blob: 5ac0f6efaa4740d267739c7fbfea98713dbe49f0 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _west-install:
Installing west
West is written in Python 3 and distributed through `PyPI`_.
Use :file:`pip3` to install or upgrade west:
On Linux::
pip3 install --user -U west
On Windows and macOS::
pip3 install -U west
.. note::
See :ref:`python-pip` for additional clarification on using the
``--user`` switch.
Afterwards, you can run ``pip3 show -f west`` for information on where the west
binary and related files were installed.
Once west is installed, you can use it to :ref:`clone the Zephyr repositories
.. _west-struct:
West's code is distributed via PyPI in a Python package named ``west``.
This distribution includes a launcher executable, which is also named
``west`` (or ``west.exe`` on Windows).
When west is installed, the launcher is placed by :file:`pip3` somewhere in
the user's filesystem (exactly where depends on the operating system, but
should be on the ``PATH`` :ref:`environment variable <env_vars>`). This
launcher is the command-line entry point to running both built-in commands
like ``west init``, ``west update``, along with any extensions discovered
in the workspace.
In addition to its command-line interface, you can also use west's Python
APIs directly. See :ref:`west-apis` for details.
.. _west-shell-completion:
Enabling shell completion
West currently supports shell completion in the following shells:
* bash
* zsh
* fish
In order to enable shell completion, you will need to obtain the corresponding
completion script and have it sourced.
Using the completion scripts:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: bash
*One-time setup*:
.. code-block:: bash
source <(west completion bash)
*Permanent setup*:
.. code-block:: bash
west completion bash > ~/west-completion.bash; echo "source ~/west-completion.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
.. group-tab:: zsh
*One-time setup*:
.. code-block:: zsh
source <(west completion zsh)
*Permanent setup*:
.. code-block:: zsh
west completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_west"
.. group-tab:: fish
*One-time setup*:
.. code-block:: fish
west completion fish | source
*Permanent setup*:
.. code-block:: fish
west completion fish > $HOME/.config/fish/completions/
.. _PyPI: