blob: f08a9245e5e414f676da790cf834fc2495150d4d [file] [log] [blame]
Title: Kernel Event Logger Sample
This sample uses the philosopher sample with two additional tasks to show the
profiling data on different system's states. The fork manager task controls the
fork's availibilty. The worker task performs intermitently heavy processing,
allowing or preventing the system to go idle.
Building and Running Project:
This microkernel project outputs to the console. It can be built and executed
on QEMU as follows:
make qemu
Problems caused by out-dated project information can be addressed by
issuing one of the following commands then rebuilding the project:
make clean # discard results of previous builds
# but keep existing configuration info
make pristine # discard results of previous builds
# and restore pre-defined configuration info
Problems with QEMU on ARM:
Qemu v2.1 for ARM platform do not support tickless idle. If run the sample
project in QEMU with the CONFIG_TICKLESS_IDLE option enabled, the project
could present an erratic behaviour.
Sample Output:
Philosopher 1 EATING
Philosopher 2 THINKING
Philosopher 3 THINKING
Philosopher 4 EATING
Philosopher 5 THINKING
Dropped events occurred: 0
Context switch summary
Context Id Amount of context switches
1067512 17339
1068536 30067
1075704 4
1064184 350
1074680 1986
1073656 2018
1072632 2623
1071608 2630
1070584 1983
1069560 1340