blob: 923d7f3daaabbb4d4ca1116a23fca0e412c85e40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief Nanokernel swapper code for IA-32
* This module implements the _Swap() routine for the IA-32 architecture.
* Note that the file include/nanokernel/x86/swapstk.h defines
* a representation of the save stack frame generated by _Swap() in order
* to generate offsets (in the form of absolute symbols) for consumption by
* host tools. Please update swapstk.h if changing the structure of the
* save frame on the stack.
#include <nano_private.h>
#include <arch/x86/asm.h>
#include <offsets.h> /* nanokernel structure offset definitions */
/* exports (internal APIs) */
/* externs */
* @brief Initiate a cooperative context switch
* The _Swap() routine is invoked by various nanokernel services to effect
* a cooperative context switch. Prior to invoking _Swap(), the
* caller disables interrupts (via irq_lock) and the return 'key'
* is passed as a parameter to _Swap(). The 'key' actually represents
* the EFLAGS register prior to disabling interrupts via a 'cli' instruction.
* Given that _Swap() is called to effect a cooperative context switch,
* only the non-volatile integer registers need to be saved in the TCS of the
* outgoing thread. The restoration of the integer registers of the incoming
* thread depends on whether that thread was preemptively context switched
* out. The INT_ACTIVE and EXC_ACTIVE bits in the tTCS->flags field will signify
* that the thread was preemptively context switched out, and thus both the
* volatile and non-volatile integer registers need to be restored.
* The non-volatile registers need to be scrubbed to ensure they contain no
* sensitive information that could compromise system security. This is to
* make sure that information will not be leaked from one application to
* another via these volatile registers.
* Here, the integer registers (EAX, ECX, EDX) have been scrubbed. Any changes
* to this routine that alter the values of these registers MUST be reviewed
* for potential security impacts.
* Floating point registers are handled using a lazy save/restore
* mechanism since it's expected relatively few threads will be created
* with the USE_FP or USE_SSE option bits. The nanokernel data structure
* maintains a 'current_fp' field to keep track of the thread that "owns"
* the floating point registers. Floating point registers consist of
* ST0->ST7 (x87 FPU and MMX registers) and XMM0 -> XMM7.
* All floating point registers are considered 'volatile' thus they will
* only be saved/restored when a preemptive context switch occurs.
* Floating point registers are currently NOT scrubbed, and are subject to
* potential security leaks.
* The scheduling algorithm is simple: schedule the head of the runnable fiber
* list (_nanokernel.fiber). If there are no runnable fibers, then schedule
* the task (_nanokernel.task). The _nanokernel.task field will never be NULL.
* @return may contain a return value setup by a call to fiberRtnValueSet()
* C function prototype:
* unsigned int _Swap (unsigned int eflags);
movl $_nanokernel, %eax
* Push all non-volatile registers onto the stack; do not copy
* any of these registers into the tTCS. Only the 'esp' register
* after all the pushes have been performed) will be stored in the
* tTCS.
pushl %edi
pushl %esi
pushl %ebx
pushl %ebp
* Leave slot for eax register when _Swap() needs to return a value;
* pre-populate slot with ebx's value in case _Swap() does not return
* a value.
pushl %ebx
/* save esp into tTCS structure */
movl __tNANO_current_OFFSET (%eax), %ecx
movl %esp, __tTCS_coopReg_OFFSET + __tCoopReg_esp_OFFSET (%ecx)
/* save %eax since it used as the return value for _Swap */
pushl %eax
/* Register the context switch */
call _sys_k_event_logger_context_switch
/* restore _Swap's %eax */
popl %eax
* Determine what thread needs to be swapped in.
* Note that the %eax still contains &_nanokernel.
movl __tNANO_fiber_OFFSET (%eax), %ecx
testl %ecx, %ecx
jz swapTask /* Jump if no ready fibers */
/* remove the head 'TCS *' from the runnable fiber list */
movl __tTCS_link_OFFSET (%ecx), %ebx
movl %ebx, __tNANO_fiber_OFFSET (%eax)
jmp restoreContext
* There are no fiber in the run queue, thus swap in the task
* (_nanokernel.task). The 'task' field will _never_ be NULL.
movl __tNANO_task_OFFSET (%eax), %ecx
/* fall through to 'restoreContext' */
* At this point, the %ecx register contains the 'tTCS *' of
* the TASK or FIBER to be swapped in, and %eax still
* contains &_nanokernel.
* Clear the CR0[TS] bit (in the event the current thread
* doesn't have floating point enabled) to prevent the "device not
* available" exception when executing the subsequent fxsave/fnsave
* and/or fxrstor/frstor instructions.
* Indeed, it's possible that none of the aforementioned instructions
* need to be executed, for example, the incoming thread doesn't
* utilize floating point operations. However, the code responsible
* for setting the CR0[TS] bit appropriately for the incoming thread
* (just after the 'restoreContext_NoFloatSwap' label) will leverage
* the fact that the following 'clts' was performed already.
