blob: 7004e846e9f421ed8af517c797dc202580a080a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief Interrupt management support for IA-32 architecture
* This module implements assembly routines to manage interrupts on
* the Intel IA-32 architecture. More specifically, the interrupt (asynchronous
* exception) stubs are implemented in this module. The stubs are invoked when
* entering and exiting a C interrupt handler.
#include <kernel_structs.h>
#include <arch/x86/asm.h>
#include <offsets_short.h>
#include <arch/cpu.h> /* _NANO_ERR_SPURIOUS_INT */
#include <arch/x86/irq_controller.h>
/* exports (internal APIs) */
/* externs */
* @brief Inform the kernel of an interrupt
* This function is called from the interrupt stub created by IRQ_CONNECT()
* to inform the kernel of an interrupt. This routine increments
* _kernel.nested (to support interrupt nesting), switches to the
* base of the interrupt stack, if not already on the interrupt stack, and then
* saves the volatile integer registers onto the stack. Finally, control is
* returned back to the interrupt stub code (which will then invoke the
* "application" interrupt service routine).
* Only the volatile integer registers are saved since ISRs are assumed not to
* utilize floating point (or SSE) instructions. If an ISR requires the usage
* of floating point (or SSE) instructions, it must first invoke nanoCpuFpSave()
* (or nanoCpuSseSave()) at the beginning of the ISR. A subsequent
* nanoCpuFpRestore() (or nanoCpuSseRestore()) is needed just prior to returning
* from the ISR. Note that the nanoCpuFpSave(), nanoCpuSseSave(),
* nanoCpuFpRestore(), and nanoCpuSseRestore() APIs have not been
* implemented yet.
* Host-based tools and the target-based GDB agent depend on the stack frame
* created by this routine to determine the locations of volatile registers.
* These tools must be updated to reflect any changes to the stack frame.
* @return N/A
* C function prototype:
* void _interrupt_enter(void *isr, void *isr_param);
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, _interrupt_enter)
* The gen_idt tool creates an interrupt-gate descriptor for
* all connections. The processor will automatically clear the IF
* bit in the EFLAGS register upon execution of the handler, hence
* this need not issue an 'cli' as the first instruction.
* Clear the direction flag. It is automatically restored when the
* interrupt exits via the IRET instruction.
* Note that the processor has pushed both the EFLAGS register
* and the logical return address (cs:eip) onto the stack prior
* to invoking the handler specified in the IDT. The stack looks
* like this:
* CS
* isr_param
* isr <-- stack pointer
* Swap EAX with isr_param and EDX with isr.
* Push ECX onto the stack
xchgl %eax, 4(%esp)
xchgl %edx, (%esp)
pushl %ecx
/* Now the stack looks like:
* CS
* saved EAX
* saved EDX
* saved ECX
* EAX = isr_param, EDX = isr
/* Push EDI as we will use it for scratch space.
* Rest of the callee-saved regs get saved by invocation of C
* functions (isr handler, _Swap(), etc)
pushl %edi
* Push the cooperative registers on the existing stack as they are
* required by debug tools.
pushl %esi
pushl %ebx
pushl %ebp
leal 40(%esp), %ecx /* Calculate ESP before interrupt occurred */
pushl %ecx /* Save calculated ESP */
/* Save these as we are using to keep track of isr and isr_param */
pushl %eax
pushl %edx
* Volatile registers are now saved it is safe to start measuring
* how long interrupt are disabled.
