| .. _led_ws2812_sample: |
| |
| WS2812 Sample Application |
| ######################### |
| |
| Overview |
| ******** |
| |
| This sample application demonstrates basic usage of the WS2812 LED |
| strip driver, for controlling LED strips using WS2812, WS2812b, |
| SK6812, Everlight B1414 and compatible driver chips. |
| |
| Requirements |
| ************ |
| |
| .. _NeoPixel Ring 12 from AdaFruit: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1643 |
| .. _74AHCT125: https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/74AHC125.pdf |
| |
| - LED strip using WS2812 or compatible, such as the `NeoPixel Ring 12 |
| from AdaFruit`_. |
| |
| - Note that 5V communications may require a level translator, such as the |
| `74AHCT125`_. |
| |
| - LED power strip supply. It's fine to power the LED strip off of your board's |
| IO voltage level even if that's below 5V; the LEDs will simply be dimmer in |
| this case. |
| |
| Wiring |
| ****** |
| |
| #. Ensure your Zephyr board, and the LED strip share a common ground. |
| #. Connect the LED strip control pin (either SPI MOSI or GPIO) from your board |
| to the data input pin of the first WS2812 IC in the strip. |
| #. Power the LED strip at an I/O level compatible with the control pin signals. |
| |
| Building and Running |
| ******************** |
| |
| .. _blog post on WS2812 timing: https://wp.josh.com/2014/05/13/ws2812-neopixels-are-not-so-finicky-once-you-get-to-know-them/ |
| |
| This sample's source directory is :zephyr_file:`samples/drivers/led_ws2812/`. |
| |
| To make sure the sample is set up properly for building, you must: |
| |
| - select the correct WS2812 driver backend for your SoC. This currently should |
| be :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_WS2812_STRIP_SPI` unless you are using an nRF51 SoC, in |
| which case it will be :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_WS2812_STRIP_GPIO`. |
| |
| - create a ``led-strip`` :ref:`devicetree alias <dt-alias-chosen>`, which |
| refers to a node in your :ref:`devicetree <dt-guide>` with a |
| ``worldsemi,ws2812-spi`` or ``worldsemi,ws2812-gpio`` compatible. The node |
| must be properly configured for the driver backend (SPI or GPIO) and daisy |
| chain length (number of WS2812 chips). |
| |
| For example devicetree configurations for each compatible, see |
| :zephyr_file:`samples/drivers/led_ws2812/boards/nrf52dk_nrf52832.overlay` and |
| :zephyr_file:`samples/drivers/led_ws2812/boards/nrf51dk_nrf51422.overlay`. |
| |
| Some boards are already supported out of the box; see the :file:`boards` |
| directory for this sample for details. |
| |
| Then build and flash the application: |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/drivers/led_ws2812 |
| :board: <board> |
| :goals: flash |
| :compact: |
| |
| When you connect to your board's serial console, you should see the |
| following output: |
| |
| .. code-block:: none |
| |
| ***** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.1.0-rc1-191-gd2466cdaf045 ***** |
| [00:00:00.005,920] <inf> main: Found LED strip device WS2812 |
| [00:00:00.005,950] <inf> main: Displaying pattern on strip |
| |
| References |
| ********** |
| |
| - `RGB LED strips: an overview <http://nut-bolt.nl/2012/rgb-led-strips/>`_ |
| - `74AHCT125 datasheet |
| <https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/74AHC125.pdf>`_ |
| - An excellent `blog post on WS2812 timing`_. |