* Determine whether the incoming thread utilizes non-integer
* capabilities _and_ whether the thread was context switched
* out preemptively.
testl $USE_FP, __tTCS_flags_OFFSET (%ecx)
je restoreContext_NoFloatSwap
* The incoming thread uses non-integer capabilities (x87 FPU and/or
* XMM regs): Was it the last thread to use non-integer capabilities?
* If so, there there is no need to restore the non-integer context.
movl __tNANO_current_fp_OFFSET (%eax), %ebx
cmpl %ebx, %ecx
je restoreContext_NoFloatSwap
* The incoming thread uses non-integer capabilities (x87 FPU and/or
* XMM regs) and it was _not_ the last thread to use the non-integer
* capabilities: Check whether the current FP context actually needs
* to be saved before swapping in the context of the incoming thread
testl %ebx, %ebx
jz restoreContext_NoFloatSave
* The incoming thread uses non-integer capabilities (x87 FPU and/or
* XMM regs) and it was _not_ the last thread to use the non-integer
* capabilities _and_ the current FP context needs to be saved.
* Given that the ST[0] -> ST[7] and XMM0 -> XMM7 registers are all
* 'volatile', only save the registers if the "current FP context"
* was preemptively context switched.
testl $INT_OR_EXC_MASK, __tTCS_flags_OFFSET (%ebx)
je restoreContext_NoFloatSave
testl $USE_SSE, __tTCS_flags_OFFSET (%ebx)
je x87FloatSave
* 'fxsave' does NOT perform an implicit 'fninit', therefore issue an
* 'fninit' to ensure a "clean" FPU state for the incoming thread
* (for the case when the fxrstor is not executed).
fxsave __tTCS_preempFloatReg_OFFSET (%ebx)
jmp floatSaveDone
#endif /* CONFIG_SSE */
/* 'fnsave' performs an implicit 'fninit' after saving state! */
fnsave __tTCS_preempFloatReg_OFFSET (%ebx)
/* fall through to 'floatSaveDone' */
* Restore floating point context of the incoming thread.
* Again, given that the ST[0] -> ST[7] and XMM0 -> XMM7 registers are
* all 'volatile', only restore the registers if the incoming
* thread was previously preemptively context switched out.
testl $INT_OR_EXC_MASK, __tTCS_flags_OFFSET (%ecx)
je restoreContext_NoFloatRestore
testl $USE_SSE, __tTCS_flags_OFFSET (%ecx)
je x87FloatRestore
fxrstor __tTCS_preempFloatReg_OFFSET (%ecx)
jmp floatRestoreDone
#endif /* CONFIG_SSE */
frstor __tTCS_preempFloatReg_OFFSET (%ecx)
/* fall through to 'floatRestoreDone' */
/* record that the incoming thread "owns" the non-integer registers */
movl %ecx, __tNANO_current_fp_OFFSET (%eax)
* Branch point when none of the non-integer registers need to be
* swapped either due to a) the incoming thread does not
* USE_FP | USE_SSE, or b) the incoming thread is the same as
* the last thread that utilized the non-integer registers.
* Leave CR0[TS] clear if incoming thread utilizes "floating point"
* instructions
testl $USE_FP, __tTCS_flags_OFFSET (%ecx)
jne CROHandlingDone
* The incoming thread does NOT currently utilize "floating point"
* instructions, so set CR0[TS] to ensure the "device not available"
* exception occurs on the first attempt to access a x87 FPU, MMX,
* or XMM register.
movl %cr0, %edx
orl $0x8, %edx
movl %edx, %cr0
#endif /* CONFIG_FP_SHARING */
/* update _nanokernel.current to reflect incoming thread */
movl %ecx, __tNANO_current_OFFSET (%eax)
/* recover task/fiber stack pointer from tTCS */
movl __tTCS_coopReg_OFFSET + __tCoopReg_esp_OFFSET (%ecx), %esp
/* load return value from a possible fiberRtnValueSet() */
popl %eax
/* pop the non-volatile registers from the stack */
popl %ebp
popl %ebx
popl %esi
popl %edi
* For a non-preemptive context switch, it is checked that the volatile
* integer registers have the following values:
* 1. ECX - points to the task's own TCS structure.
* 2. EDX - contains the flags field of the task's own TCS structure.
* 3. EAX - may contain one of the two values:
* (a) the return value for _Swap() that was set up by a
* call to fiberRtnValueSet()
* (b) same value as EBX, which is non-volatile
/* Utilize the 'eflags' parameter to _Swap() */
pushl 4(%esp)
testl $0x200, (%esp)
jz skipIntLatencyStop
/* save %eax since it used as the return value for _Swap */
pushl %eax
/* interrupts are being reenabled, stop accumulating time */
call _int_latency_stop
/* restore _Swap's %eax */
popl %eax