| .. _lwm2m-client-sample: |
| |
| LwM2M client |
| ############ |
| |
| Overview |
| ******** |
| |
| Lightweight Machine to Machine (LwM2M) is an application layer protocol |
| based on CoAP/UDP, and is designed to expose various resources for reading, |
| writing and executing via an LwM2M server in a very lightweight environment. |
| |
| This LwM2M client sample application for Zephyr implements the LwM2M library |
| and establishes a connection to an LwM2M server using the |
| `Open Mobile Alliance Lightweight Machine to Machine Technical Specification`_ |
| (Section 5.3: Client Registration Interface). |
| |
| .. _Open Mobile Alliance Lightweight Machine to Machine Technical Specification: |
| http://www.openmobilealliance.org/release/LightweightM2M/V1_0-20170208-A/OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_0-20170208-A.pdf |
| |
| The source code for this sample application can be found at: |
| :zephyr_file:`samples/net/lwm2m_client`. |
| |
| Requirements |
| ************ |
| |
| - :ref:`networking_with_qemu` |
| - Linux machine |
| - Leshan Demo Server (https://eclipse.org/leshan/) |
| |
| Building and Running |
| ******************** |
| |
| There are configuration files for various setups in the |
| samples/net/lwm2m_client directory: |
| |
| - :file:`prj.conf` |
| This is the standard default config. |
| |
| - :file:`overlay-bootstrap.conf` |
| This overlay config can be added to enable LWM2M Bootstrap support. |
| |
| - :file:`overlay-ot.conf` |
| This overlay config can be added for OpenThread support. |
| |
| - :file:`overlay-dtls.conf` |
| This overlay config can be added for DTLS support via MBEDTLS. |
| |
| - :file:`overlay-bt.conf` |
| This overlay config can be added to enable Bluetooth networking support. |
| |
| - :file:`overlay-queue.conf` |
| This overlay config can be added to enable LWM2M Queue Mode support. |
| |
| Build the lwm2m-client sample application like this: |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/lwm2m_client |
| :board: <board to use> |
| :conf: <config file to use> |
| :goals: build |
| :compact: |
| |
| The easiest way to setup this sample application is to build and run it |
| via QEMU using the default configuration :file:`prj.conf`. |
| This requires a small amount of setup described in :ref:`networking_with_qemu`. |
| |
| Download and run the latest build of the Leshan Demo Server: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ wget https://ci.eclipse.org/leshan/job/leshan/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/leshan-server-demo.jar |
| $ java -jar ./leshan-server-demo.jar -wp 8080 |
| |
| You can now open a web browser to: http://localhost:8080 This is where you |
| can watch and manage connected LwM2M devices. |
| |
| Build the lwm2m-client sample application for QEMU like this: |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/lwm2m_client |
| :host-os: unix |
| :board: qemu_x86 |
| :goals: run |
| :compact: |
| |
| The sample will start and automatically connect to the Leshan Demo Server with |
| an IPv6 client endpoint "qemu_x86". |
| |
| To change the sample to use IPv4, disable IPv6 by changing these two |
| configurations in ``prj.conf``:: |
| |
| |
| DTLS Support |
| ============ |
| |
| To build the lwm2m-client sample for QEMU with DTLS support do the following: |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/lwm2m_client |
| :host-os: unix |
| :board: qemu_x86 |
| :conf: "prj.conf overlay-dtls.conf" |
| :goals: run |
| :compact: |
| |
| Setup DTLS security in Leshan Demo Server: |
| |
| 1. Open up the Leshan Demo Server web UI |
| #. Click on "Security" |
| #. Click on "Add new client security configuration" |
| #. Enter the following data: |
| |
| * Client endpoint: qemu_x86 |
| * Security mode: Pre-Shared Key |
| * Identity: Client_identity |
| * Key: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f |
| |
| #. Start the Zephyr sample |
| |
| Bootstrap Support |
| ================= |
| |
| In order to run Bootstrap procedure with the sample, you need to download and |
| run the Leshan Demo Bootstrap Server: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ wget https://ci.eclipse.org/leshan/job/leshan/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/leshan-bsserver-demo.jar |
| $ java -jar ./leshan-bsserver-demo.jar -wp 8888 -lp 5783 -slp 5784 |
| |
| |
| You can now open a web browser to: http://localhost:8888 The Demo Bootstrap |
| Server web UI will open, this is where you can configure your device for |
| bootstrap. |
| |
| Configure the lwm2m-client sample in the Demo Bootstrap Server: |
| |
| 1. Click on "Add new client bootstrap configuration" |
| #. Enter the following data: |
| |
| * Client endpoint: qemu_x86 |
| |
| #. In the ``LWM2M Server`` tab, enter the following data: |
| |
| * LWM2M Server URL: coap://[2001:db8::2]:5683 (or coap:// if IPv4 is used) |
| * Security mode: No Security |
| |
| #. The ``LWM2M Bootstrap Server`` tab can be left intact in the default |
| configuration (No Security). |
| |
| To build the lwm2m-client sample for QEMU with Bootstrap enabled do the |
| following: |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/lwm2m_client |
| :host-os: unix |
| :board: qemu_x86 |
| :conf: "prj.conf overlay-bootstrap.conf" |
| :goals: run |
| :compact: |
| |
| The sample will start and automatically connect to the Leshan Demo Bootstrap |
| Server to obtain the LwM2M Server information. After that, the sample will |
| automatically connect to the Leshan Demo Sever, as it was indicated in the |
| Bootstrap Server configuration. |
| |
| It is possible to combine overlay files, to enable DTLS and Bootstrap for |
| instance. In that case, the user should make sure to update the port number in |
| the overlay file for Bootstrap over DTLS (5784 in case of Leshan Demo Bootstrap |
| Server) and to configure correct security mode in the ``LWM2M Bootstrap Server`` |
| tab in the web UI (Pre-shared Key). |
| |
| Bluetooth Support |
| ================= |
| |
| To build the lwm2m-client sample for hardware requiring Bluetooth for |
| networking (IPSP node connected via 6lowpan) do the following: |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/lwm2m_client |
| :host-os: unix |
| :board: <board to use> |
| :conf: "prj.conf overlay-bt.conf" |
| :goals: build |
| :compact: |
| |
| The overlay-\*.conf files can also be combined. For example, you could build a |
| DTLS-enabled LwM2M client sample for BLENano2 hardware by using the following |
| commands (requires Bluetooth for networking): |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/lwm2m_client |
| :host-os: unix |
| :board: nrf52_blenano2 |
| :conf: "prj.conf overlay-bt.conf overlay-dtls.conf" |
| :goals: build |
| :compact: |
| |
| OpenThread Support |
| ================== |
| |
| To build the lwm2m-client sample for hardware requiring OpenThread for |
| networking do the following: |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/lwm2m_client |
| :host-os: unix |
| :board: <board to use> |
| :conf: "prj.conf overlay-ot.conf" |
| :goals: build |
| :compact: |
| |
| Note: If not provisioned (fully erased before flash), device will form |
| new OpenThread network and promote itself to leader (Current role: leader). |
| To join into already existing OT network, either enable CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_JOINER=y |
| and CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_JOINER_AUTOSTART=y and send join request from other |
| already joined device with joiner capabilities, or provision it manually |
| from console: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| ot thread stop |
| ot channel <channel> |
| ot networkname <network name> |
| ot masterkey <key> |
| ot panid <panid> |
| ot extpanid <extpanid> |
| ot thread start |
| |
| You could get all parameters for existing OT network from your OTBR with |
| the following command: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| wpanctl get Thread:ActiveDataset |
| |
| Queue Mode Support |
| ================== |
| |
| To build the lwm2m-client sample with LWM2M Queue Mode support do the following: |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/lwm2m_client |
