| Title: Environmental Sensing |
| |
| Description: |
| |
| This sample is a simple environmental sensing service for the Arduino 101 board. |
| |
| The sensor subsystem application collects temperature, humidity and pressure |
| data from a set of sensors connected to the Arduino 101 and sends it to the SoC |
| through IPM. The collected sensor data is also displayed by the sensor subsystem |
| on a Grove LCD. |
| |
| The SoC application exposes the received sensor data as a simple Bluetooth |
| Environmental Sensing Service. |
| |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| Bluetooth firmware: |
| |
| Before using the environmental sensing sample, the Arduino 101 board needs to be |
| flashed with the firmware for its nRF51 Bluetooth LE controller. To do this, |
| follow the steps from: |
| |
| https://www.zephyrproject.org/doc/board/arduino_101_ble.html |
| |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| Sensor wiring: |
| |
| The sample uses the HDC1008 sensor for temperature and humidity measurement, and |
| the BMP280 sensor for pressure measurement. This section describes how to wire |
| these sensors to the Arduino 101 board. |
| |
| Both sensors operate at 3.3V and use I2C to communicate with the Arduino. On the |
| Arduino 101, the I2C data pin (SDA) is exposed as pin A4 (on the ANALOG IN |
| header) and the I2C clock pin (SCL) as pin A5 (also on the ANALOG IN header). |
| Since the Arduino 101 doesn't have internal pull-up resistors, these need to be |
| added externally when connecting SCL and SDA to the sensors. |
| |
| In addition to connecting the ground (GND), 3.3V power (VDD and VDDIO) and I2C |
| pins, both HDC1008 and BMP280 require some extra wiring. |
| |
| For HDC1008, connect the address pins (A0 and A1) to GND (this sets the device |
| address to the default used by the app). Also connect the RDY pin of the sensor |
| to the A1 pin (on ANALOG IN header) of the Arduino board. This is needed as the |
| app configures data-ready interrupt on that pin (GPIO pin 3). |
| |
| For BMP280, connect the SDO pin to GND and the CSB pin to VDDIO, since the |
| sensor needs to be setup to use I2C, and not SPI. |
| |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| Internal sensor: |
| |
| If you do not want to use any external sensors, you can use the Arduino 101's |
| internal BMI160 sensor to do just temperature readings. To do this, you need to |
| modify the channel_info array from the sensor subsystem application to contain |
| only BMI160's temperature channel, and also remove the humidity and pressure |
| characteristic from the SoC application. |
| |
| If you choose this approach and you also want to use the Grove LCD, then you |
| also need to modify the sensor subsystem application to only display temperature |
| on the LCD, as humidity and pressure values will not be available. |
| |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| Grove LCD: |
| |
| Using the Grove LCD is optional and it can be disabled by removing the Grove |
| configuration options from the arc/proj.conf file. |
| |
| The Grove LCD communicates with the sensor subsystem through the I2C bus. When |
| connecting the Grove LCD to the Arduino 101, either directly (similar to sensor |
| wiring) or through a Grove Base Shield, you need to make sure that the I2C SDA |
| and SCL lines have pull-up resistors connected between GND and the 3.3V power |
| source. |
| |
| Take note that even though SDA and SCL are connected to a 3.3V power source, the |
| Grove LCD VDD line needs to be connected to the 5V power line, otherwise |
| characters will not be displayed on the LCD (3.3V is enough to power just the |
| backlight). |