blob: 0987c2ccc9c76034c20637bbe7c1a4bdbe133716 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file mqtt_pkt.h
* @brief MQTT v3.1.1 packet library, see:
* This file is part of the Zephyr Project
#ifndef _MQTT_PKT_H_
#define _MQTT_PKT_H_
#include <zephyr/types.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <net/mqtt_types.h>
#define MQTT_PACKET_TYPE(first_byte) (((first_byte) & 0xF0) >> 4)
* Packs the MQTT CONNACK message. See MQTT 3.2 CONNACK - Acknowledge
* connection request
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @param [in] session_present Session Present parameter (0 for clean session)
* @param [in] ret_code Connect return code. See MQTT
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -ENOMEM if size < 4
int mqtt_pack_connack(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size,
uint8_t session_present, uint8_t ret_code);
* Packs the MQTT PUBACK message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @param [in] pkt_id Packet Identifier. See MQTT 2.3.1 Packet Identifier
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -ENOMEM if size < 4
int mqtt_pack_puback(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size,
uint16_t pkt_id);
* Packs the MQTT PUBREC message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @param [in] pkt_id Packet Identifier. See MQTT 2.3.1 Packet Identifier
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -ENOMEM if size < 4
int mqtt_pack_pubrec(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size,
uint16_t pkt_id);
* Packs the MQTT PUBREL message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @param [in] pkt_id Packet Identifier. See MQTT 2.3.1 Packet Identifier
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -ENOMEM if size < 4
int mqtt_pack_pubrel(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size,
uint16_t pkt_id);
* Packs the MQTT PUBCOMP message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @param [in] pkt_id Packet Identifier. See MQTT 2.3.1 Packet Identifier
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -ENOMEM if size < 4
int mqtt_pack_pubcomp(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size,
uint16_t pkt_id);
* Packs the MQTT SUBACK message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @param [in] pkt_id Packet Identifier. See MQTT 2.3.1
* @param [in] elements Number of elements in the granted_qos array
* @param [in] granted_qos Array where the QoS values are stored
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
* @retval -ENOMEM
int mqtt_pack_suback(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size,
uint16_t pkt_id, uint8_t elements,
enum mqtt_qos granted_qos[]);
* Packs the MQTT CONNECT message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @param [in] msg MQTT CONNECT msg
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
* @retval -ENOMEM
int mqtt_pack_connect(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size,
struct mqtt_connect_msg *msg);
* Unpacks the MQTT CONNECT message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length MQTT CONNECT message's length
* @param [out] msg MQTT CONNECT parameters
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_connect(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length,
struct mqtt_connect_msg *msg);
* Packs the MQTT SUBSCRIBE message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @param [in] pkt_id MQTT Message Packet Identifier. See MQTT 2.3.1
* @param [in] items Number of elements in topics
* @param [in] topics Array of topics.
* For example: {"sensors", "lights", "doors"}
* @param [in] qos Array of QoS values per topic.
* For example: {MQTT_QoS1, MQTT_QoS2, MQTT_QoS0}
* NOTE: qos and topics must have the same cardinality
* (# of items)
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
* @retval -ENOMEM
int mqtt_pack_subscribe(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size,
uint16_t pkt_id, uint8_t items, const char *topics[],
const enum mqtt_qos qos[]);
* Packs the MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @param [in] pkt_id MQTT Message Packet Identifier. See MQTT 2.3.1
* @param [in] items Number of elements in topics
* @param [in] topics Array of topics.
* For example: {"sensors", "lights", "doors"}
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
* @retval -ENOMEM
int mqtt_pack_unsubscribe(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size,
uint16_t pkt_id, uint8_t items, const char *topics[]);
* Unpacks the MQTT SUBSCRIBE message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @param [out] pkt_id MQTT Message Packet Identifier. See MQTT 2.3.1
* @param [out] items Number of recovered topics
* @param [in] elements Max number of topics to recover from buf
* @param [out] topics Array of topics. Each element in this array points to
* the beginning of a topic in buf
* @param [out] topic_len Array containing the length of each topic in topics
* @param [out] qos Array of QoS values
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_subscribe(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length, uint16_t *pkt_id,
uint8_t *items, uint8_t elements, char *topics[],
uint16_t topic_len[], enum mqtt_qos qos[]);
* Unpacks the MQTT SUBACK message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @param [out] pkt_id MQTT Message Packet Identifier. See MQTT 2.3.1
* @param [out] items Number of recovered topics
* @param [in] elements Max number of topics to recover from buf
* @param [out] granted_qos Granted QoS values per topic. See MQTT 3.9
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_suback(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length, uint16_t *pkt_id,
uint8_t *items, uint8_t elements,
enum mqtt_qos granted_qos[]);
* Packs the MQTT PUBLISH message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @param [in] msg MQTT PUBLISH message
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
* @retval -ENOMEM
int mqtt_pack_publish(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size,
struct mqtt_publish_msg *msg);
* Unpacks the MQTT PUBLISH message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @param [out] msg MQTT PUBLISH message
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_publish(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length,
struct mqtt_publish_msg *msg);
* Unpacks the MQTT CONNACK message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @param [out] session Session Present. See MQTT
* @param [out] connect_rc CONNECT return code. See MQTT
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_connack(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length, uint8_t *session,
uint8_t *connect_rc);
* Packs the MQTT PINGREQ message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -ENOMEM
int mqtt_pack_pingreq(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size);
* Packs the MQTT PINGRESP message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -ENOMEM
int mqtt_pack_pingresp(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size);
* Packs the MQTT DISCONNECT message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -ENOMEM
int mqtt_pack_disconnect(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size);
* Packs the MQTT UNSUBACK message
* @param [out] buf Buffer where the resultant message is stored
* @param [out] length Number of bytes required to codify the message
* @param [in] size Buffer size
* @param [in] pkt_id Packet Identifier. See MQTT 2.3.1 Packet Identifier
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -ENOMEM if size < 4
int mqtt_pack_unsuback(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t *length, uint16_t size,
uint16_t pkt_id);
* Unpacks the MQTT PUBACK message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @param [out] pkt_id Packet Identifier
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_puback(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length, uint16_t *pkt_id);
* Unpacks the MQTT PUBREC message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @param [out] pkt_id Packet Identifier
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_pubrec(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length, uint16_t *pkt_id);
* Unpacks the MQTT PUBREL message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @param [out] pkt_id Packet Identifier
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_pubrel(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length, uint16_t *pkt_id);
* Unpacks the MQTT PUBCOMP message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @param [out] pkt_id Packet Identifier
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_pubcomp(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length, uint16_t *pkt_id);
* Unpacks the MQTT UNSUBACK message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @param [out] pkt_id Packet Identifier
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_unsuback(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length, uint16_t *pkt_id);
* Unpacks the MQTT PINGREQ message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_pingreq(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length);
* Unpacks the MQTT PINGRESP message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_pingresp(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length);
* Unpacks the MQTT DISCONNECT message
* @param [in] buf Buffer where the message is stored
* @param [in] length Message's length
* @retval 0 on success
* @retval -EINVAL
int mqtt_unpack_disconnect(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length);