* The interrupt gate created by IRQ_CONNECT disables the
* interrupt.
call _int_latency_start
call _sys_k_event_logger_interrupt
call _sys_k_event_logger_exit_sleep
popl %edx
popl %eax
/* load %ecx with &_kernel */
movl $_kernel, %ecx
/* switch to the interrupt stack for the non-nested case */
incl _kernel_offset_to_nested(%ecx)
/* use interrupt stack if not nested */
cmpl $1, _kernel_offset_to_nested(%ecx)
jne nested_save_isf
jne alreadyOnIntStack
* switch to base of the interrupt stack: save esp in edi, then load
* irq_stack pointer
movl %esp, %edi
movl _kernel_offset_to_irq_stack(%ecx), %esp
/* save thread's stack pointer onto base of interrupt stack */
pushl %edi /* Save stack pointer */
* The saved stack pointer happens to match the address of the
* interrupt stack frame. To simplify the exit case, push a dummy ISF
* for the "old" ISF and save it to the _kernel.isf.
pushl %edi
movl %edi, _kernel_offset_to_isf(%ecx)
cmpl $0, _kernel_offset_to_idle(%ecx)
jne handle_idle
/* fast path is !idle, in the pipeline */
jmp alreadyOnIntStack
movl _kernel_offset_to_isf(%ecx), %edi /* Get old ISF */
movl %esp, _kernel_offset_to_isf(%ecx) /* Save new ISF */
pushl %edi /* Save old ISF */
/* fall through to nested case */
pushl %eax
pushl %edx
call _int_latency_stop
popl %edx
popl %eax
#ifndef CONFIG_X86_IAMCU
/* EAX has the interrupt handler argument, needs to go on
* stack for sys V calling convention
push %eax
sti /* re-enable interrupts */
/* Now call the interrupt handler */
call *%edx
#ifndef CONFIG_X86_IAMCU
/* Discard ISR argument */
addl $0x4, %esp
cli /* disable interrupts again */
/* irq_controller.h interface */
call _int_latency_start
/* determine whether exiting from a nested interrupt */
movl $_kernel, %ecx
popl _kernel_offset_to_isf(%ecx) /* Restore old ISF */
decl _kernel_offset_to_nested(%ecx) /* dec interrupt nest count */
jne nestedInterrupt /* 'iret' if nested case */
movl _kernel_offset_to_current(%ecx), %edx
* Determine whether the execution of the ISR requires a context
* switch. If the thread is preemptible, scheduler is not locked and
* a higher priority thread exists, a _Swap() needs to occur.
/* do not reschedule coop threads (negative priority) */
cmpl $0, _thread_offset_to_prio(%edx)
jl noReschedule
/* do not reschedule if scheduler is locked */
cmpl $0, _thread_offset_to_sched_locked(%edx)
jg noReschedule
/* reschedule only if the scheduler says that we must do so */
call _is_next_thread_current
testl %eax, %eax
jnz noReschedule
* Set the INT_ACTIVE bit in the k_thread to allow the upcoming call to
* _Swap() to determine whether non-floating registers need to be
* preserved using the lazy save/restore algorithm, or to indicate to
* debug tools that a preemptive context switch has occurred.
* Setting the NO_METRICS bit tells _Swap() that the per-execution context
* [totalRunTime] calculation has already been performed and that
* there is no need to do it again.
#if defined(CONFIG_FP_SHARING) || defined(CONFIG_GDB_INFO)
* Reload _kernel.current as _is_next_thread_current()
* might have clobbered it.
movl _kernel + _kernel_offset_to_current, %edx
orl $INT_ACTIVE, _thread_offset_to_flags(%edx)
* A context reschedule is required: keep the volatile registers of
* the interrupted thread on the context's stack. Utilize
* the existing _Swap() primitive to save the remaining
* thread's registers (including floating point) and perform
* a switch to the new thread.
popl %esp /* switch back to outgoing thread's stack */
popl %ebp /* Discard saved ESP */
popl %ebp
popl %ebx
popl %esi
pushfl /* push KERNEL_LOCK_KEY argument */
/* IAMCU first argument goes into a register, not the stack.
popl %eax
call _Swap
#ifndef CONFIG_X86_IAMCU
addl $4, %esp /* pop KERNEL_LOCK_KEY argument */
* The interrupted thread has now been scheduled,
* as the result of a _later_ invocation of _Swap().
* Now need to restore the interrupted thread's environment before
* returning control to it at the point where it was interrupted ...