| :host-os: unix |
| :board: <board to use> |
| :conf: "prj.conf overlay-queue.conf" |
| :goals: build |
| :compact: |
| |
| With Queue Mode enabled, the LWM2M client will register with "UDP with Queue |
| Mode" binding. The LWM2M engine will notify the application with |
| ``LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_QUEUE_MODE_RX_OFF`` event when the RX window |
| is closed so it can e. g. turn the radio off. The next RX window will be open |
| with consecutive ``LWM2M_RD_CLIENT_EVENT_REG_UPDATE_COMPLETE`` event. |
| |
| WNC-M14A2A LTE-M Modem Support |
| ============================== |
| |
| To build the lwm2m-client sample for use with the WNC-M14A2A LTE-M modem |
| shield do the following: |
| |
| .. zephyr-app-commands:: |
| :zephyr-app: samples/net/lwm2m_client |
| :host-os: unix |
| :board: <board to use> |
| :conf: "prj.conf overlay-wncm14a2a.conf" |
| :goals: build |
| :compact: |
| |
| Sample output without DTLS enabled |
| ================================== |
| |
| The following is sample output from the QEMU console. First, LwM2M engine is |
| initialized. Then, several LwM2M Smart Objects register themselves with the |
| engine. The sample app then sets some client values so that they can be seen |
| in the Leshan Demo Server interface, and finally, the registration request is |
| sent to the server where the endpoint is initialized. |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| To exit from QEMU enter: 'CTRL+a, x' |
| [QEMU] CPU: qemu32,+nx,+pae |
| qemu-system-i386: warning: Unknown firmware file in legacy mode: genroms/multiboot.bin |
| |
| shell> [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_init: LWM2M engine thread started |
| [lwm2m_obj_security] [DBG] security_create: Create LWM2M security instance: 0 |
| [lwm2m_obj_server] [DBG] server_create: Create LWM2M server instance: 0 |
| [lwm2m_obj_device] [DBG] device_create: Create LWM2M device instance: 0 |
| [lwm2m_obj_firmware] [DBG] firmware_create: Create LWM2M firmware instance: 0 |
| [lwm2m-client] [INF] main: Run LWM2M client |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_set: path:3/0/0, value:0x0001c99e, len:6 |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_set: path:3/0/1, value:0x0001c9ab, len:23 |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_set: path:3/0/2, value:0x0001c9c9, len:9 |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_set: path:3/0/3, value:0x0001c9d9, len:3 |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_set: path:3/0/9, value:0x0041a3a4, len:1 |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_set: path:3/0/10, value:0x0041a3b4, len:4 |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_set: path:3/0/17, value:0x0001c9fc, len:16 |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_set: path:3/0/18, value:0x0001ca14, len:5 |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_set: path:3/0/20, value:0x0041a3a4, len:1 |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_set: path:3/0/21, value:0x0041a3b4, len:4 |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_create_obj_inst: path:3303/0 |
| [ipso_temp_sensor] [DBG] temp_sensor_create: Create IPSO Temperature Sensor instance: 0 |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_engine_set: path:3303/0/5700, value:0x0041a3b8, len:8 |
| [lib/lwm2m_rd_client] [INF] lwm2m_rd_client_start: LWM2M Client: qemu_x86 |
| [lib/lwm2m_rd_client] [INF] sm_do_init: RD Client started with endpoint 'qemu_x86' and client lifetime 0 |
| [lib/lwm2m_rd_client] [DBG] sm_send_registration: registration sent [2001:db8::2] |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_udp_receive: checking for reply from [2001:db8::2] |
| [lib/lwm2m_rd_client] [DBG] do_registration_reply_cb: Registration callback (code:2.1) |
| [lwm2m-client] [DBG] rd_client_event: Registration complete |
| [lib/lwm2m_rd_client] [INF] do_registration_reply_cb: Registration Done (EP='EZd501ZF26') |
| [lib/lwm2m_engine] [DBG] lwm2m_udp_receive: reply 0x004001ec handled and removed |