blob: 1ea4f6bcc13cf87f94c874480f7706df71cf63de [file] [log] [blame]
.. _source_tree:
Source Tree Structure
The Zephyr source tree provides the following top-level directories,
each of which may have one or more additional levels of subdirectories
which are not described here.
Architecture-specific nanokernel and platform code. Each supported
architecture has its own subdirectory, which contains additional
subdirectories for the following areas:
* architecture-specific nanokernel source files
* architecture-specific nanokernel include files for private APIs
* platform-specific code
* board configuration files
Zephyr documentation-related material and tools.
Device driver code.
Include files for all public APIs, except those defined under :file:`lib`.
Microkernel code, and architecture-independent nanokernel code.
Library code, including the minimal standard C library.
Miscellaneous code.
Networking code, including the Bluetooth stack and networking stacks.
Sample applications for the microkernel, nanokernel, Bluetooth stack,
and networking stacks.
Various programs and other files used to build and test Zephyr