blob: 3b7865adb8e7514916e028a59107d632975116dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file C++ Synchronization demo. Uses basic C++ functionality.
#include <stdio.h>
* @class semaphore the basic pure virtual semaphore class
class semaphore {
virtual int wait(void) = 0;
virtual int wait(int timeout) = 0;
virtual void give(void) = 0;
/* specify delay between greetings (in ms); compute equivalent in ticks */
#define SLEEPTIME 500
#define SLEEPTICKS (SLEEPTIME * sys_clock_ticks_per_sec / 1000)
* Microkernel version of C++ synchronization demo has two tasks that utilize
* semaphores and sleeps to take turns printing a greeting message at
* a controlled rate.
#include <zephyr.h>
* @class task_semaphore
* @brief miscrokernel task semaphore
* Class derives from the pure virtual semaphore class and
* implements it's methods for the microkernel semaphore
class task_semaphore: public semaphore {
struct k_sem _sema_internal;
ksem_t sema;
virtual ~task_semaphore() {}
virtual int wait(void);
virtual int wait(int timeout);
virtual void give(void);
* @brief task_semaphore basic constructor
_sema_internal(K_SEM_INITIALIZER(_sema_internal, 0, UINT32_MAX))
printf("Create semaphore %p\n", this);
sema = (ksem_t)&_sema_internal;
* @brief wait for a semaphore
* Test a semaphore to see if it has been signaled. If the signal
* count is greater than zero, it is decremented.
* @return RC_OK on success, RC_FAIL on error
int task_semaphore::wait(void)
return task_sem_take(sema, TICKS_UNLIMITED);
* @brief wait for a semaphore within a specified timeout
* Test a semaphore to see if it has been signaled. If the signal
* count is greater than zero, it is decremented. The function
* waits for the specified timeout
* @param timeout the specified timeout in ticks
* @return RC_OK on success, RC_FAIL on error or RC_TIME on timeout
int task_semaphore::wait(int timeout)
return task_sem_take(sema, timeout);
* @brief Signal a semaphore
* This routine signals the specified semaphore.
* @return N/A
void task_semaphore::give(void)
* @param taskname task identification string
* @param mySem task's own semaphore
* @param otherSem other task's semaphore
void hello_loop(const char *taskname,
task_semaphore& my_sem,
task_semaphore& other_sem)
while (1) {
/* say "hello" */
printf("%s: Hello World!\n", taskname);
/* wait a while, then let other task have a turn */
/* two tasks synchronization semaphores */
task_semaphore sem_a;
task_semaphore sem_b;
extern "C" void task_a(void)
/* taskA gives its own semaphore, allowing it to say hello right away */
/* invoke routine that allows task to ping-pong hello messages with taskB */
hello_loop(__FUNCTION__, sem_a, sem_b);
extern "C" void task_b(void)
/* invoke routine that allows task to ping-pong hello messages with taskA */
hello_loop(__FUNCTION__, sem_b, sem_a);