blob: e79d825a51eb3ec2b83906fd092a699c4dd79fc6 [file] [log] [blame]
/*This is a hello world example*/
/*taskA exchanges hello messages with taskB*/
* @brief Does Hello message.
* -Calls function helloLoop.
void taskA(void)
helloLoop(__func__, TASKBSEM, TASKASEM);
/* @brief A loop saying hello.
\param taskname The task's identification string.
\param mySem The task's semaphore.
\param otherSem The other task's semaphore.
void taskA(void)
helloLoop(__func__, TASKBSEM, TASKASEM);
/* Actions:
* -# Ouputs "Hello World!".
* -# Waits, then lets another task run.