blob: e7a22dec110f50e8b301f6b91c95555f13f2d2bd [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2022 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Disable with GATT test: A central acting as a GATT client scans for and connects
# to a peripheral acting as a GATT server. The GATT client will then attempt
# to write and read to and from a few GATT characteristics. Both the central and
# peripheral then disable bluetooth and the test repeats.
process_ids=""; exit_code=0
function Execute(){
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
echo -e " \e[91m`pwd`/`basename $1` cannot be found (did you forget to\
compile it?)\e[39m"
exit 1
timeout 120 $@ & process_ids="$process_ids $!"
: "${BSIM_OUT_PATH:?BSIM_OUT_PATH must be defined}"
#Give a default value to BOARD if it does not have one yet:
cd ${BSIM_OUT_PATH}/bin
Execute ./bs_${BOARD}_tests_bluetooth_bsim_bt_bsim_test_disable_prj_conf \
-v=${verbosity_level} -s=${simulation_id} -d=0 -testid=gatt_client
Execute ./bs_${BOARD}_tests_bluetooth_bsim_bt_bsim_test_disable_prj_conf \
-v=${verbosity_level} -s=${simulation_id} -d=1 -testid=gatt_server
Execute ./bs_2G4_phy_v1 -v=${verbosity_level} -s=${simulation_id} \
-D=2 -sim_length=600e6 $@
for process_id in $process_ids; do
wait $process_id || let "exit_code=$?"
exit $exit_code #the last exit code != 0