blob: d30fcb68ce485af9d54895408777f602ca2887ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/printk.h>
#include <xtensa-asm2.h>
#error Disable multithreading for this unit test!
/* Just random numbers intended to whiten the register contents during
* the spill test and make every bit of every register in every call
* significant in an attempt to catch any mistakes/swaps/etc...
int white[] = {
static inline unsigned int ccount(void)
unsigned int cc;
__asm__ volatile("rsr.ccount %0" : "=r"(cc));
return cc;
/* We call spill_fn() through a pointer to prevent the compiler from
* detecting and optimizing out the tail recursion in fn() and forcing
* a real function call using CALLn instructions.
int (*spill_fnp)(int level, int a, int b, int c);
/* WINDOWBASE/WINDOWSTART registers tested before and after the spill */
unsigned int spill_wb0, spill_ws0, spill_wb1, spill_ws1;
/* Test start/end values for CCOUNT */
unsigned int spill_start, spill_end;
/* Validated result for spill_fn() */
int spill_expect;
enum {
} spill_mode;
static int spill_fn(int level, int a, int b, int c)
/* Be very careful when debugging, note that a printk() call
* tends to push all the registers out of the windows on its
* own, leaving no frames for us to test against!
if (level >= ARRAY_SIZE(white)) {
__asm__ volatile ("rsr.WINDOWBASE %0" : "=r"(spill_wb0));
__asm__ volatile ("rsr.WINDOWSTART %0" : "=r"(spill_ws0));
spill_start = ccount();
if (spill_mode == NO_SPILL) {
/* Just here to test the cycle count overhead
* and get the baseline function result.
} else if (spill_mode == ZEPHYR_SPILL) {
/* FIXME: the a0_save hack should be needless. It
* *should* be enough to list "a0" in the clobber list
* of the __asm__ statement (and let the compiler
* decide on how to save the value), but that's not
* working for me...
int a0_save;
__asm__ volatile
("mov %0, a0" "\n\t"
"call0 spill_reg_windows" "\n\t"
"mov a0, %0" "\n\t"
: "=r"(a0_save));
} else if (spill_mode == HAL_SPILL) {
/* Strictly there is a xthal_window_spill_nw
* routine that is called with special setup
* (use CALL0, spill A2/A3, clear WOE) and
* supposed to be faster, but I couldn't make
* that work.
extern void xthal_window_spill(void);
spill_end = ccount();
__asm__ volatile ("rsr.WINDOWBASE %0" : "=r" (spill_wb1));
__asm__ volatile ("rsr.WINDOWSTART %0" : "=r" (spill_ws1));
return ((a + b) | c);
int val1 = (a - (b & c)) ^ white[level];
int val2 = ((a | b) + c) ^ white[(level + 1) % ARRAY_SIZE(white)];
int val3 = (a - (b - c)) ^ white[(level + 2) % ARRAY_SIZE(white)];
int x = spill_fnp(level+1, val1, val2, val3);
/* FIXME: as it happens, the compiler seems not to be
* optimizing components of this addition before the function
* call, which is what we want: the desire is that the
* individual values be held in registers across the call so
* that they can be checked to have been spilled/filled
* properly as we return up the stack. But the compiler
* certainly COULD reorder this addition (it would actually be
* a good optimization: you could reduce the number of
* registers used before the tail return and use a smaller
* call frame). For now, I'm happy enough simply having read
* the generated code, but long term this should be a more
* robust test if possible. Maybe write the values to some
* extern volatile spots...
return x + val1 + val2 + val3 + a + b + c;
int test_reg_spill(void)
spill_fnp = spill_fn;
int ok = 1;
for (spill_mode = 0; spill_mode < NUM_MODES; spill_mode++) {
printk("Testing %s\n",
spill_mode == NO_SPILL ? "NO_SPILL"
: (spill_mode == HAL_SPILL ? "HAL_SPILL"
int result = spill_fnp(0, 1, 2, 3);
printk(" WINDOWBASE %d -> %d, WINDOWSTART 0x%x -> 0x%x (%d cycles)\n",
spill_wb0, spill_wb1, spill_ws0, spill_ws1,
spill_end - spill_start);
if (spill_mode == NO_SPILL) {
spill_expect = result;
if (spill_ws1 != 1 << spill_wb1) {
printk("WINDOWSTART should show exactly one frame at WINDOWBASE\n");
ok = 0;
if (result != spill_expect) {
printk("Unexpected fn(1, 2, 3) result, got %d want %d\n",
result, spill_expect);
ok = 0;
return ok;
int *test_highreg_handle;
/* Simple save locations for some context needed by the test assembly */
void *_test_highreg_sp_save;
void *_test_highreg_a0_save;
int test_highreg_stack[64];
int *test_highreg_sp_top = &test_highreg_stack[ARRAY_SIZE(test_highreg_stack)];
/* External function, defined in assembly */
void fill_window(void (*fn)(void));
/* Test rig for fill_window, maybe remove as a metatest */
int testfw_wb, testfw_ws;
void testfw(void);
/* Assembly-defined leaf functions for fill_window which poke the
* specified number of high GPRs before calling xtensa_save_high_regs
* to spill them into the test_highreg_stack area for inspection.