#if ( defined(CONFIG_FP_SHARING) || \
defined(CONFIG_GDB_INFO) )
* _Swap() has restored the floating point registers, if needed.
* Clear the INT_ACTIVE bit of the interrupted thread's TCS
* since it has served its purpose.
movl _kernel + _kernel_offset_to_current, %eax
andl $~INT_ACTIVE, _thread_offset_to_flags (%eax)
/* Restore volatile registers and return to the interrupted thread */
call _int_latency_stop
popl %edi
popl %ecx
popl %edx
popl %eax
/* Pop of EFLAGS will re-enable interrupts and restore direction flag */
* A thread reschedule is not required; switch back to the
* interrupted thread's stack and restore volatile registers
popl %esp /* pop thread stack pointer */
/* fall through to 'nestedInterrupt' */
* For the nested interrupt case, the interrupt stack must still be
* utilized, and more importantly, a rescheduling decision must
* not be performed.
call _int_latency_stop
popl %ebp /* Discard saved ESP */
popl %ebp
popl %ebx
popl %esi
popl %edi
popl %ecx /* pop volatile registers in reverse order */
popl %edx
popl %eax
/* Pop of EFLAGS will re-enable interrupts and restore direction flag */
pushl %eax
pushl %edx
/* Populate 'ticks' argument to _sys_power_save_idle_exit */
movl _kernel_offset_to_idle(%ecx), %eax
/* SYS V calling convention */
push _kernel_offset_to_idle(%ecx)
/* Zero out _kernel.idle */
movl $0, _kernel_offset_to_idle(%ecx)
* Beware that a timer driver's _sys_power_save_idle_exit() implementation might
* expect that interrupts are disabled when invoked. This ensures that
* the calculation and programming of the device for the next timer
* deadline is not interrupted.
call _sys_power_save_idle_exit
#ifndef CONFIG_X86_IAMCU
/* SYS V: discard 'ticks' argument passed on the stack */
add $0x4, %esp
popl %edx
popl %eax
jmp alreadyOnIntStack
* _SpuriousIntHandler -
* @brief Spurious interrupt handler stubs
* Interrupt-gate descriptors are statically created for all slots in the IDT
* that point to _SpuriousIntHandler() or _SpuriousIntNoErrCodeHandler(). The
* former stub is connected to exception vectors where the processor pushes an
* error code onto the stack (or kernel stack) in addition to the EFLAGS/CS/EIP
* records.
* A spurious interrupt is considered a fatal condition, thus this routine
* merely sets up the 'reason' and 'pEsf' parameters to the routine
* _SysFatalHwErrorHandler(). In other words, there is no provision to return
* to the interrupted execution context and thus the volatile registers are not
* saved.
* @return Never returns
* C function prototype:
* void _SpuriousIntHandler (void);
* The gen_idt tool creates an interrupt-gate descriptor for all
* connections. The processor will automatically clear the IF bit
* in the EFLAGS register upon execution of the handler,
* thus _SpuriousIntNoErrCodeHandler()/_SpuriousIntHandler() shall be
* invoked with interrupts disabled.
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, _SpuriousIntNoErrCodeHandler)
pushl $0 /* push dummy err code onto stk */
/* fall through to _SpuriousIntHandler */
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, _SpuriousIntHandler)
cld /* Clear direction flag */
/* Create the ESF */
pushl %eax
pushl %ecx
pushl %edx
pushl %edi
pushl %esi
pushl %ebx
pushl %ebp
leal 44(%esp), %ecx /* Calculate ESP before exception occurred */
pushl %ecx /* Save calculated ESP */
#ifndef CONFIG_X86_IAMCU
pushl %esp /* push cur stack pointer: pEsf arg */
mov %esp, %edx
/* re-enable interrupts */
/* push the 'unsigned int reason' parameter */
#ifndef CONFIG_X86_IAMCU
/* call the fatal error handler */
call _NanoFatalErrorHandler
/* handler doesn't return */
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, _irq_sw_handler)
push $0
push $_irq_do_offload
jmp _interrupt_enter