULSE_OFFSET (0x04) /**< (SMC_PULSE) SMC Pulse Register (CS_number = 0) Offset */
#define SMC_PULSE_NWE_PULSE_Pos 0 /**< (SMC_PULSE) NWE Pulse Length Position */
#define SMC_PULSE_NWE_PULSE_Msk (_U_(0x7F) << SMC_PULSE_NWE_PULSE_Pos) /**< (SMC_PULSE) NWE Pulse Length Mask */
#define SMC_PULSE_NCS_WR_PULSE_Pos 8 /**< (SMC_PULSE) NCS Pulse Length in WRITE Access Position */
#define SMC_PULSE_NCS_WR_PULSE_Msk (_U_(0x7F) << SMC_PULSE_NCS_WR_PULSE_Pos) /**< (SMC_PULSE) NCS Pulse Length in WRITE Access Mask */
#define SMC_PULSE_NRD_PULSE_Pos 16 /**< (SMC_PULSE) NRD Pulse Length Position */
#define SMC_PULSE_NRD_PULSE_Msk (_U_(0x7F) << SMC_PULSE_NRD_PULSE_Pos) /**< (SMC_PULSE) NRD Pulse Length Mask */
#define SMC_PULSE_NCS_RD_PULSE_Pos 24 /**< (SMC_PULSE) NCS Pulse Length in READ Access Position */
#define SMC_PULSE_NCS_RD_PULSE_Msk (_U_(0x7F) << SMC_PULSE_NCS_RD_PULSE_Pos) /**< (SMC_PULSE) NCS Pulse Length in READ Access Mask */
#define SMC_PULSE_MASK _U_(0x7F7F7F7F) /**< \deprecated (SMC_PULSE) Register MASK (Use SMC_PULSE_Msk instead) */
#define SMC_PULSE_Msk _U_(0x7F7F7F7F) /**< (SMC_PULSE) Register Mask */
/* -------- SMC_CYCLE : (SMC Offset: 0x08) (R/W 32) SMC Cycle Register (CS_number = 0) -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t NWE_CYCLE:9; /**< bit: 0..8 Total Write Cycle Length */
uint32_t :7; /**< bit: 9..15 Reserved */
uint32_t NRD_CYCLE:9; /**< bit: 16..24 Total Read Cycle Length */
uint32_t :7; /**< bit: 25..31 Reserved */
} bit; /**< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /**< Type used for register access */
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define SMC_CYCLE_OFFSET (0x08) /**< (SMC_CYCLE) SMC Cycle Register (CS_number = 0) Offset */
#define SMC_CYCLE_NWE_CYCLE_Pos 0 /**< (SMC_CYCLE) Total Write Cycle Length Position */
#define SMC_CYCLE_NWE_CYCLE_Msk (_U_(0x1FF) << SMC_CYCLE_NWE_CYCLE_Pos) /**< (SMC_CYCLE) Total Write Cycle Length Mask */
#define SMC_CYCLE_NRD_CYCLE_Pos 16 /**< (SMC_CYCLE) Total Read Cycle Length Position */
#define SMC_CYCLE_NRD_CYCLE_Msk (_U_(0x1FF) << SMC_CYCLE_NRD_CYCLE_Pos) /**< (SMC_CYCLE) Total Read Cycle Length Mask */
#define SMC_CYCLE_MASK _U_(0x1FF01FF) /**< \deprecated (SMC_CYCLE) Register MASK (Use SMC_CYCLE_Msk instead) */
#define SMC_CYCLE_Msk _U_(0x1FF01FF) /**< (SMC_CYCLE) Register Mask */
/* -------- SMC_MODE : (SMC Offset: 0x0c) (R/W 32) SMC MODE Register (CS_number = 0) -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t READ_MODE:1; /**< bit: 0 Read Mode */
uint32_t WRITE_MODE:1; /**< bit: 1 Write Mode */
uint32_t :2; /**< bit: 2..3 Reserved */
uint32_t EXNW_MODE:2; /**< bit: 4..5 NWAIT Mode */
uint32_t :2; /**< bit: 6..7 Reserved */
uint32_t BAT:1; /**< bit: 8 Byte Access Type */
uint32_t :3; /**< bit: 9..11 Reserved */
uint32_t DBW:1; /**< bit: 12 Data Bus Width */
uint32_t :3; /**< bit: 13..15 Reserved */
uint32_t TDF_CYCLES:4; /**< bit: 16..19 Data Float Time */
uint32_t TDF_MODE:1; /**< bit: 20 TDF Optimization */
uint32_t :3; /**< bit: 21..23 Reserved */
uint32_t PMEN:1; /**< bit: 24 Page Mode Enabled */
uint32_t :3; /**< bit: 25..27 Reserved */
uint32_t PS:2; /**< bit: 28..29 Page Size */
uint32_t :2; /**< bit: 30..31 Reserved */
} bit; /**< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /**< Type used for register access */
} SMC_MODE_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define SMC_MODE_OFFSET (0x0C) /**< (SMC_MODE) SMC MODE Register (CS_number = 0) Offset */
#define SMC_MODE_READ_MODE_Pos 0 /**< (SMC_MODE) Read Mode Position */
#define SMC_MODE_READ_MODE_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_MODE_READ_MODE_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) Read Mode Mask */
#define SMC_MODE_READ_MODE SMC_MODE_READ_MODE_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_MODE_READ_MODE_Msk instead */
#define SMC_MODE_WRITE_MODE_Pos 1 /**< (SMC_MODE) Write Mode Position */
#define SMC_MODE_WRITE_MODE_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_MODE_WRITE_MODE_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) Write Mode Mask */
#define SMC_MODE_WRITE_MODE SMC_MODE_WRITE_MODE_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_MODE_WRITE_MODE_Msk instead */
#define SMC_MODE_EXNW_MODE_Pos 4 /**< (SMC_MODE) NWAIT Mode Position */
#define SMC_MODE_EXNW_MODE_Msk (_U_(0x3) << SMC_MODE_EXNW_MODE_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) NWAIT Mode Mask */
#define SMC_MODE_EXNW_MODE(value) (SMC_MODE_EXNW_MODE_Msk & ((value) << SMC_MODE_EXNW_MODE_Pos))
#define SMC_MODE_EXNW_MODE_DISABLED_Val _U_(0x0) /**< (SMC_MODE) Disabled */
#define SMC_MODE_EXNW_MODE_FROZEN_Val _U_(0x2) /**< (SMC_MODE) Frozen Mode */
#define SMC_MODE_EXNW_MODE_READY_Val _U_(0x3) /**< (SMC_MODE) Ready Mode */
#define SMC_MODE_BAT_Pos 8 /**< (SMC_MODE) Byte Access Type Position */
#define SMC_MODE_BAT_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_MODE_BAT_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) Byte Access Type Mask */
#define SMC_MODE_BAT SMC_MODE_BAT_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_MODE_BAT_Msk instead */
#define SMC_MODE_BAT_BYTE_SELECT_Val _U_(0x0) /**< (SMC_MODE) Byte select access type:- Write operation is controlled using NCS, NWE, NBS0, NBS1.- Read operation is controlled using NCS, NRD, NBS0, NBS1. */
#define SMC_MODE_BAT_BYTE_WRITE_Val _U_(0x1) /**< (SMC_MODE) Byte write access type:- Write operation is controlled using NCS, NWR0, NWR1.- Read operation is controlled using NCS and NRD. */
#define SMC_MODE_BAT_BYTE_SELECT (SMC_MODE_BAT_BYTE_SELECT_Val << SMC_MODE_BAT_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) Byte select access type:- Write operation is controlled using NCS, NWE, NBS0, NBS1.- Read operation is controlled using NCS, NRD, NBS0, NBS1. Position */
#define SMC_MODE_BAT_BYTE_WRITE (SMC_MODE_BAT_BYTE_WRITE_Val << SMC_MODE_BAT_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) Byte write access type:- Write operation is controlled using NCS, NWR0, NWR1.- Read operation is controlled using NCS and NRD. Position */
#define SMC_MODE_DBW_Pos 12 /**< (SMC_MODE) Data Bus Width Position */
#define SMC_MODE_DBW_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_MODE_DBW_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) Data Bus Width Mask */
#define SMC_MODE_DBW SMC_MODE_DBW_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_MODE_DBW_Msk instead */
#define SMC_MODE_DBW_8_BIT_Val _U_(0x0) /**< (SMC_MODE) 8-bit Data Bus */
#define SMC_MODE_DBW_16_BIT_Val _U_(0x1) /**< (SMC_MODE) 16-bit Data Bus */
#define SMC_MODE_DBW_8_BIT (SMC_MODE_DBW_8_BIT_Val << SMC_MODE_DBW_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) 8-bit Data Bus Position */
