blob: 58ddbb3c6cd415448b803ffe8888b93cb9c6686e [file] [log] [blame]
Title: Zephyr File System Demo
Demonstrates basic file and dir operations using the Zephyr file system.
Building and Running Project:
The demo will run on native_sim using the flash simulator.
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DBOARD=native_sim ..
make run
To test fatfs on MMC, add this cmake option to your build command:
Sample Output:
***** BOOTING ZEPHYR OS v1.6.99 - BUILD: Feb 8 2017 07:33:07 *****
Running test suite fat_fs_basic_test
tc_start() - test_fat_file
Open tests:
Creating new file testfile.txt
Opened file testfile.txt
Write tests:
Data written:"hello world!"
Data successfully written!
Sync tests:
Read tests:
Data read:"hello world!"
Data read matches data written
Truncate tests:
Testing shrink to 0 size
Testing write after truncating
Write tests:
Data written:"hello world!"
Data successfully written!
Original size of file = 12
Testing shrinking
File size after shrinking by 5 bytes = 7
Testing expanding
File size after expanding by 10 bytes = 17
Testing for zeroes in expanded region
Close tests:
Closed file testfile.txt
Delete tests:
File (testfile.txt) deleted successfully!
PASS - test_fat_file.
tc_start() - test_fat_dir
mkdir tests:
Creating new dir testdir
Write tests:
Data written:"hello world!"
Data successfully written!
Created dir testdir!
lsdir tests:
Listing dir /:
[FILE] TEST.C (size = 10)
[DIR ] 1
lsdir tests:
Listing dir testdir:
[FILE] TESTFILE.TXT (size = 12)
rmdir tests:
Removing testdir/TESTFILE.TXT
Removed dir testdir!
lsdir tests:
Listing dir /:
[FILE] TEST.C (size = 10)
[DIR ] 1
PASS - test_fat_dir.
tc_start() - test_fat_fs
Optimal transfer block size = 512
Allocation unit size = 1024
Volume size in f_frsize units = 2028
Free space in f_frsize units = 2025
PASS - test_fat_fs.