void test_highreg_0(void);
void test_highreg_4(void);
void test_highreg_8(void);
void test_highreg_12(void);
typedef void (*test_fn_t)(void);
test_fn_t highreg_tests[] = {
int test_highreg_save(void)
int ok = 1;
printk("testfw wb %d ws 0x%x\n", testfw_wb, testfw_ws);
ok = ok && (testfw_ws == ((1 << (XCHAL_NUM_AREGS / 4)) - 1));
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(highreg_tests); i++) {
printk("\nHighreg test %d\n", i);
ok = ok && (*test_highreg_handle == (int)test_highreg_sp_top);
int spilled_words = test_highreg_sp_top - test_highreg_handle;
for (int quad = 0; ok && quad < (spilled_words - 1)/4; quad++) {
int *qbase = test_highreg_sp_top - (quad + 1) * 4;
for (int ri = 0; ri < 4; ri++) {
int reg = 4 + quad * 4 + ri;
ok = ok && (qbase[ri] == reg);
printk(" q %d reg %d qb[%d] %d\n",
quad, reg, ri, qbase[ri]);
return ok;
void *switch_handle0, *switch_handle1;
void xtensa_switch(void *handle, void **old_handle);
void test_switch_bounce(void);
__asm__("test_switch_bounce:" "\n\t"
"call4 test_switch_top" "\n\t");
volatile int switch_count;
/* Sits in a loop switching back to handle0 (which is the main thread) */
void test_switch_top(void)
int n = 1;
while (1) {
switch_count = n++;
xtensa_switch(switch_handle0, &switch_handle1);
int test_switch(void)
static int stack2[512];
printk("%s\n", __func__);
(void)memset(stack2, 0, sizeof(stack2));
int *sp = xtensa_init_stack(&stack2[ARRAY_SIZE(stack2)],
(void *)test_switch_bounce,
0, 0, 0);
#if 0
/* DEBUG: dump the stack contents for manual inspection */
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
int idx = ARRAY_SIZE(stack2) - (i+1);
int off = (i+1) * -4;
int *addr = &stack2[idx];
if (addr < sp) {
printk("%p (%d): 0x%x\n", addr, off, stack2[idx]);
printk("sp: %p\n", sp);
switch_handle1 = sp;
const int n_switch = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < n_switch; i++) {
xtensa_switch(switch_handle1, &switch_handle0);
/* printk("switch %d count %d\n", i, switch_count); */
return switch_count == n_switch;
void rfi_jump(void);
void rfi_jump_c(void)
int ps;
__asm__ volatile ("rsr.PS %0" : "=r"(ps));
printk("%s, PS = %xh\n", __func__, ps);
int xstack_ok;
#define XSTACK_SIZE 1024
#define XSTACK_CANARY 0x5a5aa5a5
static int xstack_stack2[XSTACK_SIZE + 1];
void do_xstack_call(void *new_stack); /* in asmhelp.S */
void xstack_bottom(void)
xstack_ok = 1;
void xstack_top(void)
int on_my_stack;
printk("%s oms %p\n", __func__, &on_my_stack);
/* Do this via fill_window() to be absolutely sure the whole
* call stack across both physical stacks got spilled and
* filled properly.