#define SMC_MODE_DBW_16_BIT (SMC_MODE_DBW_16_BIT_Val << SMC_MODE_DBW_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) 16-bit Data Bus Position */
#define SMC_MODE_TDF_CYCLES_Pos 16 /**< (SMC_MODE) Data Float Time Position */
#define SMC_MODE_TDF_CYCLES_Msk (_U_(0xF) << SMC_MODE_TDF_CYCLES_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) Data Float Time Mask */
#define SMC_MODE_TDF_MODE_Pos 20 /**< (SMC_MODE) TDF Optimization Position */
#define SMC_MODE_TDF_MODE_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_MODE_TDF_MODE_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) TDF Optimization Mask */
#define SMC_MODE_TDF_MODE SMC_MODE_TDF_MODE_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_MODE_TDF_MODE_Msk instead */
#define SMC_MODE_PMEN_Pos 24 /**< (SMC_MODE) Page Mode Enabled Position */
#define SMC_MODE_PMEN_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_MODE_PMEN_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) Page Mode Enabled Mask */
#define SMC_MODE_PMEN SMC_MODE_PMEN_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_MODE_PMEN_Msk instead */
#define SMC_MODE_PS_Pos 28 /**< (SMC_MODE) Page Size Position */
#define SMC_MODE_PS_Msk (_U_(0x3) << SMC_MODE_PS_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) Page Size Mask */
#define SMC_MODE_PS(value) (SMC_MODE_PS_Msk & ((value) << SMC_MODE_PS_Pos))
#define SMC_MODE_PS_4_BYTE_Val _U_(0x0) /**< (SMC_MODE) 4-byte page */
#define SMC_MODE_PS_8_BYTE_Val _U_(0x1) /**< (SMC_MODE) 8-byte page */
#define SMC_MODE_PS_16_BYTE_Val _U_(0x2) /**< (SMC_MODE) 16-byte page */
#define SMC_MODE_PS_32_BYTE_Val _U_(0x3) /**< (SMC_MODE) 32-byte page */
#define SMC_MODE_PS_4_BYTE (SMC_MODE_PS_4_BYTE_Val << SMC_MODE_PS_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) 4-byte page Position */
#define SMC_MODE_PS_8_BYTE (SMC_MODE_PS_8_BYTE_Val << SMC_MODE_PS_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) 8-byte page Position */
#define SMC_MODE_PS_16_BYTE (SMC_MODE_PS_16_BYTE_Val << SMC_MODE_PS_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) 16-byte page Position */
#define SMC_MODE_PS_32_BYTE (SMC_MODE_PS_32_BYTE_Val << SMC_MODE_PS_Pos) /**< (SMC_MODE) 32-byte page Position */
#define SMC_MODE_MASK _U_(0x311F1133) /**< \deprecated (SMC_MODE) Register MASK (Use SMC_MODE_Msk instead) */
#define SMC_MODE_Msk _U_(0x311F1133) /**< (SMC_MODE) Register Mask */
/* -------- SMC_OCMS : (SMC Offset: 0x80) (R/W 32) SMC OCMS MODE Register -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t SMSE:1; /**< bit: 0 Static Memory Controller Scrambling Enable */
uint32_t :7; /**< bit: 1..7 Reserved */
uint32_t CS0SE:1; /**< bit: 8 Chip Select 0 Scrambling Enable */
uint32_t CS1SE:1; /**< bit: 9 Chip Select 1 Scrambling Enable */
uint32_t CS2SE:1; /**< bit: 10 Chip Select 2 Scrambling Enable */
uint32_t CS3SE:1; /**< bit: 11 Chip Select 3 Scrambling Enable */
uint32_t :20; /**< bit: 12..31 Reserved */
} bit; /**< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /**< Type used for register access */
} SMC_OCMS_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define SMC_OCMS_OFFSET (0x80) /**< (SMC_OCMS) SMC OCMS MODE Register Offset */
#define SMC_OCMS_SMSE_Pos 0 /**< (SMC_OCMS) Static Memory Controller Scrambling Enable Position */
#define SMC_OCMS_SMSE_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_OCMS_SMSE_Pos) /**< (SMC_OCMS) Static Memory Controller Scrambling Enable Mask */
#define SMC_OCMS_SMSE SMC_OCMS_SMSE_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_OCMS_SMSE_Msk instead */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS0SE_Pos 8 /**< (SMC_OCMS) Chip Select 0 Scrambling Enable Position */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS0SE_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_OCMS_CS0SE_Pos) /**< (SMC_OCMS) Chip Select 0 Scrambling Enable Mask */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS0SE SMC_OCMS_CS0SE_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_OCMS_CS0SE_Msk instead */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS1SE_Pos 9 /**< (SMC_OCMS) Chip Select 1 Scrambling Enable Position */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS1SE_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_OCMS_CS1SE_Pos) /**< (SMC_OCMS) Chip Select 1 Scrambling Enable Mask */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS1SE SMC_OCMS_CS1SE_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_OCMS_CS1SE_Msk instead */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS2SE_Pos 10 /**< (SMC_OCMS) Chip Select 2 Scrambling Enable Position */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS2SE_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_OCMS_CS2SE_Pos) /**< (SMC_OCMS) Chip Select 2 Scrambling Enable Mask */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS2SE SMC_OCMS_CS2SE_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_OCMS_CS2SE_Msk instead */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS3SE_Pos 11 /**< (SMC_OCMS) Chip Select 3 Scrambling Enable Position */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS3SE_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_OCMS_CS3SE_Pos) /**< (SMC_OCMS) Chip Select 3 Scrambling Enable Mask */
#define SMC_OCMS_CS3SE SMC_OCMS_CS3SE_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_OCMS_CS3SE_Msk instead */
#define SMC_OCMS_MASK _U_(0xF01) /**< \deprecated (SMC_OCMS) Register MASK (Use SMC_OCMS_Msk instead) */
#define SMC_OCMS_Msk _U_(0xF01) /**< (SMC_OCMS) Register Mask */
/* -------- SMC_KEY1 : (SMC Offset: 0x84) (/W 32) SMC OCMS KEY1 Register -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t KEY1:32; /**< bit: 0..31 Off Chip Memory Scrambling (OCMS) Key Part 1 */
} bit; /**< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /**< Type used for register access */
} SMC_KEY1_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define SMC_KEY1_OFFSET (0x84) /**< (SMC_KEY1) SMC OCMS KEY1 Register Offset */
#define SMC_KEY1_KEY1_Pos 0 /**< (SMC_KEY1) Off Chip Memory Scrambling (OCMS) Key Part 1 Position */
#define SMC_KEY1_KEY1_Msk (_U_(0xFFFFFFFF) << SMC_KEY1_KEY1_Pos) /**< (SMC_KEY1) Off Chip Memory Scrambling (OCMS) Key Part 1 Mask */
#define SMC_KEY1_KEY1(value) (SMC_KEY1_KEY1_Msk & ((value) << SMC_KEY1_KEY1_Pos))
#define SMC_KEY1_MASK _U_(0xFFFFFFFF) /**< \deprecated (SMC_KEY1) Register MASK (Use SMC_KEY1_Msk instead) */
#define SMC_KEY1_Msk _U_(0xFFFFFFFF) /**< (SMC_KEY1) Register Mask */
/* -------- SMC_KEY2 : (SMC Offset: 0x88) (/W 32) SMC OCMS KEY2 Register -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t KEY2:32; /**< bit: 0..31 Off Chip Memory Scrambling (OCMS) Key Part 2 */
} bit; /**< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /**< Type used for register access */
} SMC_KEY2_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define SMC_KEY2_OFFSET (0x88) /**< (SMC_KEY2) SMC OCMS KEY2 Register Offset */
#define SMC_KEY2_KEY2_Pos 0 /**< (SMC_KEY2) Off Chip Memory Scrambling (OCMS) Key Part 2 Position */
#define SMC_KEY2_KEY2_Msk (_U_(0xFFFFFFFF) << SMC_KEY2_KEY2_Pos) /**< (SMC_KEY2) Off Chip Memory Scrambling (OCMS) Key Part 2 Mask */
#define SMC_KEY2_KEY2(value) (SMC_KEY2_KEY2_Msk & ((value) << SMC_KEY2_KEY2_Pos))
#define SMC_KEY2_MASK _U_(0xFFFFFFFF) /**< \deprecated (SMC_KEY2) Register MASK (Use SMC_KEY2_Msk instead) */
#define SMC_KEY2_Msk _U_(0xFFFFFFFF) /**< (SMC_KEY2) Register Mask */
/* -------- SMC_WPMR : (SMC Offset: 0xe4) (R/W 32) SMC Write Protection Mode Register -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t WPEN:1; /**< bit: 0 Write Protect Enable */
uint32_t :7; /**< bit: 1..7 Reserved */
uint32_t WPKEY:24; /**< bit: 8..31 Write Protection Key */
} bit; /**< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /**< Type used for register access */
} SMC_WPMR_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define SMC_WPMR_OFFSET (0xE4) /**< (SMC_WPMR) SMC Write Protection Mode Register Offset */
#define SMC_WPMR_WPEN_Pos 0 /**< (SMC_WPMR) Write Protect Enable Position */
#define SMC_WPMR_WPEN_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_WPMR_WPEN_Pos) /**< (SMC_WPMR) Write Protect Enable Mask */
#define SMC_WPMR_WPEN SMC_WPMR_WPEN_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_WPMR_WPEN_Msk instead */
#define SMC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos 8 /**< (SMC_WPMR) Write Protection Key Position */
#define SMC_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk (_U_(0xFFFFFF) << SMC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos) /**< (SMC_WPMR) Write Protection Key Mask */
#define SMC_WPMR_WPKEY(value) (SMC_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk & ((value) << SMC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos))
#define SMC_WPMR_WPKEY_PASSWD_Val _U_(0x534D43) /**< (SMC_WPMR) Writing any other value in this field aborts the write operation of the WPEN bit. Always reads as 0. */
#define SMC_WPMR_WPKEY_PASSWD (SMC_WPMR_WPKEY_PASSWD_Val << SMC_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos) /**< (SMC_WPMR) Writing any other value in this field aborts the write operation of the WPEN bit. Always reads as 0. Position */
#define SMC_WPMR_MASK _U_(0xFFFFFF01) /**< \deprecated (SMC_WPMR) Register MASK (Use SMC_WPMR_Msk instead) */
#define SMC_WPMR_Msk _U_(0xFFFFFF01) /**< (SMC_WPMR) Register Mask */
/* -------- SMC_WPSR : (SMC Offset: 0xe8) (R/ 32) SMC Write Protection Status Register -------- */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t WPVS:1; /**< bit: 0 Write Protection Violation Status */
uint32_t :7; /**< bit: 1..7 Reserved */
uint32_t WPVSRC:16; /**< bit: 8..23 Write Protection Violation Source */
uint32_t :8; /**< bit: 24..31 Reserved */
} bit; /**< Structure used for bit access */
uint32_t reg; /**< Type used for register access */
} SMC_WPSR_Type;
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
#define SMC_WPSR_OFFSET (0xE8) /**< (SMC_WPSR) SMC Write Protection Status Register Offset */
#define SMC_WPSR_WPVS_Pos 0 /**< (SMC_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Status Position */
#define SMC_WPSR_WPVS_Msk (_U_(0x1) << SMC_WPSR_WPVS_Pos) /**< (SMC_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Status Mask */
#define SMC_WPSR_WPVS SMC_WPSR_WPVS_Msk /**< \deprecated Old style mask definition for 1 bit bitfield. Use SMC_WPSR_WPVS_Msk instead */
#define SMC_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos 8 /**< (SMC_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Source Position */
#define SMC_WPSR_WPVSRC_Msk (_U_(0xFFFF) << SMC_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos) /**< (SMC_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Source Mask */
#define SMC_WPSR_WPVSRC(value) (SMC_WPSR_WPVSRC_Msk & ((value) << SMC_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos))
#define SMC_WPSR_MASK _U_(0xFFFF01) /**< \deprecated (SMC_WPSR) Register MASK (Use SMC_WPSR_Msk instead) */
#define SMC_WPSR_Msk _U_(0xFFFF01) /**< (SMC_WPSR) Register Mask */
#if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
/** \brief SMC_CS_NUMBER hardware registers */
typedef struct {
__IO uint32_t SMC_SETUP; /**< (SMC_CS_NUMBER Offset: 0x00) SMC Setup Register (CS_number = 0) */
__IO uint32_t SMC_PULSE; /**< (SMC_CS_NUMBER Offset: 0x04) SMC Pulse Register (CS_number = 0) */
__IO uint32_t SMC_CYCLE; /**< (SMC_CS_NUMBER Offset: 0x08) SMC Cycle Register (CS_number = 0) */
__IO uint32_t SMC_MODE; /**< (SMC_CS_NUMBER Offset: 0x0C) SMC MODE Register (CS_number = 0) */
} SmcCsNumber;
/** \brief SMC hardware registers */
typedef struct {
SmcCsNumber SMC_CS_NUMBER[SMCCSNUMBER_NUMBER]; /**< Offset: 0x00 SMC Setup Register (CS_number = 0) */
RoReg8 Reserved1[0x40];
__IO uint32_t SMC_OCMS; /**< (SMC Offset: 0x80) SMC OCMS MODE Register */
__O uint32_t SMC_KEY1; /**< (SMC Offset: 0x84) SMC OCMS KEY1 Register */
__O uint32_t SMC_KEY2; /**< (SMC Offset: 0x88) SMC OCMS KEY2 Register */
RoReg8 Reserved2[0x58];
__IO uint32_t SMC_WPMR; /**< (SMC Offset: 0xE4) SMC Write Protection Mode Register */
__I uint32_t SMC_WPSR; /**< (SMC Offset: 0xE8) SMC Write Protection Status Register */
} Smc;
/** \brief SMC_CS_NUMBER hardware registers */
typedef struct {
__IO SMC_SETUP_Type SMC_SETUP; /**< Offset: 0x00 (R/W 32) SMC Setup Register (CS_number = 0) */
__IO SMC_PULSE_Type SMC_PULSE; /**< Offset: 0x04 (R/W 32) SMC Pulse Register (CS_number = 0) */
__IO SMC_CYCLE_Type SMC_CYCLE; /**< Offset: 0x08 (R/W 32) SMC Cycle Register (CS_number = 0) */
__IO SMC_MODE_Type SMC_MODE; /**< Offset: 0x0C (R/W 32) SMC MODE Register (CS_number = 0) */
} SmcCsNumber;
/** \brief SMC hardware registers */
typedef struct {
SmcCsNumber SMC_CS_NUMBER[4]; /**< Offset: 0x00 SMC Setup Register (CS_number = 0) */
__I uint32_t Reserved1[16];
__IO SMC_OCMS_Type SMC_OCMS; /**< Offset: 0x80 (R/W 32) SMC OCMS MODE Register */
__O SMC_KEY1_Type SMC_KEY1; /**< Offset: 0x84 ( /W 32) SMC OCMS KEY1 Register */
__O SMC_KEY2_Type SMC_KEY2; /**< Offset: 0x88 ( /W 32) SMC OCMS KEY2 Register */
__I uint32_t Reserved2[22];
__IO SMC_WPMR_Type SMC_WPMR; /**< Offset: 0xE4 (R/W 32) SMC Write Protection Mode Register */
__I SMC_WPSR_Type SMC_WPSR; /**< Offset: 0xE8 (R/ 32) SMC Write Protection Status Register */
} Smc;
#error Unknown component typedef style
#endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
/** @} end of Static Memory Controller */
#endif /* _SAME70_SMC_COMPONENT_H_ */