blob: 079db353fb6e29b8fa42aa30c096fd5ad4d9de79 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
@brief Hello World Demo
A Hello World demo for the Nanokernel and the Microkernel.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
The microkernel hello world demo has two tasks that use semaphores
and sleeps to take turns printing a greeting message at a
controlled rate.*/
* The nanokernel hello world demo has a task and a fiber that use
* semaphores and timers to take turns printing a greeting message at
* a controlled rate.
* @def SLEEPTICKS (SLEEPTIME * sys_clock_ticks_per_sec / 1000)
* @brief Compute equivalence in ticks.
* @brief Specify delay between greetings (in ms).
#include <stdio.h>
#define PRINT printf
#include <misc/printk.h>
#define PRINT printk
#include <zephyr.h>
#define SLEEPTIME 500
#define SLEEPTICKS (SLEEPTIME * sys_clock_ticks_per_sec / 1000)
* @brief A loop saying hello.
* @details
* Actions:
* -# Ouputs "Hello World!".
* -# Waits, then lets another task run.
@param taskname The task's identification string.
@param mySem The task's semaphore.
@param otherSem The other task's semaphore.
void helloLoop(const char *taskname, ksem_t mySem, ksem_t otherSem)
while (1)
task_sem_take (mySem, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
PRINT ("%s: Hello World!\n", taskname); /* Action 1 */
task_sleep (SLEEPTICKS); /* Action 2 */
task_sem_give (otherSem);
* @brief Exchanges Hello messages with taskB.
* @details
* Actions:
* -# taskA gives its own semaphore, thus it says hello right away.
* -# Calls function helloLoop, thus taskA exchanges hello messages with taskB.
void taskA(void)
task_sem_give (TASKASEM); /* Action 1 */
helloLoop (__FUNCTION__, TASKASEM, TASKBSEM); /* Action 2 */
* @brief Exchanges Hello messages with taskA.
* Actions:
* -# Calls function helloLoop, thus taskB exchanges hello messages with taskA.
void taskB(void)
helloLoop (__FUNCTION__, TASKBSEM, TASKASEM); /* Action 1 */
#include <nanokernel.h>
#include <nanokernel/cpu.h>
#define SLEEPTIME 500
#define SLEEPTICKS (SLEEPTIME * sys_clock_ticks_per_sec / 1000)
#define STACKSIZE 2000
/** Declares a stack for a fiber with a size of 2000.*/
char fiberStack[STACKSIZE];
/** Declares a nanokernel semaphore for a task. */
struct nano_sem nanoSemTask;
/** Declares a nanokernel semaphore for a fiber.*/
struct nano_sem nanoSemFiber;
* @brief Defines the turns taken by the tasks in the fiber.
* Actions:
* -# Initializes semaphore.
* -# Initializes timer.
* -# Waits for task, then runs.
* -# Outputs "Hello World!".
* -# Waits, then yields to another task.
void fiberEntry(void) {
struct nano_timer timer;
uint32_t data[2] = { 0, 0 };
nano_sem_init(&nanoSemFiber); /* Action 1 */
nano_timer_init(&timer, data); /* Action 2 */
while (1) {
nano_fiber_sem_take(&nanoSemFiber, TICKS_UNLIMITED); /* Action 3 */
PRINT("%s: Hello World!\n", __FUNCTION__); /* Action 4 */
nano_fiber_timer_start(&timer, SLEEPTICKS); /* Action 5 */
nano_fiber_timer_test(&timer, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
* @brief Implements the Hello demo.
* Actions:
* -# Outputs "hello".
* -# Waits, then signals fiber's semaphore.
* -# Waits on fiber to yield.
void main(void) {
struct nano_timer timer;
uint32_t data[2] = { 0, 0 };
task_fiber_start(&fiberStack[0], STACKSIZE, (nano_fiber_entry_t) fiberEntry,
0, 0, 7, 0);
nano_timer_init(&timer, data);
while (1) {
PRINT("%s: Hello World!\n", __FUNCTION__); /* Action 1 */
nano_task_timer_start(&timer, SLEEPTICKS); /* Action 2 */
nano_task_timer_test(&timer, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
nano_task_sem_take(&nanoSemTask, TICKS_UNLIMITED); /* Action 3 */