blob: ecc279cad7ea882da22deabee316dc94f6db97e5 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
* @brief Bluetooth Mesh Health Client Model APIs.
* Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @brief Bluetooth Mesh
* @defgroup bt_mesh_health_cli Bluetooth Mesh Health Client Model
* @ingroup bt_mesh
* @{
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Mesh Health Client Model Context */
struct bt_mesh_health_cli {
/** Composition data model entry pointer. */
struct bt_mesh_model *model;
/** @brief Optional callback for Health Current Status messages.
* Handles received Health Current Status messages from a Health
* server. The @c fault array represents all faults that are
* currently present in the server's element.
* @see bt_mesh_health_faults
* @param cli Health client that received the status message.
* @param addr Address of the sender.
* @param test_id Identifier of a most recently performed test.
* @param cid Company Identifier of the node.
* @param faults Array of faults.
* @param fault_count Number of faults in the fault array.
void (*current_status)(struct bt_mesh_health_cli *cli, u16_t addr,
u8_t test_id, u16_t cid, u8_t *faults,
size_t fault_count);
/* Internal parameters for tracking message responses. */
struct k_sem op_sync;
u32_t op_pending;
void *op_param;
* @brief Generic Health Client model composition data entry.
* @param cli_data Pointer to a @ref bt_mesh_health_cli instance.
#define BT_MESH_MODEL_HEALTH_CLI(cli_data) \
BT_MESH_MODEL_CB(BT_MESH_MODEL_ID_HEALTH_CLI, bt_mesh_health_cli_op, \
NULL, cli_data, &bt_mesh_health_cli_cb)
/** @brief Set Health client model instance to use for communication.
* @param model Health Client model instance from the composition data.
* @return 0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.
int bt_mesh_health_cli_set(struct bt_mesh_model *model);
/** @brief Get the registered fault state for the given Company ID.
* @see bt_mesh_health_faults
* @param addr Target node element address.
* @param app_idx Application index to encrypt with.
* @param cid Company ID to get the registered faults of.
* @param test_id Test ID response buffer.
* @param faults Fault array response buffer.
* @param fault_count Fault count response buffer.
* @return 0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.
int bt_mesh_health_fault_get(u16_t addr, u16_t app_idx, u16_t cid,
u8_t *test_id, u8_t *faults,
size_t *fault_count);
/** @brief Clear the registered faults for the given Company ID.
* @see bt_mesh_health_faults
* @param addr Target node element address.
* @param app_idx Application index to encrypt with.
* @param cid Company ID to clear the registered faults for.
* @param test_id Test ID response buffer.
* @param faults Fault array response buffer.
* @param fault_count Fault count response buffer.
* @return 0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.
int bt_mesh_health_fault_clear(u16_t addr, u16_t app_idx, u16_t cid,
u8_t *test_id, u8_t *faults,
size_t *fault_count);
/** @brief Invoke a self-test procedure for the given Company ID.
* @param addr Target node element address.
* @param app_idx Application index to encrypt with.
* @param cid Company ID to invoke the test for.
* @param test_id Test ID response buffer.
* @param faults Fault array response buffer.
* @param fault_count Fault count response buffer.
* @return 0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.
int bt_mesh_health_fault_test(u16_t addr, u16_t app_idx, u16_t cid,
u8_t test_id, u8_t *faults,
size_t *fault_count);
/** @brief Get the target node's Health fast period divisor.
* The health period divisor is used to increase the publish rate when a fault
* is registered. Normally, the Health server will publish with the period in
* the configured publish parameters. When a fault is registered, the publish
* period is divided by (1 << divisor). For example, if the target node's
* Health server is configured to publish with a period of 16 seconds, and the
* Health fast period divisor is 5, the Health server will publish with an
* interval of 500 ms when a fault is registered.
* @param addr Target node element address.
* @param app_idx Application index to encrypt with.
* @param divisor Health period divisor response buffer.
* @return 0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.
int bt_mesh_health_period_get(u16_t addr, u16_t app_idx, u8_t *divisor);
/** @brief Set the target node's Health fast period divisor.
* The health period divisor is used to increase the publish rate when a fault
* is registered. Normally, the Health server will publish with the period in
* the configured publish parameters. When a fault is registered, the publish
* period is divided by (1 << divisor). For example, if the target node's
* Health server is configured to publish with a period of 16 seconds, and the
* Health fast period divisor is 5, the Health server will publish with an
* interval of 500 ms when a fault is registered.
* @param addr Target node element address.
* @param app_idx Application index to encrypt with.
* @param divisor New Health period divisor.
* @param updated_divisor Health period divisor response buffer.
* @return 0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.
int bt_mesh_health_period_set(u16_t addr, u16_t app_idx, u8_t divisor,
u8_t *updated_divisor);
/** @brief Get the current attention timer value.
* @param addr Target node element address.
* @param app_idx Application index to encrypt with.
* @param attention Attention timer response buffer, measured in seconds.
* @return 0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.
int bt_mesh_health_attention_get(u16_t addr, u16_t app_idx, u8_t *attention);
/** @brief Set the attention timer.
* @param addr Target node element address.
* @param app_idx Application index to encrypt with.
* @param attention New attention timer time, in seconds.
* @param updated_attention Attention timer response buffer, measured in
* seconds.
* @return 0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.
int bt_mesh_health_attention_set(u16_t addr, u16_t app_idx, u8_t attention,
u8_t *updated_attention);
/** @brief Get the current transmission timeout value.
* @return The configured transmission timeout in milliseconds.
s32_t bt_mesh_health_cli_timeout_get(void);
/** @brief Set the transmission timeout value.
* @param timeout The new transmission timeout.
void bt_mesh_health_cli_timeout_set(s32_t timeout);
/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
extern const struct bt_mesh_model_op bt_mesh_health_cli_op[];
extern const struct bt_mesh_model_cb bt_mesh_health_cli_cb;
/** @endcond */
#ifdef __cplusplus
* @}