| .. _inventek_eswifi_shield: |
| |
| Inventek es-WIFI Shield |
| ####################### |
| |
| Overview |
| ******** |
| |
| The es-WIFI (embedded Serial-to-WiFi) modules are devices developed by Inventek |
| Systems. It integrates WIFI and optionally Bluetooth Low Energy. The es-WIFI |
| devices can run Cypress WICED or Inventek's IWIN (Inventek Systems Wireless |
| Interoperability Network) AT commands set. The current es-WIFI driver is able |
| to use one of two serial interfaces: SPI or UART. |
| |
| The Zephyr es-WIFI drivers was implemented using ISM43362-M3G-L44 with SPI |
| interface. The UART was implemented with ISM4343-WBM-L151. Besides that, |
| user can reprogram the modules to switch from one interface type to another |
| by the JTAG pin header. |
| |
| |
| =============== |
| |
| The `ISMART4343C-EVB`_ is a development Kit with Arduino Uno R3 compatible |
| shield. It allows evaluate es-WIFI modules with SPI or UART interface. For |
| UART interface the `inventek_eswifi_arduino_uart`_ must be selected. For |
| SPI interface the `inventek_eswifi_arduino_spi`_ must be enabled. The EVB |
| can use 5V from Arduino header, if board provide it, J17 position 1-2. |
| Otherwise, J17 2-3 will select USB-5V. More information can be found at |
| `ISMART4343C-EVB Users Manual`_. |
| |
| .. note:: |
| The Inventek's EVBs signals are 3.3V only. |
| |
| .. image:: ismart4343c-evb.jpg |
| :align: center |
| :alt: ISMART4343C-EVB |
| |
| Pins Assignment of the ISMART EVBs |
| ================================== |
| |
| The below table presents signals by interface. The UART switch SW3 must be on |
| position 3 to enable RX/TX signals when using es-WIFI with UART firmware. |
| |
| To enable full control by Arduino header user should do some manual wiring. |
| The signals from D3 up to D7 are not connected by default on the Inventek's |
| shield. These signals marked as optional can help on development. The current |
| driver do not handle that signals and are simple suggestions and can be left |
| as is. Some arduino boards don't have NRST pin connected to a GPIO pin. The |
| recommendation is bend the NRST pin and make a wire to D6. WAKE-UP signal is |
| available at header J26 pin 1 and shield configuration uses D7 to control that |
| signal, user need do a wire connecting these two terminals. On the below |
| image is possible see suggested wiring connections. |
| |
| .. image:: ismart4343c-evb-wiring.jpg |
| :align: center |
| :alt: ISMART4343C-EVB Wiring |
| |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | Arduino Connector Pin | Function | Serial Connection | |
| +=======================+===========+=====================+ |
| | D0 | UART RX | UART | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | D1 | UART TX | UART | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | D3 | CFG-1 | UART/SPI [optional] | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | D4 | CFG-0 | UART/SPI [optional] | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | D5 | BOOT-0 | UART/SPI [optional] | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | D6 | NRST | UART/SPI [wiring] | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | D7 | WAKE-UP | UART/SPI [wiring] | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | D9 | CMD/RDY | SPI | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | D10 | SPI CS | SPI | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | D11 | SPI MOSI | SPI | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | D12 | SPI MISO | SPI | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| | D13 | SPI SCK | SPI | |
| +-----------------------+-----------+---------------------+ |
| |
| |
| Supported variations |
| ==================== |
| |
| The below table suggests shield variation accordingly with end user |
| application. When a standard Arduino R3 connector is available on board, user |
| should select the matching shield configuration based on the serial interface |
| (SERIAL or SPI). The inventek_eswifi is available to allow users testing a |
| built-in module with dedicated <board>.overlay and <board>.defconfig files. |
| |
| +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------+ |
| | Connector Standard | Shield Designation | Variation | |
| +=============================+=================================+===========+ |
| | Without standard (overlay) | `inventek_eswifi`_ | 1 | |
| +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------+ |
| | Arduino by UART | `inventek_eswifi_arduino_uart`_ | 2 | |
| +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------+ |
| | Arduino by SPI | `inventek_eswifi_arduino_spi`_ | 3 | |
| +-----------------------------+---------------------------------+-----------+ |
| |
| Requirements |
| ************ |
| |
| This shield requires a board which provides a configuration that allows an |
| UART or SPI interface and two or three GPIO. (see :ref:`shields` for more |
| details). |
| |
| .. note:: |
| Some boards may already have a network interface: Check network |
| documentation to understand how properly configure both interfaces. |
| To keep simple, you can keep only the WIFI interface enabled at |
| Networking -> Link Layer Options. This will avoid problems running |
| Zephyr samples. |
| |
| Tested Boards |
| ============= |
| |
| +------------------------------+------------------------------+-----------+ |
| | Board | Disabled Interface | Variation | |
| +==============================+==============================+===========+ |
| | ATMEL sam_v71_xult/samv71q21 | Ethernet | 2 , 3 | |
| +------------------------------+------------------------------+-----------+ |
| | ST nucleo_f767zi | Ethernet | 2 , 3 | |
| +------------------------------+------------------------------+-----------+ |
| | ST disco_l475_iot1 | | - | |
| +------------------------------+------------------------------+-----------+ |
| |
| .. note:: |
| ST disco_l475_iot1 already have an ISM43362 module with IWIN SPI |
| firmware. It doesn't need this shield to expose es-WIFI. It is only |
| used here as reference to demonstrate how configure an on-board |
| module. |
| |
| Sample usage |
| ************ |
| |
| The reference sample for WIFI is :zephyr:code-sample:`wifi-shell`. It allows you to use WIFI |
| shell to scan local Wireless networks. With the password you can pick, |
| connect and send ping. |
| |
| Build and Programming |
| ********************* |
| |
| Set ``--shield <shield designator>`` when you invoke ``west build``. |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/wifi |
| :host-os: unix |
| :board: [sam_v71_xult/samv71q21 | nucleo_f767zi] |
| :shield: inventek_eswifi_arduino_uart |
| :goals: build flash |
| :compact: |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/wifi |
| :host-os: unix |
| :board: [sam_v71_xult/samv71q21 | nucleo_f767zi] |
| :shield: inventek_eswifi_arduino_spi |
| :goals: build flash |
| :compact: |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/wifi |
| :host-os: unix |
| :board: disco_l475_iot1 |
| :goals: build flash |
| :compact: |
| |
| |
| References |
| ********** |
| |
| .. target-notes:: |
| |
| .. _ISMART4343C-EVB: |
| https://www.inventeksys.com/ismart4343-c-arduino-shield-wi-fi-2ghz-bluetooth-ble/ |
| |
| .. _ISMART4343C-EVB Users Manual: |
| https://www.inventeksys.com/wp-content/uploads/IoT-EVB-Users-Manual.pdf |
| |
| .. _inventek_eswifi: |
| https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/blob/master/boards/shields/inventek_eswifi/inventek_eswifi.overlay |
| |
| .. _inventek_eswifi_arduino_uart: |
| https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/blob/master/boards/shields/inventek_eswifi/inventek_eswifi_arduino_uart.overlay |
| |
| .. _inventek_eswifi_arduino_spi: |
| https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/blob/master/boards/shields/inventek_eswifi/inventek_eswifi_arduino_spi.overlay |