int test_xstack(void)
/* Make the stack one element big and put a canary above it to
* check nothing underflows
int *new_stack = &xstack_stack2[XSTACK_SIZE];
*new_stack = XSTACK_CANARY;
printk("%s new_stack = %p\n", __func__, new_stack);
printk("xstack_ok %d stack2[%d] 0x%x\n",
xstack_ok, XSTACK_SIZE, xstack_stack2[XSTACK_SIZE]);
return xstack_ok && xstack_stack2[XSTACK_SIZE] == XSTACK_CANARY;
#define TIMER_INT 16
#define TIMER_INT 13
volatile int timer2_fired;
int excint_stack[8192];
void *excint_stack_top = &excint_stack[ARRAY_SIZE(excint_stack)];
static struct { int nest; void *stack_top; } excint_cpu;
volatile int int5_result;
void disable_timer(void)
int ie;
__asm__ volatile("rsr.intenable %0" : "=r"(ie));
ie &= ~(1<<TIMER_INT);
__asm__ volatile("wsr.intenable %0; rsync" : : "r"(ie));
void enable_timer(void)
int ie;
__asm__ volatile("rsr.intenable %0" : "=r"(ie));
ie |= (1<<TIMER_INT);
__asm__ volatile("wsr.intenable %0; rsync" : : "r"(ie));
void *handle_int5_c(void *handle)
int5_result = spill_fnp(0, 3, 2, 1);
int ccompare2_val = ccount() - 1;
__asm__ volatile("wsr.ccompare2 %0; rsync" : : "r"(ccompare2_val));
timer2_fired = 1;
return handle;
int interrupt_test(void)
int ok = 1;
excint_cpu.nest = 0;
excint_cpu.stack_top = &excint_stack[ARRAY_SIZE(excint_stack)];
void *cpuptr = &excint_cpu;
__asm__ volatile("wsr.MISC0 %0" : : "r"(cpuptr));
/* We reuse the "spill_fn" logic from above to get a
* stack-sensitive, deeply-recursive computation going that
* will be sensitive to interrupt bugs
spill_mode = NO_SPILL;
unsigned int start = ccount();
int expect = spill_fnp(0, 3, 2, 1);
unsigned int spill_time = ccount() - start;
/* Ten thousand iterations is still pretty quick */
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
int nest = i & 1;
excint_cpu.nest = nest;
timer2_fired = 0;
/* Vaguely random delay between 2-8 iterations of
* spill_fn(). Maybe improve with a real PRNG.
const int max_reps = 8;
int wh = white[i % ARRAY_SIZE(white)];
int delay = spill_time * 2U
+ ((wh * (i+1)) % (spill_time * (max_reps - 2)));
int alarm = ccount() + delay;
__asm__ volatile("wsr.ccompare2 %0; rsync" : : "r"(alarm));
#if 0
/* This is what I want to test: run the spill_fn test
* repeatedly in the main thread so that it can be
* interrupted and restored, and validate that it
* returns the same result every time. But this can't
* work, even in principle: the timer interrupt we are
* using is "high priority", which means that it can
* interrupt the window exceptions being thrown in the
* main thread. And by design, Xtensa window
* exceptions CANNOT be made reentrant (they don't
* save the interrupted state, so can be interrupted
* again before they can mask off exceptions, which
* will then lose/clobber the OWB field in PS when the
* interrupt handler throws another window exception).
* So this doesn't work, in fact it fails every 2-10
* iterations as spill_fn spends a lot of its time
* spill/filling stack frames (by design, of course).
* This could be made to work if we could repurpose
* the existing medium priority timer interrupt (which
* is hard in a unit test: that's an important
* interrupt!) or use the low priority timer which
* delivers to the global exception handler (basically
* impossible in a unit test). Frustrating.
int reps = 0;
while (!timer2_fired && reps < (max_reps+2)) {
int result = spill_fnp(0, 3, 2, 1);
if (result != expect) {
ok = 0;
if (reps >= max_reps+2) {
printk("Interrupt didn't arrive\n");
ok = 0;
if (int5_result != expect) {
printk("Unexpected int spill_fn() result\n");
ok = 0;
printk("INT test delay %d nest %d reps %d\n",
delay, nest, reps);
/* So this is what we do instead: just spin in the
* main thread calling functions that don't involve
* exceptions. By experiment, calling spill_fn with a
* first (depth) argument of 6 or 7 results in a
* shallow call tree that won't throw exepctions. At
* least we're executing real code which depends on
* its register state and validating that interrupts
* don't hurt.
volatile int dummy = 1;
while (!timer2_fired) {
dummy = spill_fnp(6, dummy, 2, 3);
if (int5_result != expect) {
printk("Unexpected int spill_fn() result\n");
ok = 0;
return ok;
void main(void)
/* Turn off interrupts and leave disabled, otherwise the
* "userspace" context switching tests might not be reliable.
* Stack pointers can exist in indeterminate states here.
* (Note: the interrupt test below is using a high priority
* interrupt which is not masked by irq_lock(), so it doesn't
* care).
int key = irq_lock();
/* Strictly not a "test", we just want to know that the jump
* worked. If the rest of the code runs, this must have
* "passed".
int ok = 1;
ok = ok && test_reg_spill();
ok = ok && test_highreg_save();
ok = ok && test_switch();
ok = ok && test_xstack();
ok = ok && interrupt_test();
printk("%s\n", ok ? "OK" : "Failed");