blob: b1b6f818361e4d01be45540fa4dbc920bb60721a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <zephyr/tc_util.h>
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
static uint32_t periodic_idx;
static uint64_t periodic_data[CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_SAMPLES + 1];
static uint64_t periodic_start, periodic_end;
static struct k_timer periodic_timer;
static struct k_sem periodic_sem;
* The following code collects periodic time samples using the timer's
* auto-restart feature based on its period argument.
static void timer_period_fn(struct k_timer *t)
uint64_t curr_cycle;
curr_cycle = k_cycle_get_64();
curr_cycle = k_cycle_get_32();
periodic_data[periodic_idx] = curr_cycle;
if (periodic_idx == 0) {
periodic_start = curr_cycle;
if (periodic_idx >= ARRAY_SIZE(periodic_data)) {
periodic_end = curr_cycle;
static void collect_timer_period_time_samples(void)
k_timer_init(&periodic_timer, timer_period_fn, NULL);
k_timer_start(&periodic_timer, K_NO_WAIT, K_USEC(CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_PERIOD));
* The following code collects periodic time samples by explicitly restarting
* the timer and relying solely on the timer's start delay argument to
* create periodicity.
static void timer_startdelay_fn(struct k_timer *t)
uint64_t curr_cycle;
curr_cycle = k_cycle_get_64();
curr_cycle = k_cycle_get_32();
periodic_data[periodic_idx] = curr_cycle;
if (periodic_idx == 0) {
periodic_start = curr_cycle;
if (periodic_idx < ARRAY_SIZE(periodic_data)) {
} else {
periodic_end = curr_cycle;
static void collect_timer_startdelay_time_samples(void)
k_timer_init(&periodic_timer, timer_startdelay_fn, NULL);
k_timer_start(&periodic_timer, K_NO_WAIT, K_FOREVER);
/* Get a difference in cycles between one timer count and an earlier one
* accounting for potentially wrapped values.
* @retval 0 an unhandled wrap of the timer occurred and the value should be ignored
static uint64_t periodic_diff(uint64_t later, uint64_t earlier)
/* Timer wrap around, will be ignored in statistics */
if (later < earlier) {
TC_PRINT("WARNING: Caught a timer wrap-around !\n");
return 0;
return later - earlier;
static double cycles_to_us(uint64_t cycles)
return 1000000.0 * cycles / sys_clock_hw_cycles_per_sec();
* @brief Test a timers jitter and drift over time
static void do_test_using(void (*sample_collection_fn)(void))
k_timeout_t actual_timeout = K_USEC(CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_PERIOD);
uint64_t expected_duration = (uint64_t)actual_timeout.ticks * CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_SAMPLES;
TC_PRINT("collecting time samples for approx %llu seconds\n",
k_ticks_to_ms_ceil64(expected_duration) / MSEC_PER_SEC);
periodic_idx = 0;
k_sem_init(&periodic_sem, 0, 1);
k_sem_take(&periodic_sem, K_FOREVER);
TC_PRINT("periodic timer samples gathered, calculating statistics\n");
/* calculate variance, and precision */
uint64_t total_cycles = 0;
uint32_t periodic_rollovers = 0;
uint64_t max_cyc = 0;
uint64_t min_cyc = UINT64_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_SAMPLES; i++) {
uint64_t diff = periodic_diff(periodic_data[i + 1], periodic_data[i]);
if (diff == 0) {
} else {
total_cycles += diff;
min_cyc = MIN(diff, min_cyc);
max_cyc = MAX(diff, max_cyc);
double min_us = cycles_to_us(min_cyc);
double max_us = cycles_to_us(max_cyc);
double mean_cyc =
(double)total_cycles / (double)(CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_SAMPLES - periodic_rollovers);
double mean_us = cycles_to_us(total_cycles) /
(double)(CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_SAMPLES - periodic_rollovers);
double variance_us = 0;
double variance_cyc = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_SAMPLES; i++) {
uint64_t diff = periodic_diff(periodic_data[i + 1], periodic_data[i]);
if (diff != 0) {
double mean_cyc_diff = (double)diff - mean_cyc;
double mean_us_diff = cycles_to_us(diff) - mean_us;
double mean_cyc_diff_sq = mean_cyc_diff * mean_cyc_diff;
double mean_us_diff_sq = mean_us_diff * mean_us_diff;
variance_us += mean_us_diff_sq;
variance_cyc += mean_cyc_diff_sq;
/* A measure of how wide the distribution is, ideal is 0 */
variance_us = variance_us / (double)(CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_SAMPLES - periodic_rollovers);
variance_cyc = variance_cyc / (double)(CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_SAMPLES - periodic_rollovers);
/* A measure of timer precision, ideal is 0 */
double stddev_us = sqrtf(variance_us);
double stddev_cyc = sqrtf(variance_cyc);
/* Use double precision math here as integer overflows are possible in doing all the
* conversions otherwise
double expected_time_us =
double actual_time_us = cycles_to_us(periodic_end - periodic_start);
/* While this could be non-integer, the mean should be very close to it over time */
double expected_period =
(double)CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_PERIOD * (double)sys_clock_hw_cycles_per_sec()
/ 1000000.0;
* Expected period drift(us) due to round up/down errors during the
* conversion between ticks, cycles and delay.
