blob: 14728c70922af3b0b5c0d8f83acbcf09073a033f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/winstream.h>
/* This, uh, seems to be the standard way to unit test library code.
* Or so I gather from tests/unit/rbtree ...
#include "../../../lib/os/winstream.c"
#define BUFLEN 64
const char *msg = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
char wsmem[BUFLEN + 1]; /* Extra 1 to have a null for easier debugging */
ZTEST(winstream, test_winstream)
struct sys_winstream *ws = sys_winstream_init(wsmem, BUFLEN);
/* Write one byte */
sys_winstream_write(ws, "a", 1);
uint32_t seq = 0;
char c;
/* Read the byte back */
uint32_t bytes = sys_winstream_read(ws, &seq, &c, 1);
zassert_true(bytes == 1, "");
zassert_true(seq == 1, "");
zassert_true(c == 'a', "");
/* Read from an empty buffer */
bytes = sys_winstream_read(ws, &seq, &c, 1);
zassert_true(bytes == 0, "");
zassert_true(seq == 1, "");
/* Write an overflowing string */
sys_winstream_write(ws, msg, strlen(msg));
zassert_true(ws->seq == 1 + strlen(msg), "");
zassert_true(ws->start == 1, "");
zassert_true(ws->end == 0, "");
/* Read after underflow, verify empty string comes back with the
* correct sequence number
char readback[BUFLEN + 1];
memset(readback, 0, sizeof(readback));
bytes = sys_winstream_read(ws, &seq, readback, sizeof(readback));
zassert_true(seq == ws->seq, "");
zassert_true(bytes == 0, "");
/* Read back from empty buffer */
uint32_t seq0 = seq;
bytes = sys_winstream_read(ws, &seq, readback, sizeof(readback));
zassert_true(seq == seq0, "");
zassert_true(bytes == 0, "");
/* Write a "short-enough" string that fits in before the wrap,
* then read it out
seq0 = seq;
sys_winstream_write(ws, msg, ws->len / 2);
bytes = sys_winstream_read(ws, &seq, readback, sizeof(readback));
zassert_true(bytes == ws->len / 2, "");
zassert_true(seq == seq0 + ws->len / 2, "");
zassert_true(strncmp(readback, msg, ws->len / 2) == 0, "");
/* Do it again, this time it will need to wrap around the buffer */
memset(readback, 0, sizeof(readback));
seq0 = seq;
sys_winstream_write(ws, msg, ws->len / 2);
bytes = sys_winstream_read(ws, &seq, readback, sizeof(readback));
zassert_true(bytes == ws->len / 2, "");
zassert_true(seq == seq0 + ws->len / 2, "");
zassert_true(strncmp(readback, msg, ws->len / 2) == 0, "");
/* Finally loop with a relatively prime (actually prime prime)
* buffer size to stress for edges.
int n = 13;
char msg2[13];
for (int i = 0; i < (n + 1) * (ws->len + 1); i++) {
memset(msg2, 'A' + (i % 26), n);
seq0 = seq;
memset(readback, 0, sizeof(readback));
sys_winstream_write(ws, msg2, n);
bytes = sys_winstream_read(ws, &seq, readback, sizeof(readback));
zassert_true(bytes == n, "");
zassert_true(seq == seq0 + n, "");
zassert_true(strncmp(readback, msg2, n) == 0, "");