blob: 79e014898bb42378551738e8e6f6d5d91d0afdc8 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _serpente:
Arturo182 Serpente
The Serpente is a very small low-cost development and prototyping
board equipped with 4MiB flash storage, a PWM enabled RGB led and 6 I/O pins.
The board comes with 3 different USB connector options: USB Type-C plug,
USB Type-C socket and USB Type-A plug.
.. image:: img/serpente.jpg
:align: center
:alt: Serpente Boards
- ATSAMD21E18A ARM Cortex-M0+ processor at 48 MHz
- 256 KiB flash memory and 32 KiB of RAM
- Extra 4MiB SPI flash memory
- RGB User LED
- Reset button
- Native USB port
Supported Features
The Serpente board configuration supports the
following hardware features:
| Interface | Controller | Driver/Component |
| NVIC | on-chip | nested vector interrupt controller |
| Flash | on-chip | Can be used with LittleFS to store files |
| SYSTICK | on-chip | systick |
| WDT | on-chip | Watchdog |
| GPIO | on-chip | I/O ports |
| PWM | on-chip | Pulse Width Modulation |
| USART | on-chip | Serial ports |
| SPI | on-chip | Serial Peripheral Interface ports |
| USB | on-chip | USB device |
Other hardware features are not currently supported by Zephyr.
The default configuration can be found in the Kconfig file
Connections and IOs
The `Serpente documentation`_ has detailed information about the board
including `pinouts`_ and the `schematic`_.
System Clock
The SAMD21 MCU is configured to use the 8MHz internal oscillator
with the on-chip PLL generating the 48 MHz system clock.
USB Device Port
The SAMD21 MCU has a USB device port that can be used to communicate
with a host PC. See the :ref:`usb-samples` sample applications for
more, such as the :ref:`usb_cdc-acm` sample which prints "Hello World!"
to the host PC.
Programming and Debugging
The Serpente ships the BOSSA compatible UF2 bootloader. The bootloader
can be entered by quickly tapping the reset button twice.
#. Build the Zephyr kernel and the :ref:`blinky-sample` sample application:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/basic/blinky
:board: serpente
:goals: build
#. Connect the Serpente to your host computer using USB
#. Tap the reset button twice quickly to enter bootloader mode
#. Flash the image:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/basic/blinky
:board: serpente
:goals: flash
You should see the User LED blink.
.. target-notes::
.. _Serpente documentation:
.. _pinouts:
.. _schematic: