blob: 931ba74e1cb6b5db35ca071acf89cd72b010eefb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Open-RnD Sp. z o.o.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr.h>
#include <device.h>
#include <gpio.h>
* the demo assumes use of nucleo_f103rb board, adjust defines below
* to fit your board
/* we're going to use PB8 and PB5 */
#define PORT "GPIOB"
/* PB5 */
#define LED1 5
/* PB8 */
#define LED2 8
#define SLEEP_TIME 500
void main(void)
int cnt = 0;
struct device *gpiob;
gpiob = device_get_binding(PORT);
gpio_pin_configure(gpiob, LED1, GPIO_DIR_OUT);
gpio_pin_configure(gpiob, LED2, GPIO_DIR_OUT);
while (1) {
gpio_pin_write(gpiob, LED1, cnt % 2);
gpio_pin_write(gpiob, LED2, (cnt + 1) % 2);