blob: 3da4d903725f9dcc21425838e319dcd215324df1 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _mqtt_sn_socket_interface:
.. contents::
:depth: 2
MQTT-SN is a variant of the well-known MQTT protocol - see :ref:`mqtt_socket_interface`.
In contrast to MQTT, MQTT-SN does not require a TCP transport, but is designed to be used
over any message-based transport. Originally, it was mainly created with ZigBee in mind,
but others like Bluetooth, UDP or even a UART can be used just as well.
Zephyr provides an MQTT-SN client library built on top of BSD sockets API. The
library is configurable at a per-client basis, with support for MQTT-SN version
1.2. The Zephyr MQTT-SN implementation can be used with any message-based transport,
but support for UDP is already built-in.
MQTT-SN clients require an MQTT-SN gateway to connect to. These gateways translate between
MQTT-SN and MQTT. The Eclipse Paho project offers an implementation of a MQTT-SN gateway, but
others are available too.
The MQTT-SN spec v1.2 can be found here:
Sample usage
To create an MQTT-SN client, a client context structure and buffers need to be
.. code-block:: c
/* Buffers for MQTT client. */
static uint8_t rx_buffer[256];
static uint8_t tx_buffer[256];
/* MQTT-SN client context */
static struct mqtt_sn_client client;
Multiple MQTT-SN client instances can be created in the application and managed
independently. Additionally, a structure for the transport is needed as well.
The library already comes with an example implementation for UDP.
.. code-block:: c
/* MQTT Broker address information. */
static struct mqtt_sn_transport tp;
The MQTT-SN library will inform clients about certain events using a callback.
.. code-block:: c
static void evt_cb(struct mqtt_sn_client *client,
const struct mqtt_sn_evt *evt)
switch(evt->type) {
/* Handle events here. */
For a list of possible events, see :ref:`mqtt_sn_api_reference`.
The client context structure needs to be initialized and set up before it can be
used. An example configuration for UDP transport is shown below:
.. code-block:: c
struct mqtt_sn_data client_id = MQTT_SN_DATA_STRING_LITERAL("ZEPHYR");
struct sockaddr_in gateway = {0};
uint8_t tx_buf[256];
uint8_t rx_buf[256];
mqtt_sn_transport_udp_init(&tp, (struct sockaddr*)&gateway, sizeof((gateway)));
mqtt_sn_client_init(&client, &client_id, &, evt_cb, tx_buf, sizeof(tx_buf), rx_buf, sizeof(rx_buf));
After the configuration is set up, the MQTT-SN client can connect to the gateway.
While the MQTT-SN protocol offers functionality to discover gateways through an
advertisement mechanism, this is not implemented yet in the library.
Call the ``mqtt_sn_connect`` function, which will send a ``CONNECT`` message.
The application should periodically call the ``mqtt_sn_input`` function to process
the response received. The appliation does not have to call ``mqtt_sn_input`` if it
knows that no data has been received (e.g. when using Bluetooth). Note that
``mqtt_sn_input`` is a non-blocking function, if the transport struct contains a
``poll`` compatible function pointer.
If the connection was successful, ``MQTT_SN_EVT_CONNECTED`` will be notified to the
application through the callback function.
.. code-block:: c
err = mqtt_sn_connect(&client, false, true);
__ASSERT(err == 0, "mqtt_sn_connect() failed %d", err);
while (1) {
if (connected) {
mqtt_sn_publish(&client, MQTT_SN_QOS_0, &topic_p, false, &pubdata);
In the above code snippet, the event handler function should set the ``connected``
flag upon a successful connection. If the connection fails at the MQTT level
or a timeout occurs, the connection will be aborted.
After the connection is established, an application needs to call ``mqtt_input``
function periodically to process incoming data. Connection upkeep, on the other hand,
is done automatically using a k_work item.
If a MQTT message is received, an MQTT callback function will be called and an
appropriate event notified.
The connection can be closed by calling the ``mqtt_sn_disconnect`` function. This
has no effect on the transport, however. If you want to close the transport (e.g.
the socket), call ``mqtt_sn_client_deinit``, which will deinit the transport as well.
Zephyr provides sample code utilizing the MQTT-SN client API. See
:zephyr:code-sample:`mqtt-sn-publisher` for more information.
Deviations from the standard
Certain parts of the protocol are not yet supported in the library.
* Pre-defined topic IDs
* QoS -1 - it's most useful with predefined topics
* Gateway discovery using ADVERTISE, SEARCHGW and GWINFO messages.
* Setting the will topic and message after the initial connect
* Forwarder Encapsulation
.. _mqtt_sn_api_reference:
API Reference
.. doxygengroup:: mqtt_sn_socket