blob: b2e74d0a2657e7465c072d724e424a257bd30c5d [file] [log] [blame]
.. _gerrit_accounts:
Requesting a Linux Foundation Account
Contributions to the Zephyr kernel code base require a Linux Foundation account.
Follow the steps below to create a Linux Foundation account.
Creating a Linux Foundation ID
#. Go to the `Linux Foundation ID website`_.
#. Select the option :guilabel:`I need to create a Linux Foundation ID`.
.. figure:: figures/setting_up01.png
:scale: 75 %
:alt: identity page
#. Fill out the form that appears:
.. figure:: figures/setting_up02.png
:scale: 75 %
:alt: New account form
#. Open your email account and look for a message with the subject line:
"Validate your Linux Foundation ID email".
#. Open the received URL to validate your email address.
#. Verify the browser displays the message :guilabel:`You have successfully
validated your e-mail address`.
#. Access `Gerrit`_ by selecting :guilabel:`Sign In`:
.. figure:: figures/setting_up03.png
:scale: 75 %
:alt: Gerrit without being signed in
#. Use your Linux Foundation ID to Sign In:
.. figure:: figures/setting_up04.png
:scale: 75 %
:alt: Gerrit sign in screen
Configuring Gerrit to Use SSH
Gerrit uses SSH to interact with your Git client. A SSH private key
needs to be generated on the development machine with a matching public
key on the Gerrit server.
If you already have a SSH key-pair, skip this section.
As an example, we provide the steps to generate the SSH key-pair on a Linux
environment. Follow the equivalent steps on your OS.
#. Create a key-pair, enter:
.. code-block:: console
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "John Doe"
.. note::
This will ask you for a password to protect the private key as it
generates a unique key. Please keep this password private, and DO NOT
enter a blank password.
The generated key-pair is found in:
:file:`~/.ssh/id_rsa` and :file:`~/.ssh/`.
#. Add the private key in the :file:`id_rsa` file in your key ring:
.. code-block:: console
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Once the key-pair has been generated, the public key must be added to Gerrit.
Follow these steps to add your public key :file:`` to the Gerrit
1. Go to `Gerrit`_.
2. Click on your account name in the upper right corner.
3. From the pop-up menu, select :guilabel:`Settings`.
4. On the left side menu, click on :guilabel:`SSH Public Keys`.
5. Paste the contents of your public key :file:`~/.ssh/` and click
:guilabel:`Add key`.
.. note::
The :file:`` file can be opened with any text editor. Ensure
that all the contents of the file are selected, copied and pasted into the
:guilabel:`Add SSH key` window in Gerrit.
.. warning::
Potential Security Risk! Do not copy your private key
:file:`~/.ssh/id_rsa` Use only the public :file:`~/.ssh/`.
.. _code_check_out:
Checking Out the Source Code
#. Ensure that SSH has been set up properly. See
`Configuring Gerrit to Use SSH`_ for details.
#. Clone the repository with your Linux Foundation ID (<LFID>):
.. code-block:: console
$ git clone ssh://<LFID> zephyr-project
You have successfully checked out a copy of the source code to your local
.. important::
Linux users need to download the Zephyr SDK even after successfully
cloning the source code. The SDK contains packages that are not part of
the Zephyr Project. See :ref:`zephyr_sdk` for details.
Gerrit Commit Message Hook
.. include:: gerrit_practices.rst
:start-line: 42
:end-line: 49
.. _Linux Foundation ID website:
.. _Gerrit: