blob: 3d3575b91b1802e4807efea7e3bac621c6a1b0f6 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _groups:
Doxygen Groups
The Zephyr Kernel's in-code documentation implements Doxygen groups.
The comments regarding the various services are contained in their respective groups.
The services groups are then contained in one of two main groups: either microkernel or nanokernel.
Each group can contain other groups, functions, variables, enums, typedefs and defines.
.. note:: Compound entities such as: clases, files and namespaces can be put into multiple groups;
however, variables, functions, typedefs and enums can only be member of one group.
Defining Groups
There are different ways to define groups and members.
You must define a group using the directive :literal:`@defgroup <GroupLabel>`,
where :literal:`<GroupLabel>` is replaced with the name of the specific group.
This label serves as reference when adding or pulling information to that group.
Keep in mind that the label must be a single word.
The desired entities must be inside the comment block that uses the syntax :literal:`@{` &
.. code-block:: C
/** @defgroup <GroupLabel> Group Name
* Detailed Description of the Group
* @{
/* @brief Brief description of the entity*/
/* @brief Brief description of the entity*/
/** @} */ // End of GroupLabel
If you need to add more information that is not listed inside the group block,
you must use :literal:`@addtogroup <GroupLabel>`.
.. code-block:: C
/** @addtogroup <GroupLabel>
* Optional: This line adds information to the GroupLabel Detailed Description of the Group
* @{
/* The entities you want to add must be inserted inside before the close block*/
/** @} // End of addtogroup GroupLabel