blob: 9e0bf2e53707b2f5a0dda5ff8a03180d3530e0ae [file] [log] [blame]
Title: Bluetooth tester application
Tester application uses binary protocol to control Zephyr stack and is aimed at
automated testing. It requires two serial ports to operate.
The first serial is used by Bluetooth Testing Protocol (BTP) to drive Bluetooth
stack. BTP commands and events are received and buffered for further processing
over the same serial.
Supported Profiles:
Building and running on QEMU:
QEMU should have connection with the external host Bluetooth hardware.
The btproxy tool from BlueZ can be used to give access to a Bluetooth controller
attached to the Linux host OS:
$ sudo tools/btproxy -u
Listening on /tmp/bt-server-bredr
/tmp/bt-server-bredr option is already set in Makefile through QEMU_EXTRA_FLAGS.
To build tester application for QEMU:
$ make pristine && make BOARD=qemu_cortex_m3 CONF_FILE=qemu.conf qemu
Note: Target board have to support enough UARTs for BTP and controller.
We recommend using qemu_cortex_m3.
'bt-stack-tester' UNIX socket (previously set in Makefile) can be used for now
to control tester application.
Building and running on Arduino 101:
Arduino 101 is equipped with Nordic nRF51 Bluetooth LE controller.
Please refer to the Zephyr Project wikis [1] to see how to build and flash the
controller with the HCI Bluetooth LE firmware.
Next, build and flash tester application:
$ make pristine && make flash
While running tester application on Arduino 101, serial converter, typically
UART <-> USB is required by BTP to operate. Connect Arduino 101 Tx and Rx lines
(0 and 1 ports on Arduino 101 board) through the UART converter to the host
USB port.
Use serial client, e.g. PUTTY to communicate over the serial port
(typically /dev/ttyUSBx) with the tester using BTP.