blob: bad44220fff4a2b70cb683178022c68d08ded2f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <ztest.h>
#define BUF_SZ 1024
static int pos;
char ram_console[BUF_SZ];
extern int (*_char_out)(int);
int (*_old_char_out)(int);
char *expected = "22 113 10000 32768 40000 22\n"
"p 112 -10000 -32768 -40000 -22\n"
"0xcafebabe 0x0000beef\n"
"0x1 0x01 0x0001 0x00000001\n"
"0x1 0x 1 0x 1 0x 1\n"
"42 42 0042 00000042\n"
"-42 -42 -042 -0000042\n"
"42 42 42 42\n"
"42 42 0042 00000042\n"
size_t stv = 22;
unsigned char uc = 'q';
unsigned short int usi = 10000;
unsigned int ui = 32768;
unsigned long ul = 40000;
* we know printk doesn't have full support for 64-bit values.
* at least show it can print uint64_t values less than 32-bits wide
unsigned long long ull = 22;
char c = 'p';
signed short int ssi = -10000;
signed int si = -32768;
signed long sl = -40000;
signed long long sll = -22;
uint32_t hex = 0xCAFEBABE;
void *ptr = (void *)0xBEEF;
static int ram_console_out(int character)
ram_console[pos] = (char)character;
pos = (pos + 1) % BUF_SZ;
return _old_char_out(character);
void printk_test(void)
int count;
_old_char_out = _char_out;
_char_out = ram_console_out;
printk("%zu %hhu %hu %u %lu %llu\n", stv, uc, usi, ui, ul, ull);
printk("%c %hhd %hd %d %ld %lld\n", c, c, ssi, si, sl, sll);
printk("0x%x %p\n", hex, ptr);
printk("0x%x 0x%02x 0x%04x 0x%08x\n", 1, 1, 1, 1);
printk("0x%x 0x%2x 0x%4x 0x%8x\n", 1, 1, 1, 1);
printk("%d %02d %04d %08d\n", 42, 42, 42, 42);
printk("%d %02d %04d %08d\n", -42, -42, -42, -42);
printk("%u %2u %4u %8u\n", 42, 42, 42, 42);
printk("%u %02u %04u %08u\n", 42, 42, 42, 42);
ram_console[pos] = '\0';
assert_true((strcmp(ram_console, expected) == 0), "printk failed");
memset(ram_console, 0, sizeof(ram_console));
count = 0;
count += snprintk(ram_console + count, sizeof(ram_console) - count,
"%zu %hhu %hu %u %lu %llu\n",
stv, uc, usi, ui, ul, ull);
count += snprintk(ram_console + count, sizeof(ram_console) - count,
"%c %hhd %hd %d %ld %lld\n", c, c, ssi, si, sl, sll);
count += snprintk(ram_console + count, sizeof(ram_console) - count,
"0x%x %p\n", hex, ptr);
count += snprintk(ram_console + count, sizeof(ram_console) - count,
"0x%x 0x%02x 0x%04x 0x%08x\n", 1, 1, 1, 1);
count += snprintk(ram_console + count, sizeof(ram_console) - count,
"0x%x 0x%2x 0x%4x 0x%8x\n", 1, 1, 1, 1);
count += snprintk(ram_console + count, sizeof(ram_console) - count,
"%d %02d %04d %08d\n", 42, 42, 42, 42);
count += snprintk(ram_console + count, sizeof(ram_console) - count,
"%d %02d %04d %08d\n", -42, -42, -42, -42);
count += snprintk(ram_console + count, sizeof(ram_console) - count,
"%u %2u %4u %8u\n", 42, 42, 42, 42);
count += snprintk(ram_console + count, sizeof(ram_console) - count,
"%u %02u %04u %08u\n", 42, 42, 42, 42);
ram_console[count] = '\0';
assert_true((strcmp(ram_console, expected) == 0), "snprintk failed");