blob: 9ab6d18ac61c42cbeb6399f413286de5d9a3cc95 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _bluetooth:
Zephyr comes integrated with a feature-rich and higly configurable
Bluetooth stack:
* Bluetooth 4.2 compliant
* Generic Access Profile (GAP) with all possible roles
* Peripheral & Central
* Observer & Broadcaster
* GATT (Generic Attribute Profile)
* Server (to be a sensor)
* Client (to connect to sensors)
* Pairing support, including the Secure Connections feature from Bluetooth 4.2
* IPSP/6LoWPAN for IPv6 connectivity over Bluetooth LE
* IPSP node sample application in ``samples/bluetooth/ipsp``
* Clean HCI driver abstraction
* 3-Wire (H:5) & 5-Wire (H:4) drivers available
* Verified with multiple popular controllers
* Supporting both nano- & micro-kernels
* Highly configurable
* Features, buffer sizes/counts, stack sizes, etc.
Source tree layout
The stack is split up as follows in the source tree:
The core stack itself. This is where the HCI command & event handling
as well as connection tracking happens. The implementation of the
core protocols such as L2CAP, ATT & SMP is also here.
Public API header files. These are the header files applications need
to include in order to use Bluetooth functionality.
HCI transport drivers. Every HCI transport needs its own driver. E.g.
the two common types of UART transport protocols (3-Wire & 5-Wire)
have their own drivers.
Sample Bluetooth code. This is a good reference to get started with
Bluetooth application development.
Test applications. These applications are used to verify the
functionality of the Bluetooth stack, but are not necessary the best
source for sample code (see ``samples/bluetooth`` instead).
Extra documentation, such as PICS documents.
Further reading
More information on the stack and its usage can be found in the
following subsections:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1