blob: 02d7f6de9a394fbcc9c298465be9224d3755213e [file] [log] [blame]
Title: test_context
This test verifies that the nanokernel CPU and context APIs operate as expected.
Building and Running Project:
This nanokernel project outputs to the console. It can be built and executed
on QEMU as follows:
make pristine
make nanokernel.qemu
If executing on Simics, substitute 'simics' for 'qemu' in the command line.
Sample Output:
tc_start() - Test Nanokernel CPU and context routines
Initializing nanokernel objects
Testing nano_cpu_idle()
Testing interrupt locking and unlocking
Testing inline interrupt locking and unlocking
Testing irq_disable() and irq_enable()
Testing context_self_get() from an ISR and task
Testing context_type_get() from an ISR
Testing context_type_get() from a task
Spawning a fiber from a task
Fiber to test context_self_get() and context_type_get
Fiber to test fiber_yield()
Verifying exception handler installed
excHandlerExecuted: 1
PASS - main.