blob: 0646244205aad67b2e6201fc7bcb4f846c0eff15 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <logging/log.h>
#include <ztest_assert.h>
#include <net/net_ip.h>
#include <net/socket.h>
#include <net/websocket.h>
#include "websocket_internal.h"
/* Generated by
* 2 paragraphs, 178 words, 1160 bytes of Lorem Ipsum
static const char lorem_ipsum[] =
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "
"Vestibulum ultricies sapien tellus, ac viverra dolor bibendum "
"lacinia. Vestibulum et nisl tristique tellus finibus gravida "
"vitae sit amet nunc. Suspendisse maximus justo mi, vitae porta "
"risus suscipit vitae. Curabitur ut fringilla velit. Donec ac nisi "
"in dui semper lobortis sed nec ante. Sed nec luctus dui. Sed ut "
"ante nisi. Mauris congue euismod felis, et maximus ex pellentesque "
"nec. Proin nibh nisl, semper at nunc in, mattis pharetra metus. Nam "
"turpis risus, pulvinar sit amet varius ac, pellentesque quis purus."
" "
"Nam consequat purus in lacinia fringilla. Morbi volutpat, tellus "
"nec tempus dapibus, ante sem aliquam dui, eu feugiat libero diam "
"at leo. Sed suscipit egestas orci in ultrices. Integer in elementum "
"ligula, vel sollicitudin velit. Nullam sit amet eleifend libero. "
"Proin sit amet consequat tellus, vel vulputate arcu. Curabitur quis "
"lobortis lacus. Sed faucibus vestibulum enim vel elementum. Vivamus "
"enim nunc, auctor in purus at, aliquet pulvinar eros. Cras dapibus "
"nec quam laoreet sagittis. Quisque dictum ante odio, at imperdiet "
"est convallis a. Morbi mattis ut orci vitae volutpat."
#define MAX_RECV_BUF_LEN 256
static uint8_t recv_buf[MAX(sizeof(lorem_ipsum), MAX_RECV_BUF_LEN)];
/* We need to allocate bigger buffer for the websocket data we receive so that
* the websocket header fits into it.
#define EXTRA_BUF_SPACE 30
static uint8_t temp_recv_buf[MAX_RECV_BUF_LEN + EXTRA_BUF_SPACE];
static uint8_t feed_buf[MAX_RECV_BUF_LEN + EXTRA_BUF_SPACE];
static size_t test_msg_len;
struct test_data {
uint8_t *input_buf;
size_t input_len;
struct websocket_context *ctx;
static int test_recv_buf(uint8_t *feed_buf, size_t feed_len,
struct websocket_context *ctx,
uint32_t *msg_type, uint64_t *remaining,
uint8_t *recv_buf, size_t recv_len)
static struct test_data test_data;
int ctx_ptr;
test_data.ctx = ctx;
test_data.input_buf = feed_buf;
test_data.input_len = feed_len;
ctx_ptr = POINTER_TO_INT(&test_data);
return websocket_recv_msg(ctx_ptr, recv_buf, recv_len,
msg_type, remaining, 0);
/* Websocket frame, header is 6 bytes, FIN bit is set, opcode is text (1),
* payload length is 12, masking key is e17e8eb9,
* unmasked data is "test message"
static const unsigned char frame1[] = {
0x81, 0x8c, 0xe1, 0x7e, 0x8e, 0xb9, 0x95, 0x1b,
0xfd, 0xcd, 0xc1, 0x13, 0xeb, 0xca, 0x92, 0x1f,
0xe9, 0xdc
static const unsigned char frame1_msg[] = {
/* Null added for printing purposes */
't', 'e', 's', 't', ' ', 'm', 'e', 's', 's', 'a', 'g', 'e', '\0'
/* The frame2 has frame1 + frame1. The idea is to test a case where we
* read full frame1 and then part of second frame
static const unsigned char frame2[] = {
0x81, 0x8c, 0xe1, 0x7e, 0x8e, 0xb9, 0x95, 0x1b,
0xfd, 0xcd, 0xc1, 0x13, 0xeb, 0xca, 0x92, 0x1f,
0xe9, 0xdc,
0x81, 0x8c, 0xe1, 0x7e, 0x8e, 0xb9, 0x95, 0x1b,
0xfd, 0xcd, 0xc1, 0x13, 0xeb, 0xca, 0x92, 0x1f,
0xe9, 0xdc
#define FRAME1_HDR_SIZE (sizeof(frame1) - (sizeof(frame1_msg) - 1))
static void test_recv(int count)
struct websocket_context ctx;
uint32_t msg_type = -1;
uint64_t remaining = -1;
int total_read = 0;
int ret, i, left;
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
ctx.tmp_buf = temp_recv_buf;
ctx.tmp_buf_len = sizeof(temp_recv_buf);
ctx.tmp_buf_pos = 0;
memcpy(feed_buf, &frame1, sizeof(frame1));
NET_DBG("Reading %d bytes at a time, frame %zd hdr %zd", count,
sizeof(frame1), FRAME1_HDR_SIZE);
/* We feed the frame N byte(s) at a time */
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(frame1) / count; i++) {
ret = test_recv_buf(&feed_buf[i * count], count,
&ctx, &msg_type, &remaining,
recv_buf + total_read,
sizeof(recv_buf) - total_read);
if (count < 7 && (i * count) < FRAME1_HDR_SIZE) {
zassert_equal(ret, -EAGAIN,
"[%d] Header parse failed (ret %d)",
i * count, ret);
} else {
total_read += ret;
/* Read any remaining data */
left = sizeof(frame1) % count;
if (left > 0) {
/* Some leftover bytes are still there */
ret = test_recv_buf(&feed_buf[sizeof(frame1) - left], left,
&ctx, &msg_type, &remaining,
recv_buf + total_read,
sizeof(recv_buf) - total_read);
zassert_true(ret <= (sizeof(recv_buf) - total_read),
"Invalid number of bytes read (%d)", ret);
total_read += ret;
zassert_equal(total_read, sizeof(frame1) - FRAME1_HDR_SIZE,
"Invalid amount of data read (%d)", ret);
} else if (total_read < (sizeof(frame1) - FRAME1_HDR_SIZE)) {
/* We read the whole message earlier, but we have parsed
* only part of the message. Parse the reset of the message
* here.
ret = test_recv_buf(&feed_buf[FRAME1_HDR_SIZE + total_read],
sizeof(frame1) - FRAME1_HDR_SIZE - total_read,
&ctx, &msg_type, &remaining,
recv_buf + total_read,
sizeof(recv_buf) - total_read);
total_read += ret;
zassert_equal(total_read, sizeof(frame1) - FRAME1_HDR_SIZE,
"Invalid amount of data read (%d)", ret);
zassert_mem_equal(recv_buf, frame1_msg, sizeof(frame1_msg) - 1,
"Invalid message, should be '%s' was '%s'",
frame1_msg, recv_buf);
zassert_equal(remaining, 0, "Msg not empty");
static void test_recv_1_byte(void)
static void test_recv_2_byte(void)
static void test_recv_3_byte(void)
static void test_recv_6_byte(void)
static void test_recv_7_byte(void)
static void test_recv_8_byte(void)
static void test_recv_9_byte(void)
static void test_recv_10_byte(void)
static void test_recv_12_byte(void)
static void test_recv_whole_msg(void)
static void test_recv_2(int count)
struct websocket_context ctx;
uint32_t msg_type = -1;
uint64_t remaining = -1;
int total_read = 0;
int ret;
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
ctx.tmp_buf = temp_recv_buf;
ctx.tmp_buf_len = sizeof(temp_recv_buf);
memcpy(feed_buf, &frame2, sizeof(frame2));
NET_DBG("Reading %d bytes at a time, frame %zd hdr %zd", count,
sizeof(frame2), FRAME1_HDR_SIZE);
total_read = test_recv_buf(&feed_buf[0], count, &ctx, &msg_type,
&remaining, recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf));
zassert_mem_equal(recv_buf, frame1_msg, sizeof(frame1_msg) - 1,
"Invalid message, should be '%s' was '%s'",
frame1_msg, recv_buf);
zassert_equal(remaining, 0, "Msg not empty");
/* Then read again, now we should get EAGAIN as the second message
* header is partially read.