uint32_t cyc_per_tick = sys_clock_hw_cycles_per_sec()
double expected_period_drift = ((double)actual_timeout.ticks * cyc_per_tick
- expected_period) / sys_clock_hw_cycles_per_sec() * 1000000;
double expected_time_drift_us = expected_period_drift
double time_diff_us = actual_time_us - expected_time_us
- expected_time_drift_us;
TC_PRINT("timer clock rate %d, kernel tick rate %d\n",
sys_clock_hw_cycles_per_sec(), CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SEC);
TC_PRINT("test timer period (%u us) is smaller than "
"system tick period (%u us)\n",
CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_PERIOD, k_ticks_to_us_near32(1));
zassert_true(expected_period_drift != 0.0);
if (expected_period_drift != 0.0) {
TC_PRINT("expected period drift: %.8g us\n", expected_period_drift);
TC_PRINT("period duration statistics for %d samples (%u rollovers):\n",
CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_SAMPLES - periodic_rollovers, periodic_rollovers);
TC_PRINT(" expected: %d us, \t%f cycles\n",
CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_PERIOD, expected_period);
TC_PRINT(" min: %f us, \t%llu cycles\n", min_us, min_cyc);
TC_PRINT(" max: %f us, \t%llu cycles\n", max_us, max_cyc);
TC_PRINT(" mean: %f us, \t%f cycles\n", mean_us, mean_cyc);
TC_PRINT(" variance: %f us, \t%f cycles\n", variance_us, variance_cyc);
TC_PRINT(" stddev: %f us, \t%f cycles\n", stddev_us, stddev_cyc);
TC_PRINT("timer start cycle %llu, end cycle %llu,\n"
"total time %f us, expected time %f us,\n"
"expected time drift %f us, difference %f us\n",
periodic_start, periodic_end, actual_time_us, expected_time_us,
expected_time_drift_us, time_diff_us);
/* Validate the maximum/minimum timer period is off by no more than 10% */
double test_period = (double)CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_PERIOD;
double period_max_drift_percentage =
double min_us_bound = test_period - period_max_drift_percentage * test_period
+ expected_period_drift;
double max_us_bound = test_period + period_max_drift_percentage * test_period
+ expected_period_drift;
zassert_true(min_us >= min_us_bound,
"Shortest timer period too short (off by more than expected %d%)",
zassert_true(max_us <= max_us_bound,
"Longest timer period too long (off by more than expected %d%)",
/* Validate the timer deviation (precision/jitter of the timer) is within a configurable
* bound
zassert_true(stddev_us < (double)CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_MAX_STDDEV,
"Standard deviation (in microseconds) outside expected bound");
if (periodic_rollovers != 0) {
TC_PRINT("WARNING: the total time is bogus due to timer "
"rollovers and canot be validated\n");
} else {
/* Validate the timer drift (accuracy over time) is within a configurable bound */
zassert_true(abs(time_diff_us) < CONFIG_TIMER_TEST_MAX_DRIFT,
"Drift (in microseconds) outside expected bound");
ZTEST(timer_jitter_drift, test_jitter_drift_timer_period)
TC_PRINT("periodic timer behavior test using built-in restart mechanism\n");
ZTEST(timer_jitter_drift, test_jitter_drift_timer_startdelay)
TC_PRINT("periodic timer behavior test using explicit start with delay\n");
ZTEST_SUITE(timer_jitter_drift, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);