ret = test_recv_buf(&feed_buf[sizeof(frame1)], count, &ctx, &msg_type,
&remaining, recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf));
zassert_equal(ret, sizeof(frame1_msg) - 1,
"2nd header parse failed (ret %d)", ret);
zassert_equal(remaining, 0, "Msg not empty");
static void test_recv_two_msg(void)
test_recv_2(sizeof(frame1) + FRAME1_HDR_SIZE / 2);
int verify_sent_and_received_msg(struct msghdr *msg, bool split_msg)
static struct websocket_context ctx;
uint32_t msg_type = -1;
uint64_t remaining = -1;
size_t split_len = 0, total_read = 0;
int ret;
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
ctx.tmp_buf = temp_recv_buf;
ctx.tmp_buf_len = sizeof(temp_recv_buf);
/* Read first the header */
ret = test_recv_buf(msg->msg_iov[0].iov_base,
&ctx, &msg_type, &remaining,
recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf));
zassert_equal(ret, -EAGAIN, "Msg header not found");
/* Then the first split if it is enabled */
if (split_msg) {
split_len = msg->msg_iov[1].iov_len / 2;
ret = test_recv_buf(msg->msg_iov[1].iov_base,
&ctx, &msg_type, &remaining,
recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf));
zassert_true(ret > 0, "Cannot read data (%d)", ret);
total_read = ret;
/* Then the data */
while (remaining > 0) {
ret = test_recv_buf((uint8_t *)msg->msg_iov[1].iov_base +
msg->msg_iov[1].iov_len - total_read,
&ctx, &msg_type, &remaining,
recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf));
zassert_true(ret > 0, "Cannot read data (%d)", ret);
if (memcmp(recv_buf, lorem_ipsum + total_read, ret) != 0) {
LOG_HEXDUMP_ERR(lorem_ipsum + total_read, ret,
"Received message should be");
LOG_HEXDUMP_ERR(recv_buf, ret, "but it was instead");
zassert_true(false, "Invalid received message "
"after %d bytes", total_read);
total_read += ret;
zassert_equal(total_read, test_msg_len,
"Msg body not valid, received %d instead of %zd",
total_read, test_msg_len);
NET_DBG("Received %zd header and %zd body",
msg->msg_iov[0].iov_len, total_read);
return msg->msg_iov[0].iov_len + total_read;
static void test_send_and_recv_lorem_ipsum(void)
static struct websocket_context ctx;
int ret;
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
ctx.tmp_buf = temp_recv_buf;
ctx.tmp_buf_len = sizeof(temp_recv_buf);
test_msg_len = sizeof(lorem_ipsum) - 1;
ret = websocket_send_msg(POINTER_TO_INT(&ctx),
lorem_ipsum, test_msg_len,
zassert_equal(ret, test_msg_len,
"Should have sent %zd bytes but sent %d instead",
test_msg_len, ret);
static void test_recv_two_large_split_msg(void)
static struct websocket_context ctx;
int ret;
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
ctx.tmp_buf = temp_recv_buf;
ctx.tmp_buf_len = sizeof(temp_recv_buf);
test_msg_len = sizeof(lorem_ipsum) - 1;
ret = websocket_send_msg(POINTER_TO_INT(&ctx), lorem_ipsum,
false, true, SYS_FOREVER_MS);
zassert_equal(ret, test_msg_len,
"1st should have sent %zd bytes but sent %d instead",
test_msg_len, ret);
void test